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"The Man with the Micro Penis"

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Tue 09/04/02 at 20:25
Posts: 787
"Good afternoon sir, a woman left a letter for you."

The man smiled at the bellboy, took the letter, sliped it into his pocket, pulled out a cigarette, and lit up.

"I'll be at the blackjack tables if there's a phone call for me."

"Oui senoir."

The man calmly strode down the long stairs to the chandilier lit casino. Smoke filled the room, puffed out by men who were a lot less rich now that they'd been in here for a few hours.

But there was one man who always seemed to win. He sat at table 5...

So he sat down, opposite, and offered to play in. The table accepted.

A woman around the table eyed the new player... he knew his cards... and she knew his face.

"Cool, hit me." He said, taking a deep drag from his cigarette.

"Excuse me sir, have I seen you around places before?" The lady finally asked.

"Maybe. I've been to places before." The man quipped, taking another drag and raising the stakes.

The man, the man who never seemed to lose sneered at the smoking man's comment.

"So who are you?" The lady asked.

"The name's Snuggly." Snuggly took another deep drag from his cigarette. "Mr. Snuggly."

"Oh! I DO know you... remember when we inflitrated that drugs ring in South America... we made love under the sunset after we bought Mr Large to justice... he faced an untimely death after being rolled in his giant mechanical joint making machine."

The man who never losed eyed Snuggly... "I'm sorry, you must have mistaken me for someone else."

"Can't you remember?" The woman said, giggling. "It wasn't that long ago... we're both spies, you know, you'd expect us to remember things like that. You DO still work for the British Secret Service, don't you?"

The man who never losed suddenly stood up quickly... two men seized Snuggly from behind, and the woman was punched in the face by the man, and fell to the floor.

"You! You the spy that been following me huh?" The man said.

"You've been stealing OAP's to build your underwater lair, Hybrid. It was only a matter of time before we found out your evil scheme."

"Acchh... I was so sure nobody would notice that they went missing..." Hybrid said. "Still, ah well. I'll just have to kill you now."

"Not if I do this!" Snuggly managed to loosen his grip on the man holding him to his left. He punched the one to the right, kicked the other one in the shin, and then pulled an elastic band from his pocket, and shot it at Hybrid.

He fell back, screaming, and fell into an automatic card shuffler. The other members that had come to play cards moaned at the sight, as Hybrid was split into two even sections.

"He always was a right pack to deal with." Snuggly said to himself.

The woman rushed to her feet. "Oh Snuggly... how foolish of me, but what do you expect, I'm only a woman, after all." The woman giggled, and offered Snuggly back to her place for a few hours of sex.

Snuggly placed the letter from the woman that was given to him in his jacket, and promptly forgot about it.




"Glad to hear that you've dealt with Hybrid, Snuggly!" Tony said, sitting behind his antique desk, smoking a pipe.

"In more ways than one." Loki said, opening the door and letting himself in.

"Ah, Loki, I've been meaning to thank you for that elastic band you gave me for that mission... came in handy."

"We're here to help you get the man Snuggly, don't you forget. The amount of times Loki Branch has saved your life, I'll never count. Did you manage to return the elastic band?"

"Well... yes, I was meaning to say..."

Loki sighed.

"Never mind that now, you two, sit down." Tony stood up, and waited for the two to sit. "Now, a small problem has arised in Venice... our payman there, Meka, he hasn't reported in for a few days."

"What was he sticking his nose in at the time?" Snuggly asked.

"We're not sure. The last time he radio contacted us, he told us that something big was going down at the 'Plumage Club'. It's a big nightclub, probably the best you can find in Venice."

"Does it have a casino?" Snuggly asked.



"So your assignment is this." Tony said, summing up the mission, and taking a puff from his pipe. "Go to Venice, visit where Meka was staying, find anything you can, and visit this 'Plumage Club' as well. Meka might still be alive, so please, work as fast as you can."

"You know me, sir." Snuggly stood up. "I'll leave immedietely."

"Not quite so fast..." Loki said, standing up to. "Come with me down to the Workshop, we've got a few gadgets for you to bring with you."
Tue 06/01/15 at 10:24
Posts: 56
Go into Setup/Local Parameters and fill in the details relating to SMTP.

As a general guide these should be identical to the settings you will find in Outlook, Windows Mail, Thunderbird etc.

You will need to know :-

1. The SMTP server. BT is usually
2. The outbound port. Leave blank if you do not have a special port. BT uses Outlook on port 587
3. Your username
4. Your password
5. Your actual email address

To test go to Help then Send Suggestion. Type a short message then click on the send button. f you do not get a warning message then all should be OK.

The commonest issues are a wrong username or password.
Thu 02/05/02 at 12:34
"not dead"
Posts: 11,145
"Hmmm, Goatboy gave the plot away, but didn't leave us assuming that we'd die, that's not right, is it?" Said Meka, scratching his head, and his balls.

"You're right, Goatboy's not following the usual bad guy rules, unless we're missing something." Replied Snuggly, scratching himself behind the ear.

"Can you give my back a quick scratch?" asked Meka, lifting his shirt.

"My God! Flesh eating bugs, all over you!" Replied Snuggly, in horror, still scratching himself frantically.

Meka screamed, pulling one of the bugs from his back. He rolled onto the floor, trying to get them off.

"No Meka! Get up! The bugs, they've come from that talcum powder! Quick, into the shower!"

Snuggly tore all of his clothes off, and headed into the bathroom.

Meka followed shortly after, stumbling along the way.

Snuggly turned the handle, and jumped back "cold, cold, cold, cold, cold!" He cried. Then he thought, why was Goatboy having cold showers? Snuggly looked around for Meka, but he had fallen. "Mekaaaaa!" he cried, at the very same moment Meka's body cracked, and from it crawled the bugs. "Noooooooooo!" cried Snuggly, and got back under the cover of the shower water.

The bugs were now approaching fast, eating through Snuggly's clothes on the way. But they wouldn't get in the bath, would they? And surely he could wash them down the drain?"
Sun 28/04/02 at 15:48
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
" you know where we're going? Or where everyone else is?" Stryke asked Wookiee, as they continued on in a little canoe.

"Well, from the little information I have gathered, we're off to the island where the underwater satellite is. I'm guessing that Dogboy, Mouldy Cheese and probably that Shaneo guy are there too." He replied, as they reacher the shore.

They stepped off, and looked around. It was basically deserted, and Wookiee looked a bit puzzled. They turned right, and walked into what looked like a small forest. They strolled on, before hearing a noise behind them. Sounded a bit like a bird. Stryke twisted around, and was greeted by...well, it stood on it's two hind legs, had two tiny arms and sharp teeth. Very small, but looked dangerous.

Stryke offered it a piece of bread. It grabbed it, and ate. Suddenly another came out of the bushes, and then another. He fed them some bread, and then more came. From the trees now, jumping down. One landed on Wookiee's head, its claws digging deep.

"Argh!" He cried, ripping it off and tossing it the ground. In just a matter of seconds, they were surrounded. They closed in on Wookiee and Stryke, ready to pounce.

"Does this seem familiar to you?" Stryke asked, "I've seen this before in a movie...these are those Compsognathus (sp?) things, those dinosaurs. They surrounded this girl on a desert island and jumped her...a load of men winced at her photo after the incident..." They thought about this for a moment, and then ran.

They managed to reach the canoe and quickly got away, and it was then Wookiee realised his mistake. "We were on the wrong island," he pointed to his left, "that's the island we wanted."

They looked back, and saw a man that looked strangely like Steven Spielberg hurling obscenities and screaming at them. They looked up, and hung between two huge trees was a sign that read, "TRIASSIC PARK SET."

Stryke shrugged, and finally they reached the proper island.


"The base is almost ready, according to Mr Shaneo." Dogboy told them.

"Base?" Stryke questioned.

"Well, actually, it's the just the big underwater satellite. "Base" is shorter, and sounds better." Dogboy explained.

"Why am I needed then?"

"Not the word "almost." There's still a small problem with it, you need to take a look."

"What does this dish actually do?"

Dogboy thought for a moment before answering. "Well, it's complicated. I know Wookiee has filled you in on our plans, and this dish is needed for it to work. When we press the switch that is right here," he said, pointing to the big red button in front of him, "the incurable virus that is inside everyone is turned on. However, it does not actually become 'operational' until the Dish turns towards the sun, and does something with it's rays, not sure what."

"How will that help?"

"Don't ask me, I guess Shaneo might know. Something to do with making the heat from the sun more intensified, therefore making the virus work better. Put it this way, without the dish then the virus would not take affect for hundreds of thousands of years, and that isn't what I'm hoping for."

Stryke was very confused, just like all the readers of this story.

Dogboy reiterated, "all you need to do is get the plans from Shaneo, and make sure the trajectory of the sun is in-line with the dish."

"Ah, okay."

Stryke and Wookiee left, leaving Dogboy to ponder over Snuggly and Meka's whereabouts...
Sat 27/04/02 at 16:01
Posts: 23,216
"This sucks." Mr Snuggly said. "I became a spy so I could trot across the world, hunt down evil madmen... and most, MOST of all, become envolved in a ridiculously unnecessaryily complicated but still hilarious plot to destroy the world for some pathetic reason. Sure you've got something remotely interesting under all the crap that's going on here?"

"Look you!" Goatboy span around, and spilt coffee on his hand... he grabbed his hand in pain, and his towel dropped to the floor.

Snuggly and Meka looked in disbelief.

"So THAT'S why you're doing this."

"It's TINY!"

Goatboy picked his towel up, and turned bright red. "Shut up! Ninjas! Kill them! Kill them now!"

The two ninjas stood, and waved their arms around a bit, and threw those little ninja stars at them both... Snuggly, with lightning quick reactions, turned on his magnetic watch, caught the stars, and threw them back at the ninjas, each one landing between the eyes.

"Look, we've really stuck for plot here." Snuggly said, directing his attention to Goatboy. "All that's happenned is that we're being captured, then we escape, then captured, escaped... and lo and beyold, just about everyone we meet is turning out to be a 'badguy'. It sucks, and I'm really beginning to get pessed off."

"Alright... you want a plot advancement? I'll give you a plot advancement. Super Johny Condoms. You find them, you find Dogboy."

"What? What's Super Johny Condoms got to do with all of this... they're my favourite brand!" Snuggly said.

"Then you're doomed." Goatboy said, beginning to laugh... "Anyone who uses them is infected with a small incurable virus, that hides deep within your body..."

"Then what?" Meka said.

"Then, when we trigger it... we stop the blood flow... no more erections..." Goatboy said, laughing still...

"You fool! You'll never get away with it!"

"Oh... but we already have... Super Johny Condoms are used worldwide, they're the most popular brand. EVERYONE uses them."

"Not, EVERYONE." Meka said.

"Why?" Snuggly asked. "What brand do you use?"

"Now isn't the time." Meka replied.

Goatboy threw a tub of talcum powder on the floor, and ran out the door, laughing.

"But how do they trigger the virus... and what the hell has an underwater satalite and loads of sun tan lotion got to do with it all?"

"Well, if we knew now, then the story would be a bit dull, wouldn't it?" Meka said.

Snuggly snarled... and suddenly thought what the world would be like if nobody could have sex...

"We've got to stop Dogboy. Now. Now now now now."
Fri 26/04/02 at 15:09
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
Meka and Snuggly were shoved into the lift, along with all the Ninjas and Ivanna. It was a tight squeeze, and Meka happened to be situated right underneath Ivanna's legs.

He looked upwards, "Mmmmmm...what a sight."

Ivanna smiled evilly, "You like what you see?"

Meka nodded violently, "Oh yes, the fabric on the underwear is most exquisite."

Ivanna decided to knee him in the side of the head, before sending the lift up to the top floor of the hotel. They emerged a couple of minutes later, and they were then led to one of the rooms. They entered, to find themselves in a spacious, but rather normal lounge. To their right was a cosy kitchen, and on their left was a bathroom.

Ivanna took them to the bathroom anbd threw them inside. Someone was having a shower.

"You stay there, until Goatboy finishes. Then you may talk to him. Don't try any fancy stuff though, or my Ninjas who are standing just outside the door will come in and kick the crap out of you."

"Ah brilliant, I really need a dump as well," Meka replied.

Goatboy then emerged from the shower, and tied a towel around his waist.

"So, you're Goatboy then?" Snuggly enquired.

"No, I'm the Andrex Puppy," he retorted sarcastically.

Snuggly looked at Meka, confused.

"Of course I'm Goatboy," he growled.

"Ah, good." Snuggly twiddled his thumbs, unsure of what to ask. "Having the old shower, I see."

Goatboy looked at Snuggly as though he was a piece of dirt he found under his toenail. "No, I've been rolling around in the mud."

Snuggly nodded, "ah, okay then. Do you work with, or for Dogboy?"

"No, I work for Lily Savage."

"I'll take that as a yes then. What were all those boxes of sun block doing down there?"

Goatboy put his pants on, and nothing else. "I'm going to use them as cream for my numerous boxes of chocolate gateaux." He answered, sarcastically. Again.

"Are we going to have to ask you every question twice to get the right answer?" Meka questioned.

"No, you have to ask me FIVE times." Goatboy shook his head in disgust, "you really are a couple of twonks. And anyway, what right do you have to ask me questions?"

Goatboy walked into the kitchen to make himself a coffee. Meka and Snuggly were still surrounded by Ninjas, but they followed him.

"Can we have coffees too?" Snuggly asked in a hopeful tone.

"Yes," Goatboy replied, making only the one.
Mon 22/04/02 at 17:04
"keep your receipt"
Posts: 990
Grix is it OK wit you if I steal your idea for a spoof? Can you please go to my
'Spoof concerning Mystique'
topic in
Long, Interesting and Amusing Stories
to give me some feedback.

Sun 21/04/02 at 20:49
Posts: 1,864
so he turned it back on again. But hark! he...
Sun 21/04/02 at 20:44
Posts: 16,548
I call it artistic license :-)
Sun 21/04/02 at 19:01
Posts: 23,216
Yes, but switching the m and n isn't so. :0)
Sun 21/04/02 at 17:45
Posts: 16,548
I call that petty. You'd think extra E's would flatter him.

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