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Thu 23/09/04 at 16:39
Posts: 545
I couldn't think up a title so I used the example provided.

Umm. So, is Console Wars a contest of some kind? Do I have to console people?

Alright, here goes: There, there. Turn that frown upside down.

Do I win a prize?
Thu 23/09/04 at 18:35
"Puerile Shagging"
Posts: 15,009
Tanoy wrote:
> I'm a virgin, but for...specific reasons.

Fair enough. Care to share why?

> In all seriousness, I doubt I'll ever get intimate with anyone of any
> gender ever. I'm not that sad about it though, oddly.

Really? And there's me trying to be intimate with just about every lass I can. Not just lasses. That fence outside is looking mighty fine in the evening sunlight.
Thu 23/09/04 at 18:32
Posts: 545
English_Bloke wrote:
> Anyway, welcome to this hell hole... I mean the forums.
> Also, to save me reading lots of pap, what has been
> "admitted"?

I'm a virgin, but for...specific reasons.

In all seriousness, I doubt I'll ever get intimate with anyone of any gender ever. I'm not that sad about it though, oddly.
Thu 23/09/04 at 18:31
Posts: 545
Whitestripes DX wrote:
> Tanoy wrote:
> stuff
> Hooray, that's mostly what I planed on doing.
> If you don't mind naswering more questions, what sort of things did
> you get asked in your interviews? Is there anything I should swot up
> on?

I'll tell you about interviews when you get to it. In the meantime, get off the damn computer and do some bloody work, kid.

(It's sad but I must say it: That last sentence wasn't serious. Didn't mean to confuse anyone.)
Thu 23/09/04 at 18:27
"Puerile Shagging"
Posts: 15,009
Anyway, welcome to this hell hole... I mean the forums.

Also, to save me reading lots of pap, what has been "admitted"?
Thu 23/09/04 at 18:27
Posts: 545
Grix Thraves wrote:
> Nothing wrong with a good Dyson.
> I don't really know the main differences between men's and women's
> minds to be honest, other than the general attaction towards the
> opposite sex, and that's not so interesting.
> Still, hats off to admitting, must be quite difficult to deal with.

Okay, I'm thinking of taking you off my list now. If you make a new topic, we can discuss the stuff seriously if you want.
Thu 23/09/04 at 18:25
Posts: 545
English_Bloke wrote:
> I've never felt so confused about a thread before from reading the
> first and last page.

At least you actually read the first page and so realised it wasn't about console wars. I'm sure someone is going to reply with 'XBOX RULEZ' without even reading a single post in this thread. IT'S JUST A MATTER OF WHEN.
Thu 23/09/04 at 18:23
Posts: 545
Very_Metal wrote:
> Tanoy wrote:
> So watch your tongue, as you may accidentally say something which I
> find quite offensive.
> good lord, you've been an obnoxious prat since you arrived and you
> have the nerve to tell people not to offend you?
> you may (or may not, you could be lying) have an abnormality of some
> kind, but that doesn't give you the right to be a nobtard to people
> under a blanket of "you can't retort, i'm different".
> and for the record, if i offend you, it's not by accident.

I was being ironic with my 'watch your tongue - you might ACCIDENTALLY offend me' - I mean, you've been bloody insulting me all day, what planet are you on?

*Laughs out loud*

I didn't actually laugh out loud, I simply wanted to make it certain that I consider you a person to be laughed at.
Thu 23/09/04 at 18:22
"Puerile Shagging"
Posts: 15,009
I've never felt so confused about a thread before from reading the first and last page.
Thu 23/09/04 at 18:17
Posts: 23,216
Nothing wrong with a good Dyson.

I don't really know the main differences between men's and women's minds to be honest, other than the general attaction towards the opposite sex, and that's not so interesting.

Still, hats off to admitting, must be quite difficult to deal with.
Thu 23/09/04 at 18:12
"For One Night Only"
Posts: 3,773
Very_Metal wrote:
> Tanoy wrote:
> So watch your tongue, as you may accidentally say something which I
> find quite offensive.
> good lord, you've been an obnoxious prat since you arrived and you
> have the nerve to tell people not to offend you?
> you may (or may not, you could be lying) have an abnormality of some
> kind, but that doesn't give you the right to be a nobtard to people
> under a blanket of "you can't retort, i'm different".
> and for the record, if i offend you, it's not by accident.


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