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"Humanity is a Virus"

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Tue 04/09/01 at 12:43
Posts: 787
Ok, I am going to rant. Any terms like "You" and "You people" are not directed at anyone here in particular, just in a "people suck" kind of way, so if you take offence?
That's probably because you feel guilty, so deal with it.

I've been reading about this Northern Ireland situation, and it's just another item in a long list of reasons why I despise 95% of the people that inhabit this planet.
I started a thread called "Please help me, I'm an idiot" in the DVD thread, and it ended up with me, Hooplah and Meka basically saying that this planet, as a species, is doomed to fail.

And for no other reason than it's blind stupidity and inability to deal with anything it perceives as different or strange.
Be it bullying kids, idiot religious folk murdering those that disagree (and I don't care what religion you are, murdering is wrong, if you disagree, then you're an idiot that needs more than the concept of heaven to save your worthless soul), people not bothering to learn as much as they can before they die.

There are so many things wrong with us, and we will never ever overcome these things and evolve.
I look around and I see idiot behaviour from most people on this planet.
Be it the mindless fools that decried Brasseye without even watching it, people that think Eminem should be banned, people that ban the teaching of the theory of evolution because it goes against their own beliefs...all good reasons to nuke this stupid planet and start over again.

We've had our chance and we blew it, and continue to blow it every single day that we continue to stumble along and bump into glass doors.
Be it moron tv shows that serve no purpose other than keep you inside and not doing anything positive to change your world, to The Sun - a worthless rag that thinks a football team winning a game is more important than civil war and murder in Rwanda.
I am ashamed to be part of this planet if I stop to think about what an idiotic species we are.

Popstars that think they matter, politicians refusing to hold peace talks because they don't like someone and condemn the rest of us to a lifetime of war and murder.
So many reasons to just hit "Eject" and go somewhere quiet.
Like the moon.

I see it in chimps that hate people because they're from another country, look different, speak funny or don't fit in with what they percieve their version of events to be.
I see it in newspapers that take pride in creating anti-german feelings over a goddamn football match.
Any number of things that are in plain view, but we're too concerned with watching soap operas to care.

Nike using kids to make sneakers for us to buy with our hard-earned cash and all people can say is "Well that's business"
No it's not just business, get off your lazy, ignorant backside and do something to stop this. Join Amnesty International, protest outside stores, write to MPs and Prime Ministers - just do something other than shrug and stuff burgers into your fat, complacent faces.

Just get involved dammit, if you feel strongly enough about this refugee situation, make your voice heard, don't just post in a forum, it changes nothing. Write to newspapers and MPs and Prime Ministers.

But you wont do that. And that makes me sick.
You holier-than-thou types that get on your soap-boxes but do exactly nothing about anything because Buffy is starting soon and what-can-we-do anyway?
Ghandi was just one man, that kid that stood in front of the tanks in Tianneman Square was just one person. You're just one person.
"Singular Action Initiates Plural Awareness" - just do something to change one little thing and it starts from there.

But what happens? Nothing. Nothing at all, because we're all too wrapped up in earning the most money, getting the nicest house, marrying the nicest girl and having kids that look like kids.
We're a nasty little race of self-obsessed me-monkeys, and I don't see that ever changing.
Stand up for something you believe in.
Make your voice heard instead of tutting and looking the other way.

But again, nothing. Met with blank stares and confused angry voices.
People start to debate something, but because they dont know about the situation, it descends into shouting and name-calling and killing because we're too arrogant to say "Actually, I don't know everything" or, god forbid, "I'm sorry".
It's all very well putting forward a well-balanced initial view, but you can't defend it because you spend your time watching bullsheet tv shows and hording posessions in nice houses with big doors so you can shut out the nasty world.

People make me sick, but very few people will take the time to consider any points I've raised and just start shouting at me instead of reasonably discussing.
So I'll sit on my boat, waiting for the end so I can paddle off and find a nice,quiet land to start things over again, you can all chuck rocks and spears at me.

Quite frankly, I don't care.
Tue 04/09/01 at 13:36
Posts: 14,117
Goatboy wrote:
I have,
> all the way through, said "I think" "To me"
> "I belive"

It is a statement of personal opinion. I
> haven't pointed at any one person.
Just said what I feel, without
> personally attacking anyone.

True. This quote (taken froma a fiction book) may have nothing to do what your opinions at all, but I think it could highlight what can happen:

"'Richard Cypher, being as you are new, you still have some catching up to on your duty to your workers group. Your next weeks wages are assessed as due in aid.'

Richard stood dumbly for a momeny. 'How am Ito eat - to pay my rent?'

People in the room turned to frown at him. The chairman slapped his hand on the table, calling for silence.

'You should thank the creator to be blessed with with good health so as you can work, young man. Right now, there are those who are not as fortunate in life as you, those with greater need than you. Suffering and need comes before personal enrichment."

I only put this up to compae it with what you said about people shouldn't worry about getting a good job with good money when there was war and stuff going on.

Now, I'm not having a go at you here, but what I want to know is, how far should people go in helping others?

Should they do so much that it is actually in detriment to themselves? Like giving away all your wages so as to be left with nothing like in the example above?
Tue 04/09/01 at 13:32
"High polygon count"
Posts: 15,624
The No1 Lemming wrote:
> What it really needs is a little bit from everybody.

Good point, but it doesn't happen, does it?

Dislike anyone for any reason - no matter how valid that reason is to *you* - and the Thought Police step in.

"What you're thinking is wrong. You must not think that way."

Why the *hell* not?

Okay, resorting to violence may not be right, but unfortunately some people see it as the only outlet. Being told what and how to think leads to pent-up emotion and anger, and at some point, that will boil over.

I have to be honest with what I'm about to say. I hope that people will not be offended and will try to understand my reasons; to me they are valid. I also hope I won't get barred for it, but if I do then so be it.

I do not consider myself a racist; I will get on with anyone and everyone, where ever they're from, whatever colour they are. I always have and I always will.

But I do consider myself a nationalist.

Things that have annoyed me and shaped my opinion over the years...

"Racial Tolerance" which only goes one way.

A shop in London told to take down a Union Jack because it may be seen as racist, while yards up the street a pizza parlour flies the Italian flag.

A white woman told to remove porcelain pigs from her windowledge because her Asian neighbours find them offensive.

Black-only bars and clubs in London, while white-only bars would be called racist.

Those who fail the infamous "cricket test".

I don't understand this 'roots' business, either. My heritage, going back only to my Great Grandparents on both sides, includes South African, Greek, Irish and Jewish.

I was born in London, England. As far as I am concerned, I am English through and through. I do not care about my 'roots'. Despite its faults, I love England with a passion. I am proud of the history the country has; it hasn't always been a glittering history, granted - but few countries have an unblemished track record.

Those today who hate the English for past deeds need to get real. Those around today are not responsible for the misdeeds of the past, and shouldn't be treated as such. Those today who still hate the Germans for the war are also wrong. The current generations are not to blame.

I tend to go along with the 'anti-German' thing in football simply as a bit of fun - just like sticking my fingers up at my Spurs-supporting mate when Arsenal beat them. Is it worth fighting and breaking bottles over peoples heads? Of course not - it's a bloody game for heaven's sake.

I have no problem with those who come to work and enjoy life here. If they're here to leech off of our system and think that historically we owe them something, then I say send them back.

The whole attitude and demeanor of England/Britain lately is that we're constantly saying 'sorry' for something. Well, stuff that. The UK is in decline, and we need someone to grab it by the scruff of the neck and drag it back up where it belongs. And if we have to tread on some toes along the way, then so be it.
Tue 04/09/01 at 13:15
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
The No1 Lemming wrote:
In Reality it is harder for every one to do
> everything. What it really needs is a little bit from everybody.

Absolutely agree 100% with you.
And what I'm saying is that everybody won't do anything.
A few people make a stand or try to change things, but because the overall attitude of the world is "Well there's nothing I can do", nothing changes.

Hence Irelend, The Middle East, racism, hatred, murder and intolerance.

If we all just did one little thing, instead of a small group of people trying to do everthing, this might change.

But it doesn't.
And that makes me sad
Tue 04/09/01 at 13:13
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
Your Honour wrote:
> Goatboy, this could be considered dangerous ground you're treading
> on.

I don't see that it is mate.
You made a post yourself in the DVD one where you said "Did you read my post or just the 1st sentence"

I have, all the way through, said "I think" "To me" "I belive"

It is a statement of personal opinion. I haven't pointed at any one person.
Just said what I feel, without personally attacking anyone.

And, once more not to ANYONE here, my point is that people aren't able to read/see/listen to something they don't agree with without resorting to shouting and picking up a gun/stick/rock/missile and attempting to remove that thing.

But, by the simple fact that people here are engaging in debate and conversation, that puts us above most people - because we listen to opposing viewpoints and, hopefully, respond intelligently and reasonably.
Tue 04/09/01 at 13:04
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
The No1 Lemming wrote:
But do you partake in these practices
> on a regular practise.
Do you spend time writing to mps or d
o you
> wear nike trainers.

Yes I do, I do what I can, when I can.
Be it marches and demos (got beaten by the police on Mayday Protests for simply being there), I write continously to Nike and Toys R Uz and Walmart asking about their policy of using child-labour in under-developed countries.
I write and email MPs and governments with issues that concern me.
I am still waiting to hear back from Tessa Jowl about the Brasseye debacle.
I have just finished almost a year's worth of legal action against Ealing Council for unecessary parking tickets and organised that road and residents into action against Ealing Council, which is leading to a criminal case of Fraud being brought against them for conning almost £1.2 million in fruadulently collected parking fines.

I refuse to wear logo clothes at all, non-branded items that are not produced on child-slavery. I make sure I post on forums with facts and figure on companies like Nike, Walmart, Monsanto, Nestle and Gap that continue to abuse and ignore human rights legislate and put profit over people.

I am a member of Amnesty International, F.A.I.R (Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting), Rock The Vote, Jubilee 2000 (Drop The Debt) and a number of other organisations that do what they can do affect positive change.

But more importantly than that, I listen to opinions, accept criticism and get involved wherever possible.
If I see someone getting hassled in the street, I intervene, if I think that something should be said (or not said) then I do so.

I listen to comments and act in an adult fashion.
I even made sure I said, at the beginning of this thread "You" and "you people" is not at anyone here.
I answer any points raised in a nice, well mannered fashion until it degenerates into shouting and screaming.

And then I either tune out or hang in there and keep talking calmly and politely.
Tue 04/09/01 at 12:52
Posts: 6,801
I read all your points and feel strongly against most of your points. There is a certain amount most people can do but it is hard to do everything. Although in theory we would like to support all these issues. In Reality it is harder for every one to do everything. What it really needs is a little bit from everybody.
Tue 04/09/01 at 12:51
Posts: 14,117
Goatboy, this could be considered dangerous ground you're treading on.

There is a quote from a book I'm going to put up here on my lunch break will which help explain what I mean.

Give me half hour or so....
Tue 04/09/01 at 12:49
Posts: 6,801
not trying to criticise you. But do you partake in these practices on a regular practise. Do you spend time writing to mps or d
o you wear nike trainers. How much do you do. I am not trying to pull you out and say "hypocrite i was just wandering what sort of things you do for the world.
Tue 04/09/01 at 12:43
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
Ok, I am going to rant. Any terms like "You" and "You people" are not directed at anyone here in particular, just in a "people suck" kind of way, so if you take offence?
That's probably because you feel guilty, so deal with it.

I've been reading about this Northern Ireland situation, and it's just another item in a long list of reasons why I despise 95% of the people that inhabit this planet.
I started a thread called "Please help me, I'm an idiot" in the DVD thread, and it ended up with me, Hooplah and Meka basically saying that this planet, as a species, is doomed to fail.

And for no other reason than it's blind stupidity and inability to deal with anything it perceives as different or strange.
Be it bullying kids, idiot religious folk murdering those that disagree (and I don't care what religion you are, murdering is wrong, if you disagree, then you're an idiot that needs more than the concept of heaven to save your worthless soul), people not bothering to learn as much as they can before they die.

There are so many things wrong with us, and we will never ever overcome these things and evolve.
I look around and I see idiot behaviour from most people on this planet.
Be it the mindless fools that decried Brasseye without even watching it, people that think Eminem should be banned, people that ban the teaching of the theory of evolution because it goes against their own beliefs...all good reasons to nuke this stupid planet and start over again.

We've had our chance and we blew it, and continue to blow it every single day that we continue to stumble along and bump into glass doors.
Be it moron tv shows that serve no purpose other than keep you inside and not doing anything positive to change your world, to The Sun - a worthless rag that thinks a football team winning a game is more important than civil war and murder in Rwanda.
I am ashamed to be part of this planet if I stop to think about what an idiotic species we are.

Popstars that think they matter, politicians refusing to hold peace talks because they don't like someone and condemn the rest of us to a lifetime of war and murder.
So many reasons to just hit "Eject" and go somewhere quiet.
Like the moon.

I see it in chimps that hate people because they're from another country, look different, speak funny or don't fit in with what they percieve their version of events to be.
I see it in newspapers that take pride in creating anti-german feelings over a goddamn football match.
Any number of things that are in plain view, but we're too concerned with watching soap operas to care.

Nike using kids to make sneakers for us to buy with our hard-earned cash and all people can say is "Well that's business"
No it's not just business, get off your lazy, ignorant backside and do something to stop this. Join Amnesty International, protest outside stores, write to MPs and Prime Ministers - just do something other than shrug and stuff burgers into your fat, complacent faces.

Just get involved dammit, if you feel strongly enough about this refugee situation, make your voice heard, don't just post in a forum, it changes nothing. Write to newspapers and MPs and Prime Ministers.

But you wont do that. And that makes me sick.
You holier-than-thou types that get on your soap-boxes but do exactly nothing about anything because Buffy is starting soon and what-can-we-do anyway?
Ghandi was just one man, that kid that stood in front of the tanks in Tianneman Square was just one person. You're just one person.
"Singular Action Initiates Plural Awareness" - just do something to change one little thing and it starts from there.

But what happens? Nothing. Nothing at all, because we're all too wrapped up in earning the most money, getting the nicest house, marrying the nicest girl and having kids that look like kids.
We're a nasty little race of self-obsessed me-monkeys, and I don't see that ever changing.
Stand up for something you believe in.
Make your voice heard instead of tutting and looking the other way.

But again, nothing. Met with blank stares and confused angry voices.
People start to debate something, but because they dont know about the situation, it descends into shouting and name-calling and killing because we're too arrogant to say "Actually, I don't know everything" or, god forbid, "I'm sorry".
It's all very well putting forward a well-balanced initial view, but you can't defend it because you spend your time watching bullsheet tv shows and hording posessions in nice houses with big doors so you can shut out the nasty world.

People make me sick, but very few people will take the time to consider any points I've raised and just start shouting at me instead of reasonably discussing.
So I'll sit on my boat, waiting for the end so I can paddle off and find a nice,quiet land to start things over again, you can all chuck rocks and spears at me.

Quite frankly, I don't care.

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