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Thu 23/09/04 at 16:39
Posts: 545
I couldn't think up a title so I used the example provided.

Umm. So, is Console Wars a contest of some kind? Do I have to console people?

Alright, here goes: There, there. Turn that frown upside down.

Do I win a prize?
Thu 23/09/04 at 18:12
"you've got a beard"
Posts: 7,442
Tanoy wrote:
> Silent Thunder wrote:
> Well previous JATs have been attracted to such things.
> What's a JAT? Is it 'Just Arrived Today'?

sometimes it's "regular in disguise"
Thu 23/09/04 at 18:11
"you've got a beard"
Posts: 7,442
Tanoy wrote:

> So watch your tongue, as you may accidentally say something which I
> find quite offensive.

good lord, you've been an obnoxious prat since you arrived and you have the nerve to tell people not to offend you?

you may (or may not, you could be lying) have an abnormality of some kind, but that doesn't give you the right to be a nobtard to people under a blanket of "you can't retort, i'm different".

and for the record, if i offend you, it's not by accident.
Thu 23/09/04 at 18:11
Posts: 11,875
Tanoy wrote:
> stuff

Hooray, that's mostly what I planed on doing.

If you don't mind naswering more questions, what sort of things did you get asked in your interviews? Is there anything I should swot up on?
Thu 23/09/04 at 18:10
Posts: 545
Silent Thunder wrote:
> Well previous JATs have been attracted to such things.

What's a JAT? Is it 'Just Arrived Today'?
Thu 23/09/04 at 18:07
Posts: 12,425
Well previous JATs have been attracted to such things.
Thu 23/09/04 at 18:06
Posts: 545
Silent Thunder wrote:
> Are you attracted to kitchen appliances?

Well...are you being serious or are you just making a joke at my expense?
Thu 23/09/04 at 18:04
Posts: 12,425
Are you attracted to kitchen appliances?
Thu 23/09/04 at 18:02
Posts: 545
Grix Thraves wrote:
> Well, at least can see where the frustration mounts from now. Out of
> interest, is it just the body that's affected, or does the mind
> develop in two sexes as well?

My mind is completely normal if that's what you're asking. Although you may want to be a bit more specific.
Thu 23/09/04 at 18:01
Posts: 545
Whitestripes DX wrote:
> I meant the application process really. Any tips?

I got a Yes from all four of my Uni's. So I'm qualified enough to give the following McTips:

-Hound your form tutor (or whoever writes your reference) to give you predicted grades of 3 A's.

-Send off your form early (I sent mine off on the first day)

-Join a sports club, make up an acheivement to do with it. Not football, though.

-Do it on the computer, get your college to print it off onto a sticker paper and stick it on your ucas form.

-Do some voluntary work (I went to an old people's home for 3 hours, and told them I'd worked voluntarily there for 2 weeks)

Thu 23/09/04 at 17:57
Posts: 23,216
Well, at least can see where the frustration mounts from now. Out of interest, is it just the body that's affected, or does the mind develop in two sexes as well?

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