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Wed 05/10/16 at 14:14
"possibly impossible"
Posts: 24,985
I'm sure we had one of these before, but as we've got nowhere else on the forums for general game chat, here it is....

Tue 08/11/16 at 10:20
Staff Moderator
Posts: 1,474

dav2612 wrote:
Titanfall 2 is certainly a nice looking game. Only had a brief shot so far but the initial impression I am left with is that the titan sure is chatty.

I did take a look at the multiplayer component. Usual story for me and I left feeling well out of my depth. I did alright on the first game but clearly very rusty now.

Nothing worse than a rusty titan...

Been replaying Batman Arkham Knight, as I didn't see much difference in the remastered Skyrim. Rather glad I didn't pay for the upgrade, I'd have been rather annoyed if I had. It runs a bit smoother, looks a tad prettier in sunlit areas, but other than that...

Anyway, I'd forgotten how much fun it is to drive the Batmobile and trash bad guys. Found a few new bits too, some rather diabolical Riddler trophies and one or two new areas.

Despite the bad press, I still love this game (and in fact all the Arkham games!).
Tue 08/11/16 at 09:55
"And in last place.."
Posts: 2,054
Titanfall 2 is certainly a nice looking game. Only had a brief shot so far but the initial impression I am left with is that the titan sure is chatty.

I did take a look at the multiplayer component. Usual story for me and I left feeling well out of my depth. I did alright on the first game but clearly very rusty now.
Thu 03/11/16 at 14:38
Staff Moderator
Posts: 1,474

DL wrote:
Difficult to say Chas, but I know where you are coming from. Battlefield 2 and 3, we had great team action and our own server and comms! But, laterly, people have fallen away ... grown up, got married, died etc etc. Game 'people' have changed, they're not 'old school' any more and neither are the games, as much as they may claim to be!

Less "old school", more "at school"...

Perhaps if parents had more control over their kids' gaming habits it'd be different.
Wed 02/11/16 at 22:48
"Feather edged ..."
Posts: 8,536

chasfh wrote:
Exactly the reason I don't do multiplayer.

What's needed is a proper "middle ground", where adult players remember that it's still supposed to be fun but nonetheless take the whole team thing into consideration. Can't remember the last time I felt like that was the case (probably RTCW, so some time ago...).

Difficult to say Chas, but I know where you are coming from. Battlefield 2 and 3, we had great team action and our own server and comms! But, laterly, people have fallen away ... grown up, got married, died etc etc. Game 'people' have changed, they're not 'old school' any more and neither are the games, as much as they may claim to be!
Sat 29/10/16 at 11:10
Staff Moderator
Posts: 1,474

dav2612 wrote:
Well they certainly have way faster response times than me. By the time I've clocked there is someone there and I should shoot, I have died and respawned. Twice.

Exactly the reason I don't do multiplayer. Kids dominate the whole thing, despite the 15 or 18 ratings. If it really did require some tactical behaviour, if your team mates and opposition played in the spirit of the game, I might think differently, but I get so bored just "headless chicken"-ing my way through map after map.

Even Doom (distinctly, undoubtedly an 18 and for good reason) is packed with little boys running around and doing the "you can't shoot me 'cos I'm bouncing" thing. Irritating.

Total War on the other hand has entirely the opposite problem; online players are so up themselves and "historically accurate" that they take all the fun out of it.

What's needed is a proper "middle ground", where adult players remember that it's still supposed to be fun but nonetheless take the whole team thing into consideration. Can't remember the last time I felt like that was the case (probably RTCW, so some time ago...).
Fri 28/10/16 at 13:04
"And in last place.."
Posts: 2,054

chasfh wrote:
Ah, the joys of discovering that nearly everyone playing on those is under the age of 12...

Well they certainly have way faster response times than me. By the time I've clocked there is someone there and I should shoot, I have died and respawned. Twice.

Fri 28/10/16 at 11:27
Staff Moderator
Posts: 1,474

dav2612 wrote:
Nobody on my team got that message. I can't remember the last time on any of these games I heard anyone communicate. Other than dealing with the sniper in the windmill, I didn't come across any reason to communicate. People just randomly dash about all over the place, there are seldom any tactics or team work evident.

Ah, the joys of discovering that nearly everyone playing on those is under the age of 12...
Thu 27/10/16 at 14:45
"And in last place.."
Posts: 2,054

pb wrote:
To be fair, you need to work as a team and communicate. It's not as pew pew as COD.

Nobody on my team got that message. I can't remember the last time on any of these games I heard anyone communicate. Other than dealing with the sniper in the windmill, I didn't come across any reason to communicate. People just randomly dash about all over the place, there are seldom any tactics or team work evident.
Thu 27/10/16 at 14:21
"possibly impossible"
Posts: 24,985

dav2612 wrote:
I have sampled Team Deathmatch on Battlefield 1 now. And I shall probably never play that again. I didn't die as frequently as I did in CoD but I think that was because I somehow spent most of my time away from the action. Perhaps some of the maps are too big for their own good. 4 matches was enough for boredom to take control and have me switch it off.

To be fair, you need to work as a team and communicate. It's not as pew pew as COD.
Thu 27/10/16 at 14:05
"And in last place.."
Posts: 2,054
I have sampled Team Deathmatch on Battlefield 1 now. And I shall probably never play that again. I didn't die as frequently as I did in CoD but I think that was because I somehow spent most of my time away from the action. Perhaps some of the maps are too big for their own good. 4 matches was enough for boredom to take control and have me switch it off.

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