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Fri 08/11/02 at 13:13
Posts: 787

BBC/Daily Mail/Stupid People begin to worry about whether GTA:Vice City will encourage violence amongst children.
Must be a slow news day.
How come nobody asks us? Because we'd laugh and walk away is why.
Altogether now kids:
Video games are evil, they warp my mind. I want to kill everyone because I played a computer game.

Here's what really makes me sick:
Stupid Parent "Grand Theft Auto will make my child evil!"

Normal Person "Take responsibility for teaching your child right and wrong then"

Stupid Parent "Little Timmy played it and he's going to worship Satan and rape people and snort drugs, I just know it"

Normal Person "Raise your child correctly then, spend time with Timmy. Stop expecting teachers to raise your children and you dump them in front of video games and tv with burgers"

Stupid Parent "But evil videogames baaaaah! Baaaaah! Baaaaaah!"

Normal Person "Why weren't you concerned when you let them go trick or treating by themselves. At night, alone? Why are you so worried about a game?"

Stupid Person "Because the paper says to be! Baaaah! Baaaah! Baaaaah!"
Fri 08/11/02 at 14:50
"Remember me?"
Posts: 6,124
Never mind. I know I've not been influenced by what I've seen in videogames, and that's really all I need to know.


Fri 08/11/02 at 14:48
"Orbiting Uranus"
Posts: 5,665
Dark Mark™ wrote:

> But the point is,

But now you have changed the point.

The point was that I forgot that your attitude was that of a younger you in 1996
You have now changed the point to the point which I addressed below. You were allowed to play violent games and you have turned out fine.

Thats a new point and not the one I was adressing

your agument is all over the place
Fri 08/11/02 at 14:47
Posts: 23,284
" My son only stabbed that man because of the bad video games not my dreadful parenting "
Fri 08/11/02 at 14:45
"Remember me?"
Posts: 6,124
Rosalind wrote:
> I wasn't forgetting. your post insinuatedd since you commented on the
> fact you were lucky (which is your opinon now I presume) for being
> allowed to do whatever you wanted that this was your attitude.


But the point is, I've been playing games aimed at the more mature gamers, but so far I've managed to resist the urge to come at you or anyone else with a chainsaw and hack you to pieces. If I went around doing these things, I'd see your point. But the fact is I've never carried out anything violent I've seen or done in a game, and I never will.
Fri 08/11/02 at 14:41
"Orbiting Uranus"
Posts: 5,665
Dark Mark™ wrote:

> You're forgetting that this back back in 1996, which would have made
> me... *counts* around 10 or 11 years old. Back then I would have
> laughed (and, er... did), but now I wouldn't laugh. But still, I do
> think the level of complaints regarding "mature" games is
> annoyingly high.

I wasn't forgetting. your post insinuatedd since you commented on the fact you were lucky (which is your opinon now I presume) for being allowed to do whatever you wanted that this was your attitude.
Fri 08/11/02 at 14:39
"Orbiting Uranus"
Posts: 5,665
unknown kernel wrote:
> Personally I don't think anyone has the right to tell us what kids can
> and can't see. A child's parents certainly have the right to decide;
> but even then I think they lose that right once you've matured enough
> - and that happens WAY before you're 18.

Where do you draw the line? What is mature enough. The goverment have chose to draw that line at 18 when you legally become an adult. Some people may be very mature by this age while others will not yet be fully mature, but you cannot have one restrition for one person and another for others. Do you suggest that we all take some sort of maturity test to decide if we can now become an adult?

Can the law trust a childs parents to decide for them what it is right for them to see? While many parents are trustworthy sensible people there are many others who simply do not care or realise that they have a duty to guard thier children

> I like to think of it this way: there's more sex and violence in A
> Clockwork Orange or 1984 or Lolita than there ever has been in a
> computer game, whether it's GTA, Barabarian (fifteen years ago now,
> and still no plague of crazed decapitators) or Leisure Suit Larry. I
> read all those books in my early teens - and 'worse' as school work -
> and I don't think I'm too mentally damaged by the experience. Imagine
> the uproar now if we tried to put age ratings on books or on
> paintings.

Often the problem is not one of sex or violence, but of sex and violence. While some of the books you have mentioned contain one or the other, most books which contain both are found on the top shelf with an adults only warning on them.

Many of you are saying 'well i did such and such when I was child and I'm fine'. Remember that different things affect different people in different ways, and there have been cases of violence in children which have been linked with exposure to adult material.

Is the Crime rate not increasing in this country?
Fri 08/11/02 at 14:39
"Remember me?"
Posts: 6,124
Rosalind wrote:
> In my opinon, an appauling attitude.


You're forgetting that this back back in 1996, which would have made me... *counts* around 10 or 11 years old. Back then I would have laughed (and, er... did), but now I wouldn't laugh. But still, I do think the level of complaints regarding "mature" games is annoyingly high.
Fri 08/11/02 at 14:36
"Remember me?"
Posts: 6,124
Bazzman wrote:
> Dark Mark™ wrote:
> This one kid I used to know wasn't allowed to play Duke Nukem 3D when
> it first came out because of its' 18+ certificate. Oh, how we laughed
> at him.
> Mark.. That was you.. and yes we did laugh at him..



a) you didn't know me back in 1996.
b) shut up.

Fri 08/11/02 at 14:29
"Wants Spymate on dv"
Posts: 3,025
My dad bought me Robocop on video when I was about 8, and I turned out ok...
Fri 08/11/02 at 14:28
"I'm Back!!"
Posts: 1,973
Dark Mark™ wrote:
> This one kid I used to know wasn't allowed to play Duke Nukem 3D when it > first came out because of its' 18+ certificate. Oh, how we laughed at > him.

Mark.. That was you.. and yes we did laugh at him..

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