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Thu 23/09/04 at 16:39
Posts: 545
I couldn't think up a title so I used the example provided.

Umm. So, is Console Wars a contest of some kind? Do I have to console people?

Alright, here goes: There, there. Turn that frown upside down.

Do I win a prize?
Thu 23/09/04 at 18:58
"Puerile Shagging"
Posts: 15,009
When you said wouldn't "fit in" I thought you had a different problem.
Thu 23/09/04 at 18:57
Posts: 545
Well what did your edited post originally say?

I'm intruiged as to what you thought I was talking about.
Thu 23/09/04 at 18:50
"Puerile Shagging"
Posts: 15,009
Yeah, I get it now. My post that I edited to say ignore me was way off, mind.
Thu 23/09/04 at 18:49
Posts: 545
English_Bloke wrote:
> Ignore me

How about I put it this way:

I'm horny, but I can't perform, yet I'm not impotent, because I could still pop my cherry, yet no one will have sex with me, despite my having a pretty nice face, which is feminine with more than a few touches of masculinity.

You catch my drift yet, matey?
Thu 23/09/04 at 18:45
Posts: 545
Very_Metal wrote:
> Tanoy wrote:
> I was being ironic with my 'watch your tongue - you might
> ACCIDENTALLY offend me'
> then you're crap at irony.
> the tone of this post didn't differ at all from your other posts

Umm...about 70% of my posts here were jokey/ironic. So most of my other posts sounded the same way because they also were being ironic.
Thu 23/09/04 at 18:45
"Dr. Chad Niga"
Posts: 4,550
It might be because you try to insult them at first sight.
Thu 23/09/04 at 18:44
"you've got a beard"
Posts: 7,442
English_Bloke wrote:
> Tanoy wrote:
> I'm a virgin, but for...specific reasons.
> Fair enough. Care to share why?

check his tagline E_B, apparantly it's the truth.
although it seems you're only going to get a load of hints and veiled references from the man himself.
Thu 23/09/04 at 18:44
"Puerile Shagging"
Posts: 15,009
Ignore me
Thu 23/09/04 at 18:43
"you've got a beard"
Posts: 7,442
Tanoy wrote:

> I was being ironic with my 'watch your tongue - you might
> ACCIDENTALLY offend me'

then you're crap at irony.
the tone of that post didn't differ at all from your other posts where you were just being aggressive, which incidently loses a lot in a medium such as this, you just come off looking like a plank.

> I mean, you've been bloody insulting me all day,

not at all, i gave you a chance and was courteous to you at first, but then it became clear you were a dick, whether you have one or not.

> I didn't actually laugh out loud, I simply wanted to make it certain
> that I consider you a person to be laughed at.

i agree. but for different reasons.
Thu 23/09/04 at 18:42
Posts: 545
> I'm a virgin, but for...specific reasons.
> Fair enough. Care to share why?

Well...I don't really 'fit in' with people.

So to speak.

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