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"The Dragon must die"

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Fri 09/03/01 at 11:01
Posts: 787
My fellow countrymen...

I gather ye here on this cold and grey winter's day to enlist your help.

The Dragon which goes by the name of Meka hath returned to terrorise our once peaceful land. We thought we were rid of the beast, but no!

Though the fire may be gone from his belly, he is back to shatter our peace and tranquility with his awful voice and corny songs!

But I say 'No more!'

We must rise up together and defend our homes, our children, and our country from this scourge! Only this morning, the sound of 'Agadoo' could be heard booming from the hills. But this wan't just any 'Agadoo' - oh no. This was a perverse, twisted version - created by the creature to have a profoundly damaging effect on the minds, hearts and souls of our people.

Now I ask you, my friends... is this the sort of land where you wish to raise your children? Of course it isn't! So we must head to the cave in the hills and slay this hideous beast before it is to late.

Who is with me?
Fri 09/03/01 at 16:29
"Copyright: FM Inc."
Posts: 10,338
May I address the accused?
Fri 09/03/01 at 13:51
"High polygon count"
Posts: 15,624
Your Honour,

Upon your return, we request that you consider the following.

It seems that the beast - sorry, the dragon - has indeed performed some very gracious deeds in his time.

As has been pointed out, he *is* merely a dragon, and despite his best intentions, has slipped up only when provoked and baited severely. In addition, it seems that his recording contract is about to expire, and that he will be falling on hard times very soon.

We therefore request, respectfully, that all charged pertaining to the current lawsuit be dropped, and that the dragon be allowed to walk free from this court.

In compensation for the stress and upset caused by this erroneous lawsuit, we have arranged three very lucrative sponsorship deals:

1. Meka_Dragon shall become the 'new face' of Listerine.

2. He shall be the motion-capture subject for the next Spyro game.

3. And finally, for the rest of his naturally long life, he shall have a 'nice little earner' as the profile on Welsh national flags - in much the same way as Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second appears on our stamps.

The prosecution rests.
Fri 09/03/01 at 13:44
Posts: 14,117
Im afraid the Judge has to Budge now.

All evidence will be considered at 21.30 hours this evening.

It would be beneficial to the entire court if Mr er-no could comment, please round him up and extract his evidence for the court.

Sentence will be given this evening.

Fri 09/03/01 at 13:40
Posts: 0
Fri 09/03/01 at 13:36
"High polygon count"
Posts: 15,624
He is meka, hear him roar.
A poster of songs, from average to poor.

He is meka, hear him sing.
Does he not realise the pain his songs bring?

He is meka, here his cries.
He calls it singing, I call it unwise.

He is meka, ignore his plea.
Soon he'll be banished, and we'll all be free!

He is meka, his songs are dire.
We can't wait for his deal to expire.
Fri 09/03/01 at 13:25
Posts: 0
My client wishes to apologise for his earlier outburst of song. And I request it be stricken from the record.

To his defence I submit the following piece of evidence:

*puts Gameaday winners list on table.*

If you look closely at this you will notice that in the run up to Xmas meka was found to be posting songs. These were considered to be the best posts on two separate occasions.

Surely if Ali has awarded them this high honour they should be allowed?

Also to meka's defense when winning gameaday with songs he donated them to a good cause.

He also gave adequate warning before posting the song, but er-no broke the peace treaty!

Of course a like for like attack is not the solution to the problem, we do not live in a vigilantie (sp?) society, but then again he *is* a dragon, therefore prone to make the odd mistake.

As a final word on the subject I ask you to read the post with the agadoo PS2 song in it, go on, sing it to the tune. I defy you not to smile when you do so!
Fri 09/03/01 at 13:13
Posts: 14,117
Meka, thats supposed to be you defence is it?
Fri 09/03/01 at 13:12
Posts: 14,117
I have curtailed my lunch to respond to this as I feel it is of the utmost importance to rectify this situation and maitain the safety and stability of Forumnia for all time.

Point 1 is agreed to.

Point 2, I feel, needs a little adjustment. A one way door will be fitted, so anyone who wishes to view, or hear any sonngs from the Dragon will be locked in with the foul beast. This will ensure that all DISTURB'ed people of Forumnia will also, sooner or later, be locked up as well.
Further, I feel other talentless acts need to be locked up as well. This list should include acts such as Craig "My chin is bigger than Jimmy Hill's" David. Britany Spears will be spared if she stops singing and pops round to mine to put her mouth to good use!

Point 3 Agreed.

All points are only agreed to informally as, I', sure you can appriciate, I have said that the defence have until 9.30pm this evening to show any eveidence they wish.

No more will be heard from me until the said hour, please list any other evidence you wish for my inspection later.

Case adjourned!
Fri 09/03/01 at 13:07
"not dead"
Posts: 11,145
I am meka, hear me roar!
Posting songs is within the law.
I am meka, hear me sing,
To others it does much joy bring!
I am meka, hear my cries,
Do not listen to these lies!
I am meka, hear my plea,
Why not let meka, and his songs be?
Fri 09/03/01 at 12:53
"High polygon count"
Posts: 15,624
> If Meka_Dragon does, indeed, have these other aliaseseses, then
> merely stopping the Meka himself will not stop this plague of songs
> which have been filling the threads on the SR forums.

We were in the process of compiling the necessary evidence, Your Honour, but we see that you have now witnessed these atrocities for yourself.

In these days of Political Correctness, we forego the right to execution by Lance and Sword, lest we be seen as right-wing, anti-Dragon racists. However, we do demand satisfaction, and respectfully suggest the following punishments:

1. As Your Honour suggests, a special forum for 'songs' is created in an uninhabited, sound-proofed corner of the land of Forumnia. All songs will be banished there for all eternity, and those who wish to dabble in such depravity shall be made to journey there - away from common, decent folk.

2. The Dragon's cave shall be sound-proofed and fitted with a recording studio. However, the cave shall be sealed, save for an air hole, and food will be taken to the cave in the dead of night, while the dragon sleeps, to protect the ears and minds of the delivery men. It may also be wise to send Westlife, Boyzone, A1 and any other annoying, tuneless and all such talenteless 'singers' along as well.

3. Send him to Room 101 to serenade the Welsh, recently banished there by the crooked-mouthed witch known as Anne Robinson. They love Dragons, the Welsh! :-)

Thank you, Your Honour.

* St. George wishes the people of Wales to know that point 3 listed above was a cheap attempt at humour, and that he means no offence to the wonderful people of Wales, or their beautiful country.

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