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Thu 21/07/05 at 13:28
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
3 tube station closed because of "incidents"
Anybody know what's going on, or is it just precaution?
Fri 22/07/05 at 01:41
Posts: 19,415
It's odd watching the news on the BBC website, the police guy is saying go about your daily business, then they say that the bombs were intended to kill. How can you go about your daily business when 7/7 could have happened all over again only 2 weeks later. Just carry on regardless and hope that the bombs dont work again or even less likely the terrorist are actually stopped before they even get a chance.
Fri 22/07/05 at 01:28
"Darkness, always"
Posts: 9,603
I made no effort to name names, and nor will I do so. Though it is nice to see that you are so forthcoming in your reasoning.

To say that we win this by getting on with our lives is foolish, though. Terrorists win through simply due to the most base fact of human life, we want to live.

I'm tempted to say that we give parliament every right to determine how much power is required to combat this, but even pop culture movies tell us that this is folly. I don't profess to know a solution, I merely say now that i despise these continued actions against our right to life. If taking my life would bring back one of those lost two weeks ago, I would gladly sacrifice myself.

But I cannot. For all my debatory nonsense, for all my vociferous opposition to certain points of view, I find myself helpless to prevent the continued loss of life, and helpless to reverse the damage done so far.

I don't have a point, really. I just wish there were something I could do to help relieve the grip we find ourselves in. I've never felt so small as I do right now. I'm fairly certain though, that the situation in which we find ourselves is more serious than many here would have credited two years ago.
Thu 21/07/05 at 23:52
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
Insane Bartender wrote:
> I seem to recall certain members of these forums shouting angrilly
> that there was no threat of terrorist attacks on this country.
> Unfortunately, in the face of recent events, it seems many of us in
> the London area may have to rethink the day to day events of our
> lives.

I was shouting about the fact that there never had been outside of The IRA and that invading Iraq would only serve to act as a recruitment call for idiots and fanatics. And I was shouting that Iraq had never, at any time made any kind of aggressive act towards The West at all. As is still the case. Last Thursday, those 4 clowns recieved "religious tutoring" in Pakistan and NOT Iraq.
I was shouting about the pointless "duck and cover" leaflet we were given and tanks at airports during the run-up to the invasion, yet during and immediately afterwards the threat suddenly disappeared. Which struck me as odd because surely it would only antagonise and would require a much higher level of alert.
And we "won" the war 2 years ago apparently, I remember seeing Bush dressed like a pilot landing on an aircraft carrier and smiling smugly with a huge "Victory" banner behind him.

Rethink the day to day events how?
How do you prepare for such events as the past two weeks? You can't. It's a case, as the press has lauded, of saying "Nevermind" and getting on with things exactly as before.
This will continue for as long as a few fundamentalists can influence idiots and as long as we impose democracy with a sabre.
It's wrong on both sides of the coin and as I've said before, it's only the innocents that seem to be paying the price - on both sides.

Our actions and the actions of these people are inexcusable.
It's not the politicians or so-called leaders that suffer, it's people going to work and people trying to get through life that didn't ask for any of this.
Thu 21/07/05 at 23:19
Posts: 6,592
Insane Bartender wrote:
> I seem to recall certain members of these forums shouting angrilly
> that there was no threat of terrorist attacks on this country.

If you're thinking of what I'm thinking of, it was in the context of the Iraq war and the whole 45 minutes claim thing, not Al Qaeda. Unless I'm mistaken, of course.

It's certainly getting a bit too close for comfort for me now, this is twice I've had friends on the underground when devices have been detonated, luckily no ones been hurt or close to any explosions. Sitting in a quiet room today at work, listening to people whisper about bombs while I can't listen to any radios or check any websites, it gave me the fear.

Sometimes I just wish we lived in a country that had the right idea but didn't have the means to do anything about it. We could be opposed to terrorism and people like Saddam, but just shrug our shoulders and say 'hey, we're poor, we'd love to help...'. No one bombs Switzerland. Or Luxembourg. Even Germany has it better than us.

But conversely, I think I'd feel a little odd if our government did nothing about the Middle East. It's always seemed to me like the intention to do good is there, but we get the prod in the back from old George W and before we know it we're dropping bombs. That 24,000+ figure of dead Iraqi and Afghan civilans is absolutely mortifying.
Thu 21/07/05 at 22:34
"Lisan al-Gaib"
Posts: 7,093
Insane Bartender wrote:
> If there
> were a call to sign up and fight against this form of atrocity - if
> there were some real way of actually fighting it - I would answer it.

Isn't that just getting on with your life? How else can you fight a loose collection of individuals with the same beliefs, that can't fight a war on any "legitimate" military level? Bar of course having faith in the security services to protect you from these people?

I know what you're saying. If there were some way. There isn't a way to be honest though.
Thu 21/07/05 at 22:26
"Darkness, always"
Posts: 9,603
I seem to recall certain members of these forums shouting angrilly that there was no threat of terrorist attacks on this country. Unfortunately, in the face of recent events, it seems many of us in the London area may have to rethink the day to day events of our lives.

If these attacks are repeats of those made two weeks ago, then make no mistake that they intend to hold this country to ransom. If there were a call to sign up and fight against this form of atrocity - if there were some real way of actually fighting it - I would answer it. In the meantime, we are expected to continue our lives, not knowing if or when those lives might be ended abruptly by those intent on bringing their personal political agendas onto our very doorstep, regardless of whether or not we have even passed individual judgement on it.
Thu 21/07/05 at 22:02
"Pouch Ape"
Posts: 14,499
Why does someone running around with a bomb on his back remind me of CounterStrike?
Thu 21/07/05 at 21:43
Posts: 23,284
I hope the police give a good helping of some brutality.
Thu 21/07/05 at 20:45
"Lisan al-Gaib"
Posts: 7,093
monkey_man wrote:
> They caught 2 people, apparently, which is why I think there were
> armed Police at hospital because one of them burnt his fingers.

"Ouch, I've burned myself".

Says the suicide bomber.

I'd be claiming back my cash from the sparky that made the bombs...
Thu 21/07/05 at 20:44
"Lisan al-Gaib"
Posts: 7,093
monkey_man wrote:
> So is it going to happen again in another 2 weeks? What a stupid way
> to have to live.

Quite possibly. Perhaps a different guy putting together the devices? Not as skilled? What's to say it this wasn't aimed to be a far greater loss of life.?

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