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"England V France"

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Sun 06/06/04 at 00:05
"Puerile Shagging"
Posts: 15,009
Come on, your views.

My personal view is that England will win.

I also think we stand a real chance of the title.

Feel free to pop this if we plummet out, but know that if you "diss" me and my "mamma" that I will pop it when we win.
Tue 22/06/04 at 18:28
Posts: 3,082
Solskjær wrote:
> As an "Anti-Sven" kind of person (if you will), I
> was quite enjoying the game when Zidane's first strike went in. And a
> superb dead-ball effort it was, too! I was hoping for another, but
> couldn't see it coming... And then, when it did, and David James
> tried to 'stop' Henry (probably the only-way you can - by breaking
> his legs!) wanted us to lose?

Tue 22/06/04 at 13:28
"Long time no see!"
Posts: 8,351
I blame James for lunging in (feet-first) like an idiot for give away that penalty when he could've probably forced Henry over the line for a goal-kick, but I don't think ANY 'keeper (unless Rik Waller went pro'....) would've stood the slightest chance with that free-kick though!
Mon 21/06/04 at 22:43
"Puerile Shagging"
Posts: 15,009
Just going to keep this around as long as we're still in
Wed 16/06/04 at 19:40
"Brooklyn boy"
Posts: 14,935
I'm not even going to blame James for the penalty seeing as he shouldn't even have had anything to deal with in the first place, England had been spending the second half smacking the ball back up the pitch why did Gerrard suddenly pick that moment to try and be clever? His fault for the penalty no one elses.

What you can blame James for is the free kick (although the majority of the blame can go on that big useless lump Heskey, why is he in the team when the likes of Smith and Beattie are around??) the wall is there to do a job, which is to block the free kick going into one side of the goal, the keeper then usually covers the other half. Why James was standing in the middle like a lemon i don't know, he should have been a little off to his right, which is exactly where Zidane put it. If he smacks it over the wall into the top corner then you just tip your cap to him and say well done ZZ.
Wed 16/06/04 at 16:47
"Long time no see!"
Posts: 8,351
Well, it's another CRAP excuse from David James!

Remember the one about him blaming West Ham's slide on his drinking? He still managed to quit months before that season finish - and look at what still happened!

Then, we have this one today about how it "it's not my fault".

Um... YOU were the one in-goal, mate!

He did it because he panicked. He lunged in because he is reckless, inconsistent and, overall, just plainly unreliable at this level. In the end, I was AMAZED he wasn't given a straight red-card, especially with that referee in-charge!

I'll never know how he got away with it as the "last man"...
And now, we still have to suffer with him against the Swiss tommorow, AND THEN, Croatia after that! :S :(
Wed 16/06/04 at 16:29
Posts: 15,579
The rule is that you cant handle the ball in any manner when one of your teamates has intentially kicked the ball back.
Wed 16/06/04 at 16:18
"Long time no see!"
Posts: 8,351
I know you can't catch or 'take-hold' or the ball with two-hands from a back-pass, but is it also against the rules to simply beat the ball away with a fist or something??

I've never understood why all 'keepers seem to try and head the ball away or something, rather than with a single hand. I mean, is it actually illegal for a goalkeeper to use a hand in clearing the ball from a back-pass? I've never heard of it. Only with the collecting...

Wed 16/06/04 at 16:07
Posts: 15,579
Solskjær wrote:
> If you're a goalkeeper, and you're wearing gloves, why not
> just dive-in and USE YOUR FRICKIN' HANDS?!? You've got a much
> greater chance of getting something on the ball with your arms
> extended than you ever could with your toes!

Only just realised this after James said it himself.

He elected to go with his feet as it was a backpass from Gerrard. Cant really blame him.
Wed 16/06/04 at 15:45
"Long time no see!"
Posts: 8,351
It's like English_Bloke has said - it's not over yet!

It's just one game lost. 3 points gone; 6 more to fight for.
We've lost to a team who, in recent years, has achieved major success in both International and European comeptition. I mean, they've beaten the mighty Brazil (the team who won two-years-ago)! There's nothing to feel so down about. We may not be 'unique' or 'special', but, for 88-minutes at least, WE were in control!
Wed 16/06/04 at 15:41
"Long time no see!"
Posts: 8,351
Losing to France still isn't all-that-bad a result, really. It was the way in which the game was lost that's hurting us all so-much right now. I never thought we'd beat France with even an extra-man on the pitch, but to be a goal-up, and then to throw it all away within 90-seconds....

As an "Anti-Sven" kind of person (if you will), I was quite enjoying the game when Zidane's first strike went in. And a superb dead-ball effort it was, too! I was hoping for another, but couldn't see it coming... And then, when it did, and David James tried to 'stop' Henry (probably the only-way you can - by breaking his legs!), something changed, and I felt quite like every other loud-mouthed "ING-LUND!" fan in that over-crowded, oven-like pub, Sunday night.

So, against my better 'Sven-Backing' wishes, I got myself an England shirt. Anyway, back to the game and where we are now...

Much to my surprise, we did seem to play very well. Yet again, however, that was only in our attacking play - where, for once, I saw exactly what all the fuss was over one Wayne Rooney. Althought Ledley King seemed to settle-in quite well alongsie Sol Campbell in a defence missing John Terry, I still felt we gave too many French players far-too-much-time on the ball less than 40-yards-from-goal - and we would've been firmly punished for it, had only Zinedine Zidane, Thierry Henry, Robert Pires and Patricjk Vieira put a little-more into shooting practice before the game.

The fact is, France just couldn't finish on the night. Not until the very-last few remaining minutes, anyway. Chance-after-chance, over the bar and wide it went. Even David James looked good! And, althought he did have a pretty "solid" performance before in normal time, once again, my point about David James' 'unreliability' has been proven.

If you're a goalkeeper, and you're wearing gloves, why not just dive-in and USE YOUR FRICKIN' HANDS?!? You've got a much greater chance of getting something on the ball with your arms extended than you ever could with your toes!

Better yet, just stand-big and 'guide Henry' over the goal-line - something the great Peter Schmeichel would've done, I'm sure.

If David James honestly thinks he can emerge as the "'Keeper of the Tournament" then he's seriously got to shape-up and stop blaming the FA and their 'use of video' for all that's gone wrong in the game -- that's our job, as the fans!! :P

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