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"I love my Xbox"

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Thu 21/03/02 at 02:09
Posts: 787
I got one.
Been hammering Halo with a mate since I got it on Tuesday.
Fantastic game, if only for one feature:

Co-Op Multiplayer.
2 people, split-screen playing the full game. Not deathmatch or any silly extra like that, but 2 of you going through the game together.
I haven't seen that for a loooong time and it makes the world of difference. A fantastic idea that more games should use.

Rallisport Challenge.
Best rally game I've played on any console.
Jet Set Radio Future (or something)
Odd but good. Like Tonty Hawks without the stupid falling off every 12 seconds or big-shorted rock monkeys on the soundtrack.

So why do I like my Xbox?
Because it's quieter than my PS2, loads faster, looks better and I prefer the controllers.
The analogue sticks are in the ideal position, left one slightly higher than the right, as it should be.
Buttons are placed exactly where you need them and it's a top design.

Microsoft have the money to stay the distance.
Sony has had exclusive market to the Gen X gamers, nothing to balance it off, except now there is the Xbox.
And I think that's only a good thing.
A lot of titles are going to be multi-format, which negates the "I must get PS2 for this game!" because you can get or will be able to get, the major Sony titles on the Xbox.
I like the idea that a game can be played on either system, creates a level playing field where the machines compete on equal footing.

I'm not knocking Sony,I'm a devout fan of the PS2 and PSX, but I prefer the Xbox for no real reason other than I love my PC and now I get similar games on a console I can play downstairs having a smoke and pizza with mates around me,instead of hunched over a monitor.
Thu 21/03/02 at 07:26
Posts: 5,630
stupid me, why didn't I think of that!
Thu 21/03/02 at 07:22
Posts: 2,833
You ask it to dance. I thought everyone knew that!
Thu 21/03/02 at 07:21
Posts: 5,630
Mr. Happy wrote:
The Gamecube is cheaper but the
> release games look a tad gay.

How do you determine the sexuality of a computer game?

Just interested...
Thu 21/03/02 at 02:39
"I'm not Orgazmo"
Posts: 9,159
*Nintendo fan gets angry at the Goat


Nah, Nintendo do mostly cater for kids, lets face it Sony appeals to adults more so Nintendo focus more on dominating a different age group simple.

Anyway this is console wars, forget it.

So Goatboy, nothing will persuade you to get a Gamecube? Not even this flash Rogue Sqadron that's coming out?

Think you'll ever change your mind? Just wondering, not moaning or anything.
Thu 21/03/02 at 02:38
"funky blitzkreig"
Posts: 2,540
Cheers. I'll probably wait till the inevitable price fall before I get an Xbox, if I get an X-box, and then see if Nintendo's still cutesy bfore settling on one or the other. Also Service Pack One should be out for the X-box by then :-)
Thu 21/03/02 at 02:34
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
I've said it before with slightly sarcastic tones, but Nintendo cater for the younger market.
That's not intended as a slur on Nintendo at all, it's stating a fact - their target are children and those that prefer slightly less cerebral (not really the word I'm after) games.
Now some irate Ninty will start to froth, but that's how it is.

Sony go for the Gen X "cool" market, hence David Lynch adverts and "The Third Place", and I think Microsoft is aiming at a similar market, Sony have dominance on the expendable income market, wheras Nintendo are geared more towards the family market.

I think Sony & Microsoft will lock horns, whilst Nintendo get on with what they've always done:
Provide solid gaming with little or no gore, and concentrate on the "fun" factor of their titles.
My opinion is if you like colourful, engaging games with not much killing/war/aggression/sports, then either the PS2 or Xbox are your thing.
But if you're after a softer, more relaxed type of game (Mario etc) then the Gamecube is where you'll find most pleasure.

They all have something to offer, but what Nintendo offer is markedly different to the other two consoles.
Again, not in a bad way, they just know their market and play to those strengths. You get the occasional "adult" title like Conkers or Perfect Dark, but for the most part it's cutesy games with nice characters and little or no destruction.

That doesn't interest me, and I served my time with my PS2, and now I'm on the Xbox and loving it.
For my needs and the games I like, Microsoft have provided me with the ideal system, and I know Nintendo aren't my thing so I steer clear of it.
Thu 21/03/02 at 02:19
"funky blitzkreig"
Posts: 2,540
How do you see the gamecube fitting into the games market now then?

I'm still in decision-process-mode. I've played on an X-box twice - once in America where it was poo and once over here where it ruled - The Gamecube is cheaper but the release games look a tad gay.

Can anyone sell the X-box in comparison to the Gamecube?
Thu 21/03/02 at 02:12
"That's right!"
Posts: 10,645
I bet this wins GAD instead of my Strykeinator spoof, heh ;)
Thu 21/03/02 at 02:09
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
I got one.
Been hammering Halo with a mate since I got it on Tuesday.
Fantastic game, if only for one feature:

Co-Op Multiplayer.
2 people, split-screen playing the full game. Not deathmatch or any silly extra like that, but 2 of you going through the game together.
I haven't seen that for a loooong time and it makes the world of difference. A fantastic idea that more games should use.

Rallisport Challenge.
Best rally game I've played on any console.
Jet Set Radio Future (or something)
Odd but good. Like Tonty Hawks without the stupid falling off every 12 seconds or big-shorted rock monkeys on the soundtrack.

So why do I like my Xbox?
Because it's quieter than my PS2, loads faster, looks better and I prefer the controllers.
The analogue sticks are in the ideal position, left one slightly higher than the right, as it should be.
Buttons are placed exactly where you need them and it's a top design.

Microsoft have the money to stay the distance.
Sony has had exclusive market to the Gen X gamers, nothing to balance it off, except now there is the Xbox.
And I think that's only a good thing.
A lot of titles are going to be multi-format, which negates the "I must get PS2 for this game!" because you can get or will be able to get, the major Sony titles on the Xbox.
I like the idea that a game can be played on either system, creates a level playing field where the machines compete on equal footing.

I'm not knocking Sony,I'm a devout fan of the PS2 and PSX, but I prefer the Xbox for no real reason other than I love my PC and now I get similar games on a console I can play downstairs having a smoke and pizza with mates around me,instead of hunched over a monitor.

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