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"I love my Xbox"

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Thu 21/03/02 at 02:09
Posts: 787
I got one.
Been hammering Halo with a mate since I got it on Tuesday.
Fantastic game, if only for one feature:

Co-Op Multiplayer.
2 people, split-screen playing the full game. Not deathmatch or any silly extra like that, but 2 of you going through the game together.
I haven't seen that for a loooong time and it makes the world of difference. A fantastic idea that more games should use.

Rallisport Challenge.
Best rally game I've played on any console.
Jet Set Radio Future (or something)
Odd but good. Like Tonty Hawks without the stupid falling off every 12 seconds or big-shorted rock monkeys on the soundtrack.

So why do I like my Xbox?
Because it's quieter than my PS2, loads faster, looks better and I prefer the controllers.
The analogue sticks are in the ideal position, left one slightly higher than the right, as it should be.
Buttons are placed exactly where you need them and it's a top design.

Microsoft have the money to stay the distance.
Sony has had exclusive market to the Gen X gamers, nothing to balance it off, except now there is the Xbox.
And I think that's only a good thing.
A lot of titles are going to be multi-format, which negates the "I must get PS2 for this game!" because you can get or will be able to get, the major Sony titles on the Xbox.
I like the idea that a game can be played on either system, creates a level playing field where the machines compete on equal footing.

I'm not knocking Sony,I'm a devout fan of the PS2 and PSX, but I prefer the Xbox for no real reason other than I love my PC and now I get similar games on a console I can play downstairs having a smoke and pizza with mates around me,instead of hunched over a monitor.
Thu 21/03/02 at 16:06
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
Goatboy, I take it you don't plan on getting Star Wars: Obi-Wan at any point, especially considering you didn't like the movie.

Anyway, glad ya like it. I'd like one, but it's too expensive and I'm more than happy with my PS2.
Thu 21/03/02 at 12:07
"I confused?"
Posts: 2,440
it perfect if you want to get banned.
Thu 21/03/02 at 12:05
Posts: 3,307
Jimmy Duck wrote:
> Hey slik did you get the joke, i sent you.

yeah i did thx, i wont be posting it though ;)
slik ~_~
Thu 21/03/02 at 12:01
"I confused?"
Posts: 2,440
Hey slik did you get the joke, i sent you.
Thu 21/03/02 at 12:00
Posts: 3,307
Allthough Microsoft may be aiming for the more "adult" market and Nintendo supposedly opting for the more "family friendly" approach, does'nt anyone find that there is little originality with the X-box games as opposed to the Gamecubes lineup?
I mean sure the X-box has Halo which is a damn fine game and has a fair amount of innovation, and a few others such as fusion frenzy e.t.c, but apart form that it would seem to be mostly port after port, ok this can be a good thing as well as bad but most of these are PS2 crossovers which lets face it, they hardly "push" the console to it's limits do they?
But who here is actually going to fork out £44.99 for say Tony Hawks 3, which asides from 1 extra level and very slightly enhanced graphics?
Having said that there are decent ports around such as Resident Evil Biohazard, which i dont object to as it has'nt been "rushed" like so many other ports like SSX tricky which was terribly sloppy and did'nt push the Gamecube one bit, apart from being a decent port it has also improved upon the original by adding a whole new meaning to the word realism plus making it a staggering 70% larger than it's predacessor!
Also ports of really decent games are good as long as their done properly, i mean take GTA3 one of (in my opinion) the few decent games available on the PS2, providing it improves upon the graphics (for both xbox and GC) and gets rid of any niggles & glitches, I would be more than happy to pay around £40.00 for it (as long as Nintendo dont censor the blood :D)
As for originality on Nintendo's part they have more or less redifined the meaning of the word and on of the main reasons why I keep buying Nintendo's consoles is mainly due to the way that they allways manage to come up with innovative and original ideas and games for each console that they produce.
I admit though that they are starting to lose their touch in a way by creating shorter games, and lets face it how many more sequels can they possibly do for Mario and Zelda?
Maybe they'll never stop being original, but lets face it all good things have to come to an end someday... dont they? hmm, actually thats a rather interesting thought, and one I think I shall end this post on and ponder about it for a while...
thanks for reading.
slik ~_~
Thu 21/03/02 at 11:30
"Not your monkey"
Posts: 2,104
Fogmaster wrote:
>I doubt if a game wasn't playable on the internet you wouldn't play it for long,

Personal opinion I guess. I don't have an internet connection I can play games on though so all games I play are generally single player.

Still prefer it to consoles.
Thu 21/03/02 at 11:25
Posts: 4,741
PC games are so much better, I doubt if a game wasn't playable on the internet you wouldn't play it for long, except Commandos 2 which just happens to be one of those games you have to play for 1 or 2 hours at a time.
When millions of people have consoles online it will be a lot better for these reason:
* more people have and play games on consoles
* The consoles are all the same spec so everyone will be playing at the same speed, so it's the gamer that makes the difference.

I thought they'd be more reasons, but I can't think of any.

i'm still looking forward to news about games being played on all three consoles: X-Box, GC and the PS2, that would be very cool.
Thu 21/03/02 at 10:46
"Not your monkey"
Posts: 2,104
Goatboy wrote:
> That was the main selling point for me.

To be able to play PC type games
> downstairs in comfort.
I really, really enjoy PC games. I'm still playing
> Commandos 2, Flashpoint, Wolfenstein etc months after their release, whereas I
> usually play console games for a week or two max, before they gather dust until
> mates fancy a go.

Exactly, I have Goldeneye etc which sit in my cupboard and get played when mates come over. Same with mario kart.

GTA3 etc is for occassional light relief as 'no brainer' gaming.

PC games just keep me hooked. A game of commandos 2, delta force 3, MOH etc can continue long into the night without you realising the time. True imersive games like these are my favourite (plus they are generally cheaper than the average console game).

Can't say anything for the Xbox because I don't have one yet but if its as you say, I shall invest very shortly!
Thu 21/03/02 at 10:20
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
That was the main selling point for me.

To be able to play PC type games downstairs in comfort.
I really, really enjoy PC games. I'm still playing Commandos 2, Flashpoint, Wolfenstein etc months after their release, whereas I usually play console games for a week or two max, before they gather dust until mates fancy a go.

PC gaming is more involving for me personally, and I trust Microsoft to deliver the types of games that appeal to me more than I do Sony.
Microsoft tend to release their games at the same time worldwide, with no territory hassles unlike Sony Japan, Sony America, Sony Europe etc who all seem to keep games for their own regions.

Microsoft blanket the world, which means I can reasonably expect a game in the States to appear here at the same time.
Thu 21/03/02 at 10:15
"Not your monkey"
Posts: 2,104
Goaty wrote:
> "I prefer the Xbox for no real reason other than I love my PC and now I get similar games on a console I can play downstairs having a smoke and pizza with mates around me,instead of hunched over a monitor."

Its this which will probably make me get the Xbox in the end. I rarely play consoles unless for some 'quick relief' type games (that sounds really dodgy doesn't it?). The only games I really get into are PC games. A console which plays these kinds of games sounds great.

I even bought a wide screen TV and PAL converter so I could play PC games on a nice big TV if I wanted (plus DVD's).

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