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"I love my Xbox"

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Thu 21/03/02 at 02:09
Posts: 787
I got one.
Been hammering Halo with a mate since I got it on Tuesday.
Fantastic game, if only for one feature:

Co-Op Multiplayer.
2 people, split-screen playing the full game. Not deathmatch or any silly extra like that, but 2 of you going through the game together.
I haven't seen that for a loooong time and it makes the world of difference. A fantastic idea that more games should use.

Rallisport Challenge.
Best rally game I've played on any console.
Jet Set Radio Future (or something)
Odd but good. Like Tonty Hawks without the stupid falling off every 12 seconds or big-shorted rock monkeys on the soundtrack.

So why do I like my Xbox?
Because it's quieter than my PS2, loads faster, looks better and I prefer the controllers.
The analogue sticks are in the ideal position, left one slightly higher than the right, as it should be.
Buttons are placed exactly where you need them and it's a top design.

Microsoft have the money to stay the distance.
Sony has had exclusive market to the Gen X gamers, nothing to balance it off, except now there is the Xbox.
And I think that's only a good thing.
A lot of titles are going to be multi-format, which negates the "I must get PS2 for this game!" because you can get or will be able to get, the major Sony titles on the Xbox.
I like the idea that a game can be played on either system, creates a level playing field where the machines compete on equal footing.

I'm not knocking Sony,I'm a devout fan of the PS2 and PSX, but I prefer the Xbox for no real reason other than I love my PC and now I get similar games on a console I can play downstairs having a smoke and pizza with mates around me,instead of hunched over a monitor.
Fri 22/03/02 at 11:53
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
An informed opinion there.

I take it you'e a Ninty then?
Fri 22/03/02 at 11:53
Posts: 3,307
The Game wrote:
> X-Box = Dreamcast 2.

I played Halo, and I have to admit, it didn't look too
> original. Rareware did all that Co-Op shít with Perfect Dark... Rare are
> miles a head of X-Box...

If Rare developed for X-Box, their games would
> píss on Halo! In fact, StarFox and PD2 will píss on Halo...

Good graphics come as standard on X-Box... if you were to lower the
> graphical quality of Halo... it'd be nothing more than a Turok/Perfect Dark
> rip-off!

Using alien weapons - Perfect Dark
Co-Op - Perfect Dark

> of Bungie must be a Rare fan.

could'nt agree more... well I could but hey! whats the point? x-box is a huge rip-off though ;)
slik ~_~
Fri 22/03/02 at 11:51
"Fishing For Reddies"
Posts: 4,986
X-Box = Dreamcast 2.

I played Halo, and I have to admit, it didn't look too original. Rareware did all that Co-Op shít with Perfect Dark... Rare are miles a head of X-Box...

If Rare developed for X-Box, their games would píss on Halo! In fact, StarFox and PD2 will píss on Halo...

Good graphics come as standard on X-Box... if you were to lower the graphical quality of Halo... it'd be nothing more than a Turok/Perfect Dark rip-off!

Using alien weapons - Perfect Dark
Co-Op - Perfect Dark

The CEO of Bungie must be a Rare fan.
Fri 22/03/02 at 10:50
Posts: 23,284
You 'krazy kats' and your gaming machines.
Fri 22/03/02 at 10:48
"I confused?"
Posts: 2,440
That was good.
Fri 22/03/02 at 10:44
"not dead"
Posts: 11,145
Goatboy wrote:
> I haven't played a decent Star Wars game yet, regardless of platform.

I thought Star Wars on the NES was excellent. Levels based on parts of the game, you could play as different characters for different scenes, you got to ride in the landspeeder, and shoot down Tie fighters. That was pretty cool.
Fri 22/03/02 at 10:43
Posts: 23,216
Jedi Knight 2, you mean?

Yup. That's getting some damn decent reviews. You better get that so we can all go have lightsaber fights.
Fri 22/03/02 at 10:41
"I confused?"
Posts: 2,440
Try the one on the GC it amazing the whole thing looks like and intro squence and the gameplay is brilliant.
Fri 22/03/02 at 10:40
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
I haven't played a decent Star Wars game yet, regardless of platform.

I didn't hate TPM, just thought it was ok. But there is a PC one coming out in the next couple of weeks that's supposed to rock
Fri 22/03/02 at 10:25
Posts: 23,216
To be fair, if I hated Episode One [Which I do], but if the game was excellent [which it isn't... it's getting average reviews, and when I say average, I mean 5/10], I would definitely get it. Franchaise is nothing if the game is good.

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