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"He held aloft the mighty sword..."

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Mon 09/04/01 at 11:37
Posts: 787
SNIPER was bored. So what if monsters had begun attacking the city again? There was nothing he could do about it. If those other stupid idiots he sometimes called his friends wanted to try to stop them, let them. He didn't want to go looking for any stupid sword.


"So where the hell has SNIPER gone now?" asked Your Honour, turning to the other members of the party.

Grix shrugged, there were much bigger things to worry about than the whereabouts of SNIPER.
Ant however had seen SNIPER disappear, so decided to speak up "Well, he said we were a bunch of stupid morons trying to find this sword, and went off that way." Ant pointed towards a meadow.

"Well if he doesn't care about our homes being destroyed and us being enslaved then so be it. I do, and I vow to find the Sword of Nogard, and slay those foul beasts that attack our homes!" Cried Your Honour, and the three of them set off into the forest.


SNIPER continued to wander through the meadow, it was a beautiful day, the suns were bright and the sky clear. Walking through the waist high grass amongst the butterfly was something that always helped to cheer SNIPER up. Maybe he should catch up with his friends he thought, and he too headed for the forest.


pb marched up to FantasyMeister. "You can't keep sending our men out to die! We only have limited resources, and cannot fight them out there in the fields!"

"Then what would you suggest pb, letting those beasts inside our city walls, letting them slaughter our wives and feed on our children?" Replied FM looking down on pb.

"But we cannot hold out forever. We need help!" said pb shaking his head, as he walked away.


SNIPER's mood had again changed for the worse. Where were those stupid idiots now? SNIPER looked round to see something catching the light in a clearing nearby. Maybe it was his friends! He ran into the clearing.

Moments later he realised that it was not his friends in the clearing, but something much more special. Stuck in the ground was a sword. The sword of Nogard! As SNIPER approached it he suddenly felt a chill in the air. The skies had clouded over, and the wind had picked up to such an extent that the trees creaked. If SNIPER could retrieve the sword, he would be a hero! No more would he be laughed at!

SNIPER grabbed the sword and pulled with all of his might. He could feel the first drops of a violent rain storm lash against his face. Still he pulled on the sword, until it gave up it's hold on the ground. SNIPER could feel great power within him as he held it.

He held it toward the skies as a sign of victory.

Grix didn't like this change in the weather. Not one bit. Why had it changed so suddenly? He could feel something strange in the air. "That way!" He cried, pointing towards a clearing nearby as thunder crashed in his ears and lightning lit up the skies.


"Aaaarghhhh!" Cried SNIPER as he was thrown to the ground. A lightning bolt had struck the sword and flowed through his body.


Your Honour was the first into the clearing. "It's SNIPER" he said, "Or at least it was...." he said, looking at the charred remains of his former companion.

"It looks as if we weren't the first at the scene" Said Ant, pointing towards some footprints leading out of the clearing. Next to these was a strange track, much like that that would be left be a sword, being dragged through grass........
Mon 09/04/01 at 21:26
"Palace 5-0 Brighton"
Posts: 2,321
It was getting very late now and M16 was getting the creeps from the howling sounds coming from the distance.

“Where is he” muttered M16.

Another five minutes ticked passed, still no sign. He was now 30 minutes late for the meeting. The rain was still falling. “Damn, why does it always rain in the stories at points like this?”

Just as M16 was about to leave, he saw a shadowy figure out of the corner of his eye. He turned, surprised, but then realised it was he.

“Good to see your time keeping is spot on, as always.” M16 joked.

“Yes, I’m sorry about that, there was nothing I could do I’m afraid.”
M16 was used to his associate being late, in all of the meetings the two of them had had over the last 18 months, the man had only been on time twice. Still, that’s the problem with dealing with people in his position.

“Any news on Grix and the team?” The man asked.

“None, the last we heard Sniper had been killed in a freak accident by a thunderbolt. But that was a few days ago.”

“We need more news! We can’t act until we know that the sword is safely in our hands!” shouted pb.

“What about at your end? Any updates that I should be aware of?”

“None, nothing has changed, he hasn’t made any strange moves for more than a week”

They both knew not to use names when they met. Invisible ears could be listening...
Mon 09/04/01 at 20:40
Posts: 14,117
It was still raining. The others were asleep. It was YH’s turn to watch. Grix got up and wondered over to him.

“You were about to tell me something before Ant screamed at his broken nail?”

YH just stared out across the grassy plains, the dripping unnoticed from the end of his oversized nose. After a while, he replied:
“Yeah, it was about my attitude on this quest.” Grix remained silent, allowing the time YH needed to gather his thoughts.

“Me and M16 found out something about the Grand Council, just before we left.”

YH let the statement hang in the air for a few moments
“ –“ Grix began, but was cut off by YH before he could begin.

“It’s to do with FantasyMeister”

“THE FantasyMeister? The greatest General of any army ever!?”


“Well, what is it?”

“Me and M16, we found out, that……. I don’t know if I can bring myself to say it, its such a shock even now.” YH cleared his throat, attempting to go on. “FM has made a secret pact with the Orc Chieftain”

Grix was astounded. “What are you talking about? You cant be serious, that’s high treason young man! You’d better have some bloody good evidence to back that up!” Grix reached for his sword, but the look in YH’s eyes told him there was no need.

“We don’t have any evidence, just suspicion and hunches.” Grix was seething, but allowed YH to continue. “Why do you think that FM keeps sending our men out to die on the field? Also, do you not think it coincidental that FM was absent just before the war started? When the previous First Councillor was murdered? As I say, we have no proof, only hunches. M16 is back at the city, he has a high ranking member among his spies and contacts. Obviously I cannot reveal his name to you.”

Grix was stunned with this latest news, YH did have a point, but FM? Surely not.
“I have a lot to think about, I will continue the watch. You go.”
YH nodded and walked away to his bedroll.

“Maybe you have a bit more of a spine than I first gave you credit for” Grix muttered under his breath. He had a lot to think about before the morning.
Mon 09/04/01 at 19:26
Posts: 23,216
"I BROKE A NAIL!" Ant screamed, in a high voice...

Grix and Your Honour looked at Ant...

"...Isn't that slightly out of character?"

"Oh yes." Ant said, his voice suddenly becoming deeper. "Sorry."

Not long later... they were back under the tree.

"So let me get this straight..." Said Grix. "We're now in some sort of medival land, and we have to retrieve a sword, to forfil a prophecy, to slay all the monsters, to make sure that they don't wreak our town."

"Close enough." Said Your Honour.

"Can someone explain to me... please... why the hell this keeps happening to us?"


"Well firstly, we found outselves reinacting the Star Wars Trilogy... then we went into a Blade Runneresque world, then we went into a western, which I may add, was too bloody strange for me, and now... Why? What the hell have we done to deserve this! All I want to do is go home!"

The others pondered over this... it was rather odd...

"Perhaps," Said a man in the distance... "I can explain..."

It was SonicRav.

"What?" Ant said... "What are you doing here?"

"And WHY shouldn't I be?"

Everyone looked around.

"Good answer."

There was a short silence.

"Err... Rav? Weren't you going to... err... tell us something?"

"No. I can't remember anything..."

SonicRav sat down under the tree, and waited while the rain poured down.
Mon 09/04/01 at 17:31
Posts: 14,117
It had been a couple of days since Grix, YH and Ant had seen, what they thought to be Sniper, blasted by a thunderbolt. They had followed the trail as planned, but had soon lost it due to the wind and the rain making life difficult, even for an expert tracker like Ant.

YH was cold and miserable, frequently complaining about the constant rain. It was only because his fellows were putting in much effort, that YH didnt just give up and wander off by himself. He didnt think they would ever find the sword, no-one even knew if it really existed. It was just a myth, a hope that it may actually be in existance. The Grand Council of the city had sent out a group to try and recover it. It was the last chance the city had against the evil hordes that wanted to overrun the fair city, and ultimately, the whole world.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

It was still raining, and getting dusk, when Grix spotted a group of tree not far away.
"Let's seek shelter under there", Grix pointed at the tree line. "At least we'll be dry tonight"

"Makes a change" YH grumbled. The other two didnt take any notice, they were used to the constant stream of complaints.

The three of them wandered over to the tre line.

They got there and set up camp for the night.

Ant wandered off to get some water from a nearby creek.

"Look, YH, there's something i need to talk to you about." Started Grix. "It's about your attitude."

"Whats wrong with it?" Retorted YH.

"Well, you're just always so bloody miserable all the time!!!"

"I can't help it"

"Whats wrong man? You seemed very keen to go on this quest. Now that we are on it, you act like you dont want to be here."

"I know, im not sure what it is, but it could be something to do with...."

YH didnt get time to finish because there was a sudden scream from the direction Ant had gone in.

YH and Grix quickly unsheathed their swords and ran off towards the shout.
Mon 09/04/01 at 16:36
Posts: 0
The almighty Tarrant paced around in the heavens, stopping occasionally to view what was happening on the earth below.
"They are going to retrieve the sword before long you know?"
He said to a hunched figure waiting in the shadows. The figure grunted in agreement.
"I must try something else to stop them. My minions on Earth are proving insufficient!"
The figure again grunted.

Tarrant had been a God for all of his life and never had he felt so threatened as he did now. If Grix where to retrieve the sword then Dave Excellent's prophecy could come true and that could be the end for Tarrant.

"Mabye it's time to send you in!" Tarrant suggested to the figure. The figure shook its head.
"No, you're right. Now would be too early. I must try something though and soon!"
The figure pointed across to the other side of Tarrant's heavenly chamber.
"Do you really think that would work?" asked Tarrant.
The figure nodded.
"An evil clone of Sniper?"
Again the figure nodded.
"Actually you could be right."

Tarrant moulded an exact copy of Sniper, then breathed evil life into him.

"Where to place him though?" Tarrant said, more to himself than the figure. "I know!"

Tarrant set the evil Sniper clone in a forest clearing that Grix and the others would soon stumble upon.
Mon 09/04/01 at 15:36
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
"what is this strange creature" they cried as the shadowy figure approached the gates.
"It's called a woman" sighed Goatboy, fending off geeks with their D20s and spells .
They stopped their actions and stared at each other..."A what?"
Goatboy pulled himself to his feet and flicked his fag over the parapets, "A woman. They are like you, but softer and look better naked".

The unruly mob looked about with panic rising in their throats, "A woman? What is this you speak of? This is unfamiliar to us."
"Yeah I know" chuckled Goatboy, "But don't be scared. They can help some of you with this fascination of elves, orcs and other things that should remain in the dark."

Sniper mumbled something under his breath and recieved a swift and brutal slap round the head.
"Cheer up you miserable little peon" chanted the group, still throwing confused and fearful looks at the woman figure that threatened their enclave.

"Hi boys" said the maiden of wanton virtue,"Who wants to go first?"
The crowd huddle close to each other, these foreign words awakening a primal sense long forgotten.
"Well..." said Goatboy, "Go for it. 1st time for everything."

A solitary figure raises his trembling hand aloft, all heads swivel to see who this brave warrior is...

The woman leads him into her tent and the boys rush to crowd around the frail building, eager to see the fate that befalls the hapless volunteer.
There are strange sounds emanating from within and the group step back in fear before edging back.

Moments later, out walks the volunteer, a beaming smile across his face, he has attained an undefinable air of maturity about him.

"Well?" asked the mob, "Did she weave magic? Tell us so that we may defeat the Orc Horde"
"Orc Horde?" asks the man with a bemused smile, "I'm off down the pub with my mates. Have fun kids."

And strolls off to a land of being outside, socialising and female company.

(Don't take this personally, just found it amusing to take the thread somewhere else)

Mon 09/04/01 at 13:45
"Copyright: FM Inc."
Posts: 10,338
FM was watching from the city walls as the monstrous horde of the enemy assembled their next assault. He noticed that this time they had brought some scaling ladders. Maybe they were catching on to the fact that to get into the city they were going to have to get over the walls first.

PB ran up to him for the second time that morning.

"Commander, the reserves are all deployed at the walls, we've concentrated our main forces to the south, where we think the heaviest forces will come from."

"That's good PB, any news from Grix about the sword?"

"No word, Commander, but our scouts have sent word that Sniper was seen coming this way, perhaps he may have some information for us."

"I doubt that very much PB, but we'll see. Go back to your men now, and guide your defences, they need your leadership at this time."

PB turned and sprinted back to the southern side of the city where his men were awaiting the assault."


Sniper edged his way to the edge of the forest. He knew that he was just behind the enemy lines, and that the city walls were only a few hundred yards to his north. He could hear the metallic clanging coming from the enemy encampment as they forged swords and battle-axes for their orc warriors. And there, just in front of him, were a few hundred of the enemy preparing for their assault on the city.

Sniper acted. This was the only chance he would get. He bolted from the treeline as fast as he could go, hoping to catch the orcs off guard and get a good start.

Unfortunately 5 seconds later, without noticing him at all, the Orc Chieftan sounded the charge on his horn, and all of a sudden Sniper had 300 orcish warriors bearing down on him from behind.

Sniper had always been swift of feet as a boy, outrunning all his friends in the city's tournaments, and as a man he could now reach a sustained 20 miles per hour with no problem.

The average speed of the unladen orc is 40 miles an hour. With full armour, it's 30 miles and hour, and because of the armour, once they started charging, they couldn't really slow down.

So Sniper got trampled at a relative velocity of 10 miles per hour as the orc army trundled over the top of him, pounding him into the ground, just as he was within 50 yards of the city gates. This was not turning out to be his week.


"At your stations! Man the walls! Brace for the attack!" FM was yelling out orders as the city garrison hurried to obey. They were well drilled and were prepared for this. This was the 4th assault in the last 3 days, and they were happy for the fact that at least this was a daylight attempt to breach the city defences.

The men positioned themselves at the walls, swords drawn and arrows notched, awaiting the orcish horde to come within range.....

Mon 09/04/01 at 11:52
Posts: 14,117
"What should we do?" YH asked. He was a little confused. He'd never been in a story before, and now he was in two at the same time!

Grix suggested that they should follow the trail of the sword.

"Lets follow the trail of the sword" He said.

"We'll never make it by ourselves. I think we should go back to the city and get some help" Offered YH.

"Not a good move" Volunteered Ant. "The city is days of walking away. By the time we get there, organise some help, then get back here the trail will have gone." It was true, even as the three stood talking, the rain and the wind was starting to hide the trail in the grass.

"Only one decision then, follow the trail" And so Grix led the three of them off down the trail, into the unknown...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sniper was very anooyed. He was just grabbing the sword when some strange creature had leapt out of nowhere, pushing him away, and tried to grab the sowrd itself. Luckily for Sniper, that was when the boly of lightning struck, killing the creature.
Unluckily for Sniper, he didnt know this, as he had been knocked unconcious when his head hit the tree stump.
He had been out for a few hours, missing the arrival of the stranger who took the sword, and the subsequent arrival of Grix and his friends. He was alone. Again.

This time Sniper was going to make the right decision. He thought about what he should do. He didnt like it one bit. He knew roughly which direction the city lay. He got up, sorted his stuff, and started walking back towards the city.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The stranger watched from behind some bushes. "So they fell for my plan, and followed my trail eh? Predictable, all of them. That Sniper may come in useful in the future though..." He mused, watching Sniper walk back toward the city.
Mon 09/04/01 at 11:37
"not dead"
Posts: 11,145
SNIPER was bored. So what if monsters had begun attacking the city again? There was nothing he could do about it. If those other stupid idiots he sometimes called his friends wanted to try to stop them, let them. He didn't want to go looking for any stupid sword.


"So where the hell has SNIPER gone now?" asked Your Honour, turning to the other members of the party.

Grix shrugged, there were much bigger things to worry about than the whereabouts of SNIPER.
Ant however had seen SNIPER disappear, so decided to speak up "Well, he said we were a bunch of stupid morons trying to find this sword, and went off that way." Ant pointed towards a meadow.

"Well if he doesn't care about our homes being destroyed and us being enslaved then so be it. I do, and I vow to find the Sword of Nogard, and slay those foul beasts that attack our homes!" Cried Your Honour, and the three of them set off into the forest.


SNIPER continued to wander through the meadow, it was a beautiful day, the suns were bright and the sky clear. Walking through the waist high grass amongst the butterfly was something that always helped to cheer SNIPER up. Maybe he should catch up with his friends he thought, and he too headed for the forest.


pb marched up to FantasyMeister. "You can't keep sending our men out to die! We only have limited resources, and cannot fight them out there in the fields!"

"Then what would you suggest pb, letting those beasts inside our city walls, letting them slaughter our wives and feed on our children?" Replied FM looking down on pb.

"But we cannot hold out forever. We need help!" said pb shaking his head, as he walked away.


SNIPER's mood had again changed for the worse. Where were those stupid idiots now? SNIPER looked round to see something catching the light in a clearing nearby. Maybe it was his friends! He ran into the clearing.

Moments later he realised that it was not his friends in the clearing, but something much more special. Stuck in the ground was a sword. The sword of Nogard! As SNIPER approached it he suddenly felt a chill in the air. The skies had clouded over, and the wind had picked up to such an extent that the trees creaked. If SNIPER could retrieve the sword, he would be a hero! No more would he be laughed at!

SNIPER grabbed the sword and pulled with all of his might. He could feel the first drops of a violent rain storm lash against his face. Still he pulled on the sword, until it gave up it's hold on the ground. SNIPER could feel great power within him as he held it.

He held it toward the skies as a sign of victory.

Grix didn't like this change in the weather. Not one bit. Why had it changed so suddenly? He could feel something strange in the air. "That way!" He cried, pointing towards a clearing nearby as thunder crashed in his ears and lightning lit up the skies.


"Aaaarghhhh!" Cried SNIPER as he was thrown to the ground. A lightning bolt had struck the sword and flowed through his body.


Your Honour was the first into the clearing. "It's SNIPER" he said, "Or at least it was...." he said, looking at the charred remains of his former companion.

"It looks as if we weren't the first at the scene" Said Ant, pointing towards some footprints leading out of the clearing. Next to these was a strange track, much like that that would be left be a sword, being dragged through grass........

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