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"He held aloft the mighty sword..."

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Mon 09/04/01 at 11:37
Posts: 787
SNIPER was bored. So what if monsters had begun attacking the city again? There was nothing he could do about it. If those other stupid idiots he sometimes called his friends wanted to try to stop them, let them. He didn't want to go looking for any stupid sword.


"So where the hell has SNIPER gone now?" asked Your Honour, turning to the other members of the party.

Grix shrugged, there were much bigger things to worry about than the whereabouts of SNIPER.
Ant however had seen SNIPER disappear, so decided to speak up "Well, he said we were a bunch of stupid morons trying to find this sword, and went off that way." Ant pointed towards a meadow.

"Well if he doesn't care about our homes being destroyed and us being enslaved then so be it. I do, and I vow to find the Sword of Nogard, and slay those foul beasts that attack our homes!" Cried Your Honour, and the three of them set off into the forest.


SNIPER continued to wander through the meadow, it was a beautiful day, the suns were bright and the sky clear. Walking through the waist high grass amongst the butterfly was something that always helped to cheer SNIPER up. Maybe he should catch up with his friends he thought, and he too headed for the forest.


pb marched up to FantasyMeister. "You can't keep sending our men out to die! We only have limited resources, and cannot fight them out there in the fields!"

"Then what would you suggest pb, letting those beasts inside our city walls, letting them slaughter our wives and feed on our children?" Replied FM looking down on pb.

"But we cannot hold out forever. We need help!" said pb shaking his head, as he walked away.


SNIPER's mood had again changed for the worse. Where were those stupid idiots now? SNIPER looked round to see something catching the light in a clearing nearby. Maybe it was his friends! He ran into the clearing.

Moments later he realised that it was not his friends in the clearing, but something much more special. Stuck in the ground was a sword. The sword of Nogard! As SNIPER approached it he suddenly felt a chill in the air. The skies had clouded over, and the wind had picked up to such an extent that the trees creaked. If SNIPER could retrieve the sword, he would be a hero! No more would he be laughed at!

SNIPER grabbed the sword and pulled with all of his might. He could feel the first drops of a violent rain storm lash against his face. Still he pulled on the sword, until it gave up it's hold on the ground. SNIPER could feel great power within him as he held it.

He held it toward the skies as a sign of victory.

Grix didn't like this change in the weather. Not one bit. Why had it changed so suddenly? He could feel something strange in the air. "That way!" He cried, pointing towards a clearing nearby as thunder crashed in his ears and lightning lit up the skies.


"Aaaarghhhh!" Cried SNIPER as he was thrown to the ground. A lightning bolt had struck the sword and flowed through his body.


Your Honour was the first into the clearing. "It's SNIPER" he said, "Or at least it was...." he said, looking at the charred remains of his former companion.

"It looks as if we weren't the first at the scene" Said Ant, pointing towards some footprints leading out of the clearing. Next to these was a strange track, much like that that would be left be a sword, being dragged through grass........
Sat 02/06/01 at 17:11
Posts: 23,216
Grix stared at Dan.

"Aren't you supposed to be in a funny farm?"

"I got out. I'm sane again."

"Oh... who told you that?"

"The Game."

Grix stared at Dan.

And clicked his fingers.

Dan appeared back in his room... and he had some company.

"Hello Game. Why are you in here?"

"They caught me."

"They... what?"

"Pretending to be a doctor. Swines, I'm just as good as they are."

"Oh. Well, I thought you were a good doctor."

The Game smiled.


(What are you doing now?)

Grix pulled out a small computer, and turned it on.

"Writing myself out of the story, I have a little plan."

(Oh... ok.)

"Like a sudden disappearance, and then a surprise return, with a story to tell. At the last moment. That sort of sub-plot."

(Bit predictable?)

...Yeah. He was right, again. Damn. He needed something else.

"Oh... I know."

Grix got up, and pulled the emergency stop cord... the train screeched to a halt.

Grix forced open a door, and climbed out. The ticket man shouted at Grix, as he run into the distance.

(Ok. Now what?)

"Err... not sure."

(So jumping off the train was your plan.)

"...To put it simply, yes."

(And this is supposed to be unpredictable HOW, exactly?)

Grix thought to himself... what could he do, that would be totally unpredictable, and would add a new view to the plot...?


There was ONE thing... that would certainly add to the plot. Wasn't TOO predictable, but wasn't too bizarre either.

Grix climbed the hill that I forgot to describe earlier.

He fell to his stomach, and crawled his way to the top... and looked over...

An army... an entire army... of... penguins...

They all sat in the field below. The black and white creatures, all pretty bored.


"Yes. Penguins."

(That wasn't very imaginative.)

"...Well... I thought it was, actually."

(Anyone can think of an army of penguins. You need a REAL army. Come on, think harder, and try again.)

Grix climbed the grassy knoll... and fell to his knees, again. He pulled himself over the grass, and looked down.

Yes, there they were. An entire army of them...

The basketball players.

They sat in the grass, throwing a ball about themselves.

(Hmmm... still quite not right.)

"Oh jese... ok, I'll try again...

Grix edged his way to the top of the grass... dying to see what would lay in the fields this time.

He stopped, and dug into the grass, finding it hard to describe the same thing for the third time, even though he wasn't exactly being very descriptive.

Grix's eyes widened at the site he saw below...

Gurners, millions of them.

(Gurners? What use are they?)

"Well, they could try and scare the opposition. Make fac... oh alright. One more go."

Grix clawed into the dirt, and pulled himself up the ever-bigger hill... would this torment ever end? Would the reader get bored and find another thread? Would everybody ignore this section of the story and write their very own plot?

Probably all three were true, but his struggle against the sheer face of the hill ever continued.

Grix finally reached the top, and gasped for air. He hoped that he described it better this time, as he wasn't going to re-read it.

Grix, wiping the mud from his face and eyes, looked over the hill, down into the great field below.

And there they were. The final army, the ones that would help fight the final scenes, perhaps with huge explosions and loads of gunfire, and will finally bring balance to the force, and hopefully the story line.


Grix wiped his eyes again, and looked down.

Stunt men. Thousands of stunt men.


The army of Snipers, in another place altogether, although not a long time ago, and not all that far away, marched around the base. Meka had no idea where he was now... he may have still been in the fair, under the ghost train, or he may have been taken to a new location when he was sleeping. He may have even escaped, but Grix HAD scanned the past few pages, and he remembered the last bit that was written was about Meka looking at some trainers, who belonged to the main badguy of the story...

Who wore trainers? Who cared. He didn't even really know if that was the MAIN badguy. HE could turn out to be the main badbloke at this rate.

Never the less, he had to keep his chin up, not just because it would give him more hope, but so he could breath as well.

"Will you PLEASE let me out now!"

Meka had been in the swimming pool for days now, and his water treading not only was tiring him out, but also contradicting everything that had been writing about Meka in this post so far.

Meka was pulled out of the water, and chucked back into his cell. Perhaps he was going insane... he thought he was just in his cell.

He'll probably turn up in the past with Your Honour and VenomByte and that troll king, or perhaps with Pb, FM and Sniper as they set back for the village they were supposed to be protecting, still scared of the Dark Pb that had escaped from inside him... or perhaps with Grix, climbing that damn hill over and over again.

What? How did he know all that? Could he see what was happening in the plot? Or was he just reminding people of what had happened, even though the author wasn't that sure himself?

Who knows. Who cares, in fact. Oh, deja vu.
Wed 30/05/01 at 22:58
Posts: 9,848
Dan sat down in the psychologists room.

The psychologist was none other than:

The Game

He looked at his notes
"Okay, so Grix had you sent here..."

"It's only because I showed someone the game we were working on."

"No, it shows here that you are actually insane..."

Seeing the look on Dan's face he continued

"You suffer from "must find an explanationitus". It means that that you keep trying to make realism out of these stories when it's really not necessary. These stories aren't meant to be completely realistic."

"So I'm insane because I bring sanity to these stories and Sanity is insane among the insane residents of the world of SR"

"Yep, that's it"

The Games toast floated up to his mouth.

"Nothing here is real. Anything can happen, it's all up to your imagination. That's how Meka got his magic and Grix got the reset button."

"So it's all up to my imagination?"


"So I don't need your permission to go out then do I, I just have to go out."

"I think you're fully sane again."

With this, Dan clicked his fingers and appeared next to Grix on the train.

Grix looked to see the one he'd had sent to the asylum appearing next to him out of nowhere. Grix got the feeling that he himself had to go to that Asylum...
Wed 30/05/01 at 22:02
Posts: 9,848
The Overlord was very upset. He gone into Dan uk's mind to find that his consious wasn't sleeping, it was just playing on the N-chip!

Dan uk's consious had caught him loitering around the brain, put up a fight and the Overlord had ended up trapped in a bottle with was placed on one of the synapses.

"Listen, I've got a session with the psychologist today which could get me my freedom and I really don't need you messing it up...

No, I'm not going to let you go. You're a trouble maker, you got Nintendo closed down and you need to stay in there for a few years and think about what you've done!"

After that, Dan's consious left from inside the mind and took control of the body as normal. He had to get ready for the psychologist.
Wed 30/05/01 at 10:35
Posts: 14,117
The Orc King looked at Venombytes outstretched hand curiously, then held his own hand out. The two of them shook hands, looking deeply into each others eyes. YH groaned, he left the two of them to have their "moment" and walked off a ways to leave them to it.

YH felt a bit upset. He put a hand on his his stomach. He wasn't *that* fat. Was he? He looked down, he could still see his feet so he-

"Oi! YH, over here!"

YH turned around, he'd walked quite far in that short space of time, he started to walk back to the Orc King and Venombyte, across the grassy field on the outskirts of the fairground.

"What are we going to do now?" Asked YH.

"Well, we need to find everyone else" Replied Venombyte.

"What are we going to do with him?" YH nodded in the Orcs direction.

"Take him with us, he was telling me about about a man named Neville, who apparantly has done some pretty nasty things."

"How can we take him with us? He's 8 foot tall! He's hardly inconspicuous is he!!!!"

"Hmmmmm, maybe we can say he's in fancy dress, 'cos of the fair?"

"Venombyte, i think thats the best idea you've ever had. Good plan. Lets' go."

With that, the three of them walked towars the SwordSpines offices......
Wed 30/05/01 at 08:43
"not dead"
Posts: 11,145
"Um, where's Grix gone?" Asked pb.

"Gerrards Cross" Replied Sniper.

"Gerrards Cross?" Queried pb.

"Is he? I take it things aren't going too well in the England camp then." Replied Sniper, whilst trying to kick the heads off of dandelions. He found that if he swung his foot just right that they would come off nice and clean.

"England camp?" said pb, not knowing what Sniper was on about.

"Not so much camp, more jolly." said Sniper.

"Do you know where Grix is then Sniper?" Asked pb, beginning to get frustrated with Sniper.

"Yes" Said Sniper, as he went to kick another dandelion. Unfortunately his standing foot slipped on the grass, and he fell on his bottom.

pb laughed hard. Very hard indeed.


Deep inside pb's body something had been disturbed. The laughter that shook his body was awakening parts that had long since slept. Dark, evil parts.

The blackness within him begun to consume his entire body from the inside. It needed to get out, to be freed.

pb fell to the floor and begun coughing violently.

The rest of the party ran over to his assistance.

Nobody noticed the whispery black aura that crept out of the corner of his mouth.

With the coughing fit finally over pb sat up and took deep breaths. He threw a large stone, or a small rock, whichever you prefer, at Sniper. Sniper cried out in pain, and pb begun laughing again.


Dark pb, or Shadow pb, I'm not sure which name is best, rushed through the trees, getting used to all of this new found freedom. He had a job to do indeed, but for now he would wait. Wait until a time in which one of them was alone....
Tue 29/05/01 at 22:21
Posts: 23,216
Grix was missing again. Odd that, Pb was sure he was just speaking to him.


"All good things must end sometime." Grix said to his brain, who had been rather quiet in this story so far.

(Yeah, well. If you really need to leave, then don't let me stop you. You're needed here though.)

"No, Pb and FM know what to do. I am needed elsewhere, and you damn well know that."

(...Ok. But don't say I didn't warn you.)

The fat controller blew a whistle... it shrieked across the platform... he shouted out the necessary:


And Grix got to his feet. Smoke started filling the station.

He queued quietly behind a group of pensioners, and climbed onto the old train. He found a seat near the back.

A few minutes later, the train was gone. Just a trail of smoke left in it's place.

Grix was, effectively, gone. Nobody knew where... or, thankfully, why.

At least for the moment. At least.
Tue 29/05/01 at 18:54
Posts: 23,216
"You know Sheepy downloaded all our minds back into our bodies again, after offering to stay outside?" Grix said, staring at no-one in particular.

"Yeah." Pb said...

"WHERE exactly did he do it?"

Pb thought to himself... it was in his house, wasn't it?

Pb's house. He remembered FantasyMeister taking Shadow for a walk to his house, popping in for a chat. Then... yes, he called Venombyte and Sheepy before FM had came, because he needed someone to help him... Sheepy stayed outside, while Venombyte, he, and FM went into Grix's mind.

Sheepy looked after Shadow, he thought. He did bring Meka and Ant over as well though, they paid regular visits. Apparently.

Pb had been working on a way to get Grix out of the cartridge for years. He wanted to leave actually entering the cartridge as a last resort.


And of course, it WAS a last resort.

"Yeah, sorry, just thinking. It was in my house."

"Then what happened to us?"

"Sheepy put us back into our bodies." Pb talked as he walked. Not many people were capable of that. "I think it took us a while before we regained conciousness."

"How long?" Grix asked to himself. "Sniper?"

Sniper woke up from his daydream while he walked. "Yeah, what?"

"How long were me, Pb, FM, and Venombyte unconscious?"

"I dunno. About two years."

They stopped walking.

"Why didn't anyone tell us?"

"Eh? Didn't you know?"

Grix thought to himself again...

"Grix, why did you ask in the first place?"

Grix said nothing, and shook his head.
Tue 29/05/01 at 18:42
Posts: 9,848
Dan uk slumped in his cell.

Grix always had had a rule about showing people unfinished games. Dan had no idea that he'd take it this far.

And after all that trouble he'd gone to to extract Grix from that Streetfighter cartrige too!

The Swordspines computers were going to get a nasty virus when he got out.

In the meantime... time too sleep...


The Daemon floated through the walls of the Asylum. There was bound to be someone in here worth possessing. He noticed Dan uk in one of the cells - sleeping. He wouldn't be able to resist and what better to take over the world than a master programmer. After all, in this body Dan would help his plans rather then foil them...

The daemon floated into Dan uk's body. Dan jolted as it entered him. He sat up, eyes glazed over.

There was going to be a knew overlord in town.
Tue 29/05/01 at 16:16
Posts: 23,216
"We're all here Pb."

Pb turned around.. yep. There they were.

"Don't run off like that... I don't like being on my own."

Grix, Sniper and FM were clearing up all the equipment. There was a long day ahead of them... they had the sword now, and they had finally remembered why they set out to get it in the first place.

"I mean... the plot stated that we had to get a sword. We then use this sword to fend off orcs from a small village, like the Seven Samurai, or something."

"Hey..." Pb said, attempting to shove the the tent cloth into a small bag. "That would make a nice subplot, us all defending a village... But some of us would have to die."

Ironically, the comment flew over Sniper's head.

"ARE there seven of us here?"

FM counted. Four.

"We need three more. Meka, Ant, and Venombyte are somewhere. Just not here."

"Ah well. We'll have to do it another time."

"We could do a Famous Five routine. I could get my dog." FM showed a picture of Shadow to the group.

"I'm not fond of lashings of ginger beer."

So the four headed off. Towards the town, from where the plot was originally supposed to have focused on...

However, in another part of the field...


The last thing Ant saw, was a bag being put over his head...
Tue 29/05/01 at 13:29
"not dead"
Posts: 11,145
Meka suddenly remembered something from the early pages of the story, something that, though had not been forgotten, had certainly not been used lately.

Meka was an old hermit, and didn't like being around all of these people all of the time, especially when they were clones of Sniper. He decided a little magic might help the situation a little.

"Stop your mumbling you stupid gay idiot" said the Sniper on the left arm.

"Shut up you moron" said the one on the right arm, giving Meka a swift kick.

It was then that the magic took effect, and the 2 Snipers arms fell off. Meka picked up the arms and beat the clones to death.

"I really need to work on my 'plot filtering' spell" Said Meka to himself, as he wandered off down a dark corridor....


Sonic Rav sat on a bench at the other end of the mirror maze. What ever had happened to Ant in there?

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