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"Notable Wannabe's"

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Wed 13/02/02 at 16:38
Posts: 787
SR's blurb on the Notables and why there elected (found at states that:

"One new "Notable" is elected every three months, in respect of their contribution to making the Future of Gaming forum (in the Open Forums) a very special place."

Okay, I know it's only a bit of fun and basically means nothing, but let's take that statement at face value for a moment (albeit in the usual light-hearted spirit of the elections).

Without naming any names, I think that some of those campaigning are having a laugh if they think they deserve it.

So - if you are currently campaigning for votes, please take the time in this thread to explain what you think you have brought to the forums, what sets you apart from all the other run-of-the-mill Regulars, and why the hell we should vote for you.

C'mon - you want the votes... bloody work for them! :-)
Thu 14/02/02 at 01:14
Posts: 0
darn tootin'
Thu 14/02/02 at 01:12
"ATAT Supremo"
Posts: 6,238
oooooooo watch out, mystic meg is predicting my death again.
Thu 14/02/02 at 00:51
Posts: 0
You will die


That i not good publicity

Thu 14/02/02 at 00:47
"Ninty's best friend"
Posts: 831
Anyway what gets me is the fact that
> acting like a prat with a Burns/dr evil/nazi style character for a campaign is
> getting me more attention then I've ever had. Any publicity is good publicity I
> suppose..

Ah and you put it so nice :)
Thu 14/02/02 at 00:43
"ATAT Supremo"
Posts: 6,238
I'm only campaigning for a laugh, I know I won't get votes but its an excuse to have a laugh.

But as for reasons why I deserve to be a notable...

::Fingertips together::

I've been here ages.

I've perservered week after week despite being constantly ignored.

I help when I can.

Stephanie Mcmahon's secret lover, until alarm clock rings and she disappears in a puff of dream cloud like smoke.

I'm a games Junkie, often losing way too much sleep from either being on here or playing games.

My name would look cool in notable colours.

Anyway what gets me is the fact that acting like a prat with a Burns/dr evil/nazi style character for a campaign is getting me more attention then I've ever had. Any publicity is good publicity I suppose..
Thu 14/02/02 at 00:17
"Ninty's best friend"
Posts: 831
To conclude, anyone who votes for me is a
> moron. And there aren't many morons on this site. (I hope)

Morons add name here, i'll add yours tom :)

Moron list:


Thu 14/02/02 at 00:11
Posts: 0
Anus Theory wrote:
> Fish-e wrote:
> he doesn't come in this forum

and ooooh that was harsh,
> you crule little
> boy

i will get you, you are now on my prey
> list

who? me!

All who oppose me
Wed 13/02/02 at 23:46
Posts: 5,029
I don't expect to get any votes at all, I would be EXTREMLY mad to think I would get any (although I'm on here every night) because I hardly ever actually start a topic. I prefer just to reply to other peoples posts, meaning I don't write much quality material.

I see what you mean anyway Wookiee. A lot of people on here seem to be starting up campaigns, and expecting votes for doing.. Jac..well y'know.
My vote's already going to ssxpro anyway. I voted for him last time, and I will this time. Even though he isn't campagining (I think). The true winner doesn't need to campaign.

To conclude, anyone who votes for me is a moron. And there aren't many morons on this site. (I hope)

Saying that, I do appreciate every single vote (which is why I'm a grumpy git!) :D
Wed 13/02/02 at 23:38
"Ninty's best friend"
Posts: 831
just to clear it up, no one is voting for me are they.

just wanna know so i don't have to will be good all the time till voting day LOL

anyway i'd like to take a moment to imagine me as a notable

*goes into small day dream*

wow it really is that good. ah maybe next year.

*leaves with head down*
Wed 13/02/02 at 23:01
Posts: 15,579
Hmmmm, been busy in here then.

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