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"Humanity is a Virus"

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Tue 04/09/01 at 12:43
Posts: 787
Ok, I am going to rant. Any terms like "You" and "You people" are not directed at anyone here in particular, just in a "people suck" kind of way, so if you take offence?
That's probably because you feel guilty, so deal with it.

I've been reading about this Northern Ireland situation, and it's just another item in a long list of reasons why I despise 95% of the people that inhabit this planet.
I started a thread called "Please help me, I'm an idiot" in the DVD thread, and it ended up with me, Hooplah and Meka basically saying that this planet, as a species, is doomed to fail.

And for no other reason than it's blind stupidity and inability to deal with anything it perceives as different or strange.
Be it bullying kids, idiot religious folk murdering those that disagree (and I don't care what religion you are, murdering is wrong, if you disagree, then you're an idiot that needs more than the concept of heaven to save your worthless soul), people not bothering to learn as much as they can before they die.

There are so many things wrong with us, and we will never ever overcome these things and evolve.
I look around and I see idiot behaviour from most people on this planet.
Be it the mindless fools that decried Brasseye without even watching it, people that think Eminem should be banned, people that ban the teaching of the theory of evolution because it goes against their own beliefs...all good reasons to nuke this stupid planet and start over again.

We've had our chance and we blew it, and continue to blow it every single day that we continue to stumble along and bump into glass doors.
Be it moron tv shows that serve no purpose other than keep you inside and not doing anything positive to change your world, to The Sun - a worthless rag that thinks a football team winning a game is more important than civil war and murder in Rwanda.
I am ashamed to be part of this planet if I stop to think about what an idiotic species we are.

Popstars that think they matter, politicians refusing to hold peace talks because they don't like someone and condemn the rest of us to a lifetime of war and murder.
So many reasons to just hit "Eject" and go somewhere quiet.
Like the moon.

I see it in chimps that hate people because they're from another country, look different, speak funny or don't fit in with what they percieve their version of events to be.
I see it in newspapers that take pride in creating anti-german feelings over a goddamn football match.
Any number of things that are in plain view, but we're too concerned with watching soap operas to care.

Nike using kids to make sneakers for us to buy with our hard-earned cash and all people can say is "Well that's business"
No it's not just business, get off your lazy, ignorant backside and do something to stop this. Join Amnesty International, protest outside stores, write to MPs and Prime Ministers - just do something other than shrug and stuff burgers into your fat, complacent faces.

Just get involved dammit, if you feel strongly enough about this refugee situation, make your voice heard, don't just post in a forum, it changes nothing. Write to newspapers and MPs and Prime Ministers.

But you wont do that. And that makes me sick.
You holier-than-thou types that get on your soap-boxes but do exactly nothing about anything because Buffy is starting soon and what-can-we-do anyway?
Ghandi was just one man, that kid that stood in front of the tanks in Tianneman Square was just one person. You're just one person.
"Singular Action Initiates Plural Awareness" - just do something to change one little thing and it starts from there.

But what happens? Nothing. Nothing at all, because we're all too wrapped up in earning the most money, getting the nicest house, marrying the nicest girl and having kids that look like kids.
We're a nasty little race of self-obsessed me-monkeys, and I don't see that ever changing.
Stand up for something you believe in.
Make your voice heard instead of tutting and looking the other way.

But again, nothing. Met with blank stares and confused angry voices.
People start to debate something, but because they dont know about the situation, it descends into shouting and name-calling and killing because we're too arrogant to say "Actually, I don't know everything" or, god forbid, "I'm sorry".
It's all very well putting forward a well-balanced initial view, but you can't defend it because you spend your time watching bullsheet tv shows and hording posessions in nice houses with big doors so you can shut out the nasty world.

People make me sick, but very few people will take the time to consider any points I've raised and just start shouting at me instead of reasonably discussing.
So I'll sit on my boat, waiting for the end so I can paddle off and find a nice,quiet land to start things over again, you can all chuck rocks and spears at me.

Quite frankly, I don't care.
Wed 05/09/01 at 17:38
Posts: 23,284
" me, Hooplah and Meka basically saying that this planet, as a species, is doomed to fail. "

Add me to that list.

Another inspiring post Goatser... I would write a good responce but I have sore head and eating dinner.
Wed 05/09/01 at 13:04
Posts: 6,801
Yes it just has got more stupid in belfast a bomb has gone of next to a school.
Wed 05/09/01 at 11:33
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
Meka, my man, I agree with 100% of things you say.

The only reason that I'm now a mouthy little beggar and do what I can, when I can, is because I reached a point where I spent my time in my room, refusing to acknowledge the outside world because it made me angry and confused.

And you know woke me up and made me want to do what I could?

Bill Hicks.
A dead American stand-up comedian that raged against stupidity and did so with incredible fury, passion and wit.

That was the day I stopped trying to block it all out, embraced every little annoyance I could find and do my best to change things in my own little way.
Please dont think I'm criticising you in any way, you start with your family.
That is the bedrock of life, you can and are making sure you do what you can to make the best life for them.
My parents did the same with me and I thank them.
I just couldn't handle not doing or saying anything anymore, I reached critical mass and just exploded outwards.

And the exact routine from Hicks that made me wake-up from my self-imposed slumber?

"You know what I hate? This child-worshipping thing going on. "They're killing kids in Waco", it's always about the kids.
What does that mean? They reach a certain age and they're off your love-list? Fun you, you either love all people of all ages or you shut the fun up.
And this rush to have kids?
Why not adopt one that's already in a bad position and needs help and love so badly instead of trying to replicate yourselves?
But nope, we'll keep on filling the world with violent, evil people until we run out of food and air and there's nobody left to hate so we start on each man...I want no part of a world like that.
I don't care if you stare at me and don't feel the fire, I'll die trying to change my world and make you see how good things could be, instead of seeing how bad things are"

And he did die trying, and so will I.
I know I shout, I know I lecture, but dammit I can't just keep quiet and enjoy the latest PS2 games.

I don't say these things to annoy or upset, I say them because I don't have any choice, I have to try and make my world tolerable to live in.
Wed 05/09/01 at 11:12
"not dead"
Posts: 11,145
Can the situation in Belfats get any more stupid?

Is it Catholics not wanting Protesant (sp) kids walking through their 'patch' to get to scholl, or the other way around?

A bloody bomb went off there this morning.

This are kids for Christs sake! What do they know of this problem? They're not at fault, they're trying to get to school!

So the world sucks, it's full of stupid freaks.

I guess that's why I'm pretty shut off from the world. You know there have been times when I've not gone out all weekend, not had the television on at all, and been completely oblivious to the outside world, just being with my family. Those times are great. There's too much damn suffering in the world and I want it away from me. I watch the news, and I get frustrated. The easy answer is to not watch the news - but what does that achieve?

Yesterdays stories including the Grandmother of a child telling how she thought the child was being mistreated. Now that kid is dead. Why didn't she do more, how could she stand by and watch that happen? Not a great deal I can do about that now, is there, but I can make try to stop similar things happening to my children.

Another story that got my goat 9no pun intended) was of a woman that received a £140000 settlement for stress. That's stress in a job that she chose to do, a job she could have walked away from at any time. Damn disgusting society that makes payouts for this kind of thing, but then can't afford to supply hospitals with enough money to buy equiptment, or schools to buy books

So what do I do about what such things?


Yes I think about them, but I don't actually do anything.

But at least it's not because I'm too busy watching Big Brother!

I just shut myself, and my family away from it. Maybe that's wrong but hey, it's Malibus 2nd birthday today, and my time is better spent making her, Georgia, and my wife Lisa's lives happy ones.

So arter the guests have gone I'll sit back with a beer, watch the football, and shut the world out again.

Because it's easy.

But I do find myself getting increasingly wound up - often with things I find out about on these forums (Goatboys rants) and I haven't forgotten them, I keep on looking back at them, getting annoyed, and I won't shut it out forever - just for now.

We really need to get rid of the 'what good can I do?' and 'Nobody else does anything' attitudes. I'm not criticising, I have one. But at least I've become aware of it, I'm thinking about, and that's a start.
Wed 05/09/01 at 11:11
Posts: 14,117
I was brought up being told that everyone is different, and that this was a good thing.

If it's good to be different, why does everyone want to merge in with everyone else?

Let's join Europe, let's have foreigners come here and live, let's lose everything that made us, us (if you see what I mean).

Whats wrong with being different?

Whats wrong with us saying "Look, this is how we do things here, if you want to join in and do it our way, fine, if you don't there's the door."?
Wed 05/09/01 at 11:01
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
Yes we should be able to deal with our own problems, but that would be admitting that we aren't perfect.

Much easier to point at immigrants and say "Look at these people! They don't even speak the same language as you! Fear them and their strange customs, they may even want to change a few things"

So what?
I couldn't care less. The more integrated we become, the less we have this Island mentality, the more accepting and understanding we become.

And we wonder why aliens haven't landed yet?
We can't even handle the concept of people with a different colour skin and language, how the hell would we cope with a different species?
Wed 05/09/01 at 10:57
"High polygon count"
Posts: 15,624
Goatboy wrote:
> This nation is one of "dont get too big now", the press love to do that. Build
> someone up and tear them down

Agreed 100%. We seem as a nation to resent success, and settle for 2nd place, in too many things.

> there is not a day goes by I dont see some illiterate English family on the dole,
> spawning like flies and being handed houses for an ever increasing
> brood of dirty faced, inbred children.

Again I agree. We have two such families living - effectively - right next door to us. They've made a mess of the estate; they can't even be bothered to take their rubbish to the designated collection points - they just dump it outside their back gate.

We have off-cuts of trees and bushes that they've left around. We called the council, who said "we'll get someone round to take it away." That was a year ago, and it's still there. Eventually, it dried out and their kids set light to it!

We also have a cooker, parts of fences, and sofa cushions scattered around yards from our house. The council haven't done anything about those, either.

Only this weekend, the same kids were swinging from the branches of the tree outside our house, breaking them. When asked to stop, the mother came out and said "didn't you ever climbe trees when you were a kid?" Well, yes - but I *climbed* them - I didn't destroy them.

You try to take care of your environment and the area you live in, but these morons won't let you. Worse still is that councils just don't seem to care.

There's a stream which runs into a lake near where I live. When I was a kid and came to Northampton during the school holidays, you could drink from the stream, it was so clean. Nowit's filthy and full of tyres, Tesco trolleys and who knows what else; I wouldn't dare put my hand in there for fear of it dissolving!

So yes, we do have our own problems. I don't deny that, but I personally still think that we should sort out our own before we take on anyone else's, otherwise we're being hypocritical.

> Reminds me there is more to this life than working,
> watching tv and being surrounded by cockney chimps

Oi, that's me! ;-)
Wed 05/09/01 at 10:50
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
Councils are idiots, they cannot legislate to save their life.

What does it matter?
You dont live in Birmingham, I couldnt care less what they call a Christian festival when I have no interest in Christian teachings.

They could call it "Ganesh The Elephant Lord Day" for all I care, as long as I got to eat too much and fall asleep.
All this "England, the green and sceptered Island", we should all be thanking the bloody Vikings for coming over and teaching how to use fire and live indoors in the 1st place.

You either accept that this world is made-up of different people who may want to bring their own traditions and cultures over with them, to assimilate with English - or you go shout and protest about the murkying of English bloodlines and traditions.

This world is getting smaller, borders nearer every day and the idea of "This is English, this is French, this is Pakistani" is becoming more and more obselete.
Personally, I like that.
I don't care if we all have to wear turbans or Leiderhosen.

I know that I'm still me, I have my opinions and values and I don't feel threatened by anything other than fools.

Of ANY colour or race
(not you to Your Honour specifically, but to anyone else)
Wed 05/09/01 at 10:34
Posts: 14,117
Goatboy wrote:
I personally love the fact we're multi-cultured and I
> can hear 12 different languages when I'm in London.
There's a
> strong Lebanese community in Acton, and I think that's great I can
> buy food I don't normally eat,hear languages I can't understand and
> see people from different cultures without having to go
> abroad.

But how far should the multi-cultural thing go?

I say that in relation to the incident in Birmingham last christmas, when the council re-named it winterval so the ethnic groups wouldn't be left out.

Excuse me?!

This is our country and we are a predominantly christian country, and we celebrate christmas. If they come over here, fine, but why should we change our traditions and stuff to take them into account?

I'm not having ago at the ethnic people here, I'm annouyed with the council for changing one of our festivals.

Whats the saying again? When in Rome etc etc.
Wed 05/09/01 at 10:24
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
Wòókiee Møn§†€R wrote:
But surely if we *don't* start saying what
> we do and don't like, we're turning into the mindless automatons
> that you accuse the press and media of turning us into?
If you
> encourage people to stand up and protest about things like
> exploitation of children and civil & human rights, you can't
> deny people the right to speak out if they don't like immigration
> etc.?

Asbolutely. No argument there, but the trouble is, we don't say what we do like.
There is never any report of people that come here, bust themselves and make a success of things.
This nation is one of "dont get too big now", the press love to do that. Build someone up and tear them down, we just hear about damn dirty refugees and so on.

People get labelled as 'bigots' because of their
> opinion, which is really no different to labelling someone because
> of their religious beliefs, creed or colour.

Again no argument.
I haven't labelled you a bigot, because you're expressing your opinion.

I know that isn't
> (necessarily) aimed at me, but as I've said before, I believe in
> 'best man for the job'.

I wasnt aiming at you at all mate, it was more at some of the moron comments this morning from people around me at work.
I get so angry when I hear the same old arguments "give 'em a house etc" when there is not a day goes by I dont see some illiterate English family on the dole, spawning like flies and being handed houses for an ever increasing brood of dirty faced, inbred children.
We have just as many scrounging peasants born here as come in on the boat, and just because they're born here doesn't make them any better.

Dont point at the "darkies", go to school, learn more, study and get a decent job.
Don't spend your time getting drunk and beating your stupid thumbless children and having more and more babies to fill up the world with more morons that read The Sun and think the world stops outside their country.

Racist, intolerable, unreasonable bovine hate-filled people existed here before immigrants.
I personally love the fact we're multi-cultured and I can hear 12 different languages when I'm in London.
There's a strong Lebanese community in Acton, and I think that's great I can buy food I don't normally eat,hear languages I can't understand and see people from different cultures without having to go abroad.

Reminds me there is more to this life than working, watching tv and being surrounded by cockney chimps that hate anyone that isn't "Alright mate!"

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