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"Notable Wannabe's"

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Wed 13/02/02 at 16:38
Posts: 787
SR's blurb on the Notables and why there elected (found at states that:

"One new "Notable" is elected every three months, in respect of their contribution to making the Future of Gaming forum (in the Open Forums) a very special place."

Okay, I know it's only a bit of fun and basically means nothing, but let's take that statement at face value for a moment (albeit in the usual light-hearted spirit of the elections).

Without naming any names, I think that some of those campaigning are having a laugh if they think they deserve it.

So - if you are currently campaigning for votes, please take the time in this thread to explain what you think you have brought to the forums, what sets you apart from all the other run-of-the-mill Regulars, and why the hell we should vote for you.

C'mon - you want the votes... bloody work for them! :-)
Thu 14/02/02 at 10:50
Posts: 14,117
Meka Dragon wrote:
So on the floor now, for some man-on-man action with my most hairy mates.

I mis-read that. I thought it said "moist hairy mates"...
Thu 14/02/02 at 10:47
Posts: 16,548
Aha, CDouch, I put you in my borderline notable choices. Many a page back...
Thu 14/02/02 at 10:13
"Vote For Pedro"
Posts: 5,679
I would like to be a notable. But I doubt I would receive even one vote. So im not even going to try to get votes for this election. But I will work hard and then when a later election comes I will hopefully have gained some support.
Thu 14/02/02 at 09:03
Posts: 6,801
savatt1668 wrote:

Stephanie Mcmahon's secret lover, until alarm clock rings and she
> disappears in a puff of dream cloud like smoke.

you're lucky i don't report this message for mentioning wrestling in fog.
Thu 14/02/02 at 08:40
Posts: 16,548
What the hell just happened? What is going on here?
Thu 14/02/02 at 08:38
"not dead"
Posts: 11,145
"If you wannabe my notable, you got to get with my friends."

So on the floor now, for some man-on-man action with my most hairy mates.

Else I won't vote for you.
Thu 14/02/02 at 07:42
Posts: 16,548
Hm. There hasn't been a massive FantasyMeister post about who to vote yet...

That'll convince the newbies to vote for whoever FM chooses. THink it's TBN, from his tagline..
Thu 14/02/02 at 02:12
"smile, it's free"
Posts: 6,460
Much as I try to avoid threads with the words 'notable' or 'election' in, I'll throw my thoughts in this one...

Vote YH.
Thu 14/02/02 at 01:23
"ATAT Supremo"
Posts: 6,238
Exactly, hence the reason I called him mystic meg
Thu 14/02/02 at 01:15
"Ninty's best friend"
Posts: 831
he aint that good

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