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"Notable Wannabe's"

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Wed 13/02/02 at 16:38
Posts: 787
SR's blurb on the Notables and why there elected (found at states that:

"One new "Notable" is elected every three months, in respect of their contribution to making the Future of Gaming forum (in the Open Forums) a very special place."

Okay, I know it's only a bit of fun and basically means nothing, but let's take that statement at face value for a moment (albeit in the usual light-hearted spirit of the elections).

Without naming any names, I think that some of those campaigning are having a laugh if they think they deserve it.

So - if you are currently campaigning for votes, please take the time in this thread to explain what you think you have brought to the forums, what sets you apart from all the other run-of-the-mill Regulars, and why the hell we should vote for you.

C'mon - you want the votes... bloody work for them! :-)
Wed 13/02/02 at 22:52
"High polygon count"
Posts: 15,624
Congratulations to YH and Sonic, who are the only two people in over 80 message to actually pay attention to the initial topic and post a related reply!
Wed 13/02/02 at 22:03
Posts: 18,185
Grix Thraves wrote:
> Dringo wrote:
"The only people i want to be a notable is not those i
> respect but those i hate..."

yeah cus all them notbles their power goes
> to ther head and they bully every1


Well.... no because i kill notables and im prefer killing those i don't like...

Wasn't an insult more of a joke... i will be avoiding the election... except for my awsome next story!
Wed 13/02/02 at 21:54
Posts: 5,448
btw, please wish me luck for Friday- I have a job interview at IBM to do a pre-university gap year working with them :S

As a result I won't be here on Thursday or Friday (I have to drive down south on thurs)

Wed 13/02/02 at 21:23
Posts: 5,448
Hey folks!

Sorry it's taken me a while to reply to this- the FOG really is getting too crowded!

Anyway, although I don't think I'll stand a chance of winning these elections (simply because YH has been writting quality topics for ages, and Stryke is fast proving his love of gaming), I thought I'd just answer the topic anyway- I may not win, but I'll be happy with a few votes :)

So, why vote for me? Well, I'd like to think that anyone who did vote for me did so because they like what I'm doing at the moment. After all, being voted notable is meant to be recognition for contributions to the forums. So I'd hope that people who did vote for me liked my topics- although I don't have as many "jokey" topics as some, I do like to give informed judgement and predictions on a subject I love- gaming!

One more thing. I noticed that the definition of a notable was a sign of respect for doing good in the forums. But it should be more than that. Outside the forums I chat with loads of the members- I have 12 of them online at the moment. Quite a few members have their own sites devoted to gaming too- I can't for the life of me remember who exactly made the site, but "view and play" is looking very professional. These are the kinds of people who should be considered too. Ok, so I wouldn't vote for someone who did nothing in the sr forums but had their own site, but people who contribute lots in sr and outside deserve credit.

Thanks for reading! Sorry to plug them, but there are lots of good topics in Prime that have been posted today, but not replied to- it's looking dead in there!

Wed 13/02/02 at 21:16
Posts: 16,548
Wed 13/02/02 at 21:07
"You've upset me"
Posts: 21,152
Wed 13/02/02 at 21:03
Posts: 16,548
You do not tell the Stryke to shush!


*knows his WWF, sorta*
Wed 13/02/02 at 20:59
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
Stryke wrote:
> Never joke about WWF, Ant...

>Please, don't try this at home.

Wed 13/02/02 at 20:51
Posts: 16,548
Never joke about WWF, Ant...

Please, don't try this at home.
Wed 13/02/02 at 20:49
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
Starlight wrote:
> Ant wrote:
> Oopsie. Sorry peeps.

Anyway, I'm still not sure who to vote,
> so give me your
> reasons why me personally should vote for
> you.


Didn't you say you was voting for your mate Darkness or am I
> seeing things again

I said I was thinking about it.

The WWF Forum bit was a joke.

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