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Fri 08/11/02 at 13:13
Posts: 787

BBC/Daily Mail/Stupid People begin to worry about whether GTA:Vice City will encourage violence amongst children.
Must be a slow news day.
How come nobody asks us? Because we'd laugh and walk away is why.
Altogether now kids:
Video games are evil, they warp my mind. I want to kill everyone because I played a computer game.

Here's what really makes me sick:
Stupid Parent "Grand Theft Auto will make my child evil!"

Normal Person "Take responsibility for teaching your child right and wrong then"

Stupid Parent "Little Timmy played it and he's going to worship Satan and rape people and snort drugs, I just know it"

Normal Person "Raise your child correctly then, spend time with Timmy. Stop expecting teachers to raise your children and you dump them in front of video games and tv with burgers"

Stupid Parent "But evil videogames baaaaah! Baaaaah! Baaaaaah!"

Normal Person "Why weren't you concerned when you let them go trick or treating by themselves. At night, alone? Why are you so worried about a game?"

Stupid Person "Because the paper says to be! Baaaah! Baaaah! Baaaaah!"
Fri 08/11/02 at 15:45
"Orbiting Uranus"
Posts: 5,665
Thats true, but at 50 you are more likely to be mature than you were before 18. The law has to take responsibilty for thoses under 18, but you cannot expect it to take reponsibilty once people are legally adult. No matter how mature they are.

> Take off the "18" label, and slap on a huge health warning
> saying violent games can seriously affect your mental health. Not some
> subtle reminder in the small print of the instruction booklet, but
> more like a dominant sign on the box, instructions and game disc more
> akin to cigarette warnings.

A good idea. As long as you don't want to suggest that we should all be denied the game because it may affect the mental health of some, or many many other things would need to be banned as well (including alcohol).
Fri 08/11/02 at 15:41
"Darkness, always"
Posts: 9,603
You missed my point on both counts Ros.

It's not about maturity. You can be 50 years old and not have the mental capacity to withstand outside influences on your decision making processes.

slapping an "18" tag on a game will achieve nothing. Firstly, it's well known that it doesn't prevent under 18s from getting the game, and secondly, it makes the massively flawed assumption that it is age that determines someone's strength of character.

Completely ludicrous.

Take off the "18" label, and slap on a huge health warning saying violent games can seriously affect your mental health. Not some subtle reminder in the small print of the instruction booklet, but more like a dominant sign on the box, instructions and game disc more akin to cigarette warnings.
Fri 08/11/02 at 15:37
"Orbiting Uranus"
Posts: 5,665
Insane Bartender wrote:

> But then, most people have no allergy to peanuts. Doesn't mean they
> don't need to carry a fat health warning.

But then they aren't outlawed either
Fri 08/11/02 at 15:36
"Orbiting Uranus"
Posts: 5,665
Insane Bartender wrote:
> Interesting that people are so willing to believe that the day you
> turn 18, you become completely impervious to the influences of this
> type of material.

Rosalind Wrote:
> Where do you draw the line? What is mature enough. The goverment have
> chose to draw that line at 18 when you legally become an adult. Some
> people may be very mature by this age while others will not yet be fully > mature, but you cannot have one restrition for one person and another
> for others. Do you suggest that we all take some sort of maturity test
> to decide if we can now become an adult?

what did you say?
Fri 08/11/02 at 15:33
"+34 Intellect"
Posts: 21,334
phi11ip wrote:
> It's right though, how can they moan about kids being influenced by
> this game when it's rated 18?
> I'm gonna write into the Daily Mail and just state the point on this,
> I'll probably get bombed or something but it will be fun!

Good idea. I will do the same and we will see who gets into print.

Fri 08/11/02 at 15:33
"+34 Intellect"
Posts: 21,334
SHEEPY wrote:
> Same goes with alcohol
> " I'll be able to get wasted when I turn 18... if I'm 16 I will
> die, or er something "

I can see your analogy, but its not quite the same.

An 18 year olds liver will be more matured compared to the 16 year olds. Therefore getting wasted when you are 16 is more hazardous than if you done it when you are 18.
Fri 08/11/02 at 15:29
"Chavez, just hush.."
Posts: 11,080
It's right though, how can they moan about kids being influenced by this game when it's rated 18?

I'm gonna write into the Daily Mail and just state the point on this, I'll probably get bombed or something but it will be fun!
Fri 08/11/02 at 15:27
"Darkness, always"
Posts: 9,603
The difference with alcohol is that everyone acknowledges that it is dangerous.

And you can drink alcohol under the age of 18 under adult supervision. The idea of that being that you learn to be sensible with it by the time you're 18, and can then get it yourself. That this system fails miserably is a reflection on parents, nothing else.
Fri 08/11/02 at 15:24
Posts: 23,284
Same goes with alcohol

" I'll be able to get wasted when I turn 18... if I'm 16 I will die, or er something "
Fri 08/11/02 at 15:22
"Darkness, always"
Posts: 9,603
Interesting that people are so willing to believe that the day you turn 18, you become completely impervious to the influences of this type of material.

Not interesting actually. Just downright hilarious.

"I'm 17, better not play vilent games, they will make a sewer of my mind, corrupt me and turn me to evil. Fortunately, I turn 18 in a few days, after that I can buy it, and have developed an impenitrable mental shield that will protect me from outside influences on my subconscious."


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