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"Step outside, Grix......"

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Sat 24/02/01 at 17:37
Posts: 787
"There's not enough room in this forum for the two of us." FM slammed his emptied whisky glass down on the wooden counter. "Step outside, Grix......"

Grix eyed FM carefully. They'd known each other for a long time, but things had been gettin' a little strained lately."

"What's this about, FM," he demanded, making his way through the packed but hushed saloon and pushing the swinging doors outwards as he stepped onto the dusty ground outside.

"Well," replied FM, pushing open the doors again and following Grix outside into the hot, dry air, "You've bushwhacked one of my topics just one time too many. It's time we had this out. Mano a Mano. Poster to Poster."

Grix paused in his stride to think of a witty retort about FM's last comment, then decided that now was probably not the time.

"So, what's it to be? 10 paces, turn and fire?" asked Grix, making sure his gunbelt was fastened properly.

"You know me better than that, Grix. 30 paces." FM checked his gunbelt. The Smith and Wesson 6-shot revolver hung loosely at his right hip.

They stood back to back under the glare of the midday sun, and started to count.....


The occupants of the saloon were packing the windows trying to get a glimpse of the showdown outside. This was unheard of. The last shootout in the town of Last Chance Reserve had been quite a time ago, when the Er-no posse had cleaned out the Desperate Dans, but this was different. Two equally matched opponents were about to face off.

Insane Bartender was going even more nuts behind the saloon's counter because he was losing good sales whilst all this was going on.

Outside, the count was at 25.... as FM glanced to his right and saw PB on the roof of the Red Splat Hotel and Boarding House, shotgun at hand. PB nodded with a knowing look. FM nodded back.

The count was 26.... as Grix looked across to the SR Saddlery, where he spied Sniper with his trusty Winchester Rifle. Grix gave a brief nod. Sniper returned it.


Dust whirled up as both men spun to face each other. The blast of PB's shotgun firing both barrels broke the deafening silence that preceeded it, and a cloud of sand flew up at Grix's feet as the buckshot ploughed into the ground.

Grix drew his gun and took aim, FM was still drawing his because he was left handed and his belt was on the wrong way, Sniper fired his rifle, and there was a sharp report, then a clatter as PB dropped his shotgun and swandived off the roof of the hotel and landed in a horse trough.

FM grappled with his pistol, it had snagged in the holster, and he reminded himself to be more careful where he left his chewing gum.

Grix took pity. (No he didn't). Grix fired his gun. Fortunately, FM and done his research and Grix's eyesight wasn't as good as it should have been, and at 30 paces it was like trying to read a Wanted Poster through a mirage. Grix's first bullet flew out of town faster than a newbie Gameaday winner. He wasn't sure if he had hit FM or not, but then he heard FM pull back the hammer of his Smith and Wesson with a

Wed 04/04/01 at 21:52
Posts: 23,216
"It's a cold night, and it's getting dark. Perhaps you should be going."

Grix closed the book. You watched as he placed it back in the shelf, as if it had never left...

"I wish to learn more..."

"About what?" Grix answered immedietely.

"You told me of dreams that made no sense... what do you mean?"

"If I explain it to you," Grix sat back down in his chair with a groan... "You will never truly understand."

You watched as Grix reached over for his glasses.

"Do you ever beat the evil inside your mind?" You ask.

Grix looks at the floor.

"I don't think I'll ever know that."

"But did you defeat him in your mind?"

Grix smiled. One of those smiles that told everything to you... but yet gave nothing away.
Tue 03/04/01 at 18:23
Posts: 23,216
Grix and Venombyte had entered a village. The people there were strangly frightened of them... and even more strange, hundreds of people were running into one, rather small hut, and not coming out...

"They must be very squashed in there."

Grix and Venombyte sat down next to a fire, and waited.


FantasyMeister had found a tunnel.


He looked inside. It was quite dark.

So, being the wild type of guy he is, he went inside.

He walked along... managing to just see where he was going through holes in the tunnel roof... bullet holes, in the tunnel roof, when he heard footsteps behind him.


"Hi. Where are we going?"

"Err... just, following the tunnel."

Tue 03/04/01 at 18:23
Posts: 23,216
Grix's brain looked at the reflection in the stream. He was wearing a green uniform, and had brown and green paint on his face...

The second Grix was trying to work out why he was driving a tank, in a forest, and why he had 15 stickmen on the side of it.

Jake wore a grimace, and was busy cleaning his gun. "Are we going to get moving? This place scares the hell out of me... they could be anywhere. They could be under our feet now, in one of their damn tunnels!"

Jake began shooting at the ground.



"Remind me to murder Grix when we see him."

"Good idea."
Tue 03/04/01 at 18:21
Posts: 23,216
God bless SR's filtering in the forums... bear with me, I may have put to many dots on the end of a word or something...
Tue 03/04/01 at 18:19
Posts: 23,216
Grix, his brain, and Jake all watched as the sand closed up again, sealing their friends inside.

"Oh crap..." Said Grix's brain. "This is getting worse."

"What's wrong?" Jake asked...

"I don't think Grix's subconcsious has... total, control of what's going on in here anymore."

"Does it matter?"

"It's not going to get any less confusing for you, but it does mean that we are on neutral ground here. The cartridge is old as well... which isn't helping. Data may not pass as quick as we expect it too..."

"Or faster than we expect it too..." Jake said. "So where is Grix and the rest now?"

"He's probably stuck in a new dream. Trying to make him return back to normal, to get his mind aligned..."

There was a blinding flash. Jake fell to the floor... the second Grix pulled his hat over further.

"What the...?"

Jake tried to get up... but he was stuck in some kind of black sticky substance...

Grix's brain tried to pull him out, and the second Grix came to help, when the floor began to shake again, and the three were sucked into another place...
Tue 03/04/01 at 17:56
"possibly impossible"
Posts: 24,985
Pb picked Ant up and shook him.

“Er, sorry!” Ant said as he put the staff back in his pocket and dusted the sand off of his coat.

They started to walk back towards the town, or at least, where they thought the town was. The problem was that they had both fallen asleep in the cart on the way to the Dark Man's trap and had no idea of how far away they were from anywhere.

"So can your staff do anything useful for us?" asked pb.

"I...I'm not sure yet, I'm still trying things out." said Ant apologetically. He got the staff out of his back pocket and commanded it to do something useful. There was no movement and the staff remained as it was. “Sorry. Can’t really get it to do anything unless I give it a direct order.”

They continued walking over the sand and wondered how the others were doing since they saw the vision in the fire. The Dark Man might have them now and there was still something nagging in the back of Pb’s mind about why he had wanted Pb and Ant out of the way. Pb felt in his coat pocket for a moment and pulled out a small portable computer.

“What’s that?” asked Ant.

“It’s a handheld PC that we connected to the cartridge before we left. It helps me to keep an eye on Grix’s brain patterns so we can locate him and also means that I can contact the outside world and alter the code from the cartridge. Problem is that it’s always playing up, there’s some kind of interference in this place that stops it working efficiently.

Pb pressed a few buttons on the console and some beeping/whizzing noises emanated from the small black box. He hit it and looked again. “Aha! Now if I can just alter this bit of code…you might want to put these on.” He handed Ant a pair of sunglasses.

The world around them distorted and darkened, then a blinding flash of light surrounded the landscape and the world went white. When Ant could see again, he found himself standing on the top of what looked like an elephant.

“There. Something useful at least we can travel on this.” Said Pb.

“Um.” Replied Ant, pointing at the ground below the elephant. “Now how are we supposed to get out of this?”

The two wanderers looked down to see a sea of blackness beneath them. The sand was gone, replaced by some kind of tar that made the elephant’s feet stick to the ground. “That’s the problem with this thing. “ Pb said holding the machine up. “It’s not that predictable when there’s interference.”

--- ---- --

The Dark Man looked at the scene in front of him. “How could you be so stupid?!” he asked the indians who had reacted to the gunshots a little too late. “You let Grix and the others get away. I needed them to help me escape from this…” he looked around in disgust at the town. “..this pathetic prison. I need to get back to the real world and exact my revenge on those that put me in here.” He strode off towards the Saloon and nearly tore the doors off their hinges.
Tue 03/04/01 at 17:51
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
Ant and pb carried on through the desert, with no idea where they were going. All they could see was sand, sand and more sand.

Ant was finding it hard to cope. As he walked, he began more frustrated at seeing nothing but sand. "Sand....sand.....sand," he said between gritted teeth.

Then, pb saw something, "Look, Ant! There's a huge hill of sand over there, from there we'll be able to see what's in front of us!"

"Great! We may be able to see towns or cities from up there!" Ant cried.

They ran up to the very large sandhill, and spent around 10 minutes heaving their hot, tired bodies up the hill.

Finally, they got to the top. They lifted their heads up to look around.

In front of them they could see....

"Sand. Nothing but sand. SAND!! SAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNDDDDD!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Ant screamed due to the frustration, and the fact they weren't likely to survive with no water handy.

For no reason at all, Ant began running around in circles screaming, "ONCE YOU POP, YOU CAN'T STOP!! CLASSIQUE!!"

pb knew Ant had gone delirious, and he had to do something.
So pb walked over to Ant, pulled The Staff Of The First Water out, and bashed Ant over the head with it, hard enough to knock him out, but not kill him.

Ant swayed around for a few seconds, and then fell to sand.
Tue 03/04/01 at 16:23
Posts: 23,216
FantasyMeister spat at the floor.


Sniper looked to his side... "Yes?"

"What... the hell... did you fill these canteens with?"

Sniper thought for a second.

"You only told me to fill them... did you want to drink from them? You should have said..."


Vultures circled the body of Sniper in the hot air... it had stopped raining not so long ago, and for once, the sun was out.

The hover hosses had all run out of gas less than an hour ago, just before Sniper accidently "met" the canteens. It was hard going in the desert... especially without water. The heat from the sun was quite harsh, and the quite sudden change from the rain had shocked everyones senses.

"If I had built the hover hosses..." Grix muttered, "I would have made them power on... something... other than petrol..."

"Need I remind you..." Jake said through his teeth...

"No..." Said Grix... "You don't..."

Venombyte stumbled forward... he was finding it very hard, he was the only person not to have a drink in the bar...

His vision went... as if water was streaming from his eyes...

He fell flat on the sand, his face buried deep in the sand... And then...

Grix and FantasyMeister went to pick up Venombyte, and they each grabbed an arm... when the ground beneath them began to shake...

The ground opened like a trapdoor, and the three fell through...


Grix opened his eyes. FantasyMeister's were already open, and Venombyte was holding his head in pain.

Grix's eyes adjusted to the surroundings... where the hell...?

He looked up, a ceiling. They were in a room.

And it wasn't just any room.

"Grix... what the hell is this?" FantasyMeister asked...

"I'm not sure..."

"What do you mean, you're not sure! Your doing all this! Where are we!"

"I'm not doing it on my own anymore..."

"Doing what?" Asked Venombyte... They had forgot that Venombyte didn't know...

Sniper walked through a door. "Oh, hello."

"Sniper? What are you doing here?"

"I dunno."

"What's through that door?"

"Err..." Sniper walked back through the door again.

They waited for him to come back.

"Sniper?" Said Grix...

Still nothing.


FantasyMeister got up, and walked through the door.

The two others followed.



Sniper's screams of plea echoed through the jungle... FantasyMeister held out a branch for Sniper to grab on to.


Of course, telling Sniper what to do, under any circumstances, is not a good idea.

Sniper, figiting more than Solid Snake in a locker, took his final breath, as the sand sucked him under, and ended his days.

"Ah well." Said FM, and walked off.


Grix put his hand to his head. He took it away.


Grix gathered his strength, and pulled himself from the wreakage... He remembered flying the plane over the jungle, when there was... some sort of...

Venombyte was still in the plane.

Grix clambered onto the wing, and pulled open the hatch. The plane was alight, and the flames hurt Grix's eyes as he reached in to grab Venombyte.

Venombyte pulled Grix away from the plane, and dragged him away...

The plane exploded.

"What the hell were you doing?" Asked Venombyte...

"I was trying to save you..." Grix coughed up the smoke from the plane...

Venombyte sighed... "We've lost everything. Maps, compasses... we have no idea where we are, and no idea where to go."

"What happened?" Grix asked.

"You were flying though the clouds... I told you it was a bad idea, the storms and all, but NO, you HAD to fly through, and now we're stuck in this damn jungle in the middle of nowhere, with no food, no idea where we are..." Venombyte sighed again. "It's hopeless."

Venombyte stood up.

"Which way are we going then?"

Grix thought... "Let's just go... that way." He pointed... to a very dark portion of the jungle.

"Superb. Let's get going."
Sun 01/04/01 at 21:19
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
Ant and pb were walking along the dry sandy desert, when they came across a man dressed in rags.

"Hello," the man said, "I am Nintendo is simon. Please...please help me...."

"OI!! I'm gonna get you!" Another man came running in, and jumped on NIS, and started to beat the living hell out of him.

Ant and pb left the two brawling it out.

"D'you know who that is?" Ant asked pb.

"I've seen him around before, I think he's called RBS,"
Sun 01/04/01 at 21:07
Posts: 23,216
Meka walked through the door... it had been a hard day.

Firstly he was having trouble getting a new storage for water... since it hasn't stopped raining for what seems like weeks now, it seemed a bit silly they had nothing to catch it all in.

Then Meka found out that three of the prisoners had escaped... but were found soon after.

In three barrels.

Ah well. Another day over... a new one soon enough. It was hard being the Sheriff... but he enjoyed it.

He was still worried about his hand though, it hadn't really cleared up since the monobrow had shot it... and where was he? Where did he go?

He would draw up the wanted poster tomorrow... but today was over, no more work...

Meka put his feet up on the table, and noticed the letter on the desk...

He picked it up, and decided to read.

Hello son.

I have much to say, and no time to say it. All I can say is I love you, and I miss you, and I regret leaving you all those years ago. I hope you forgive me.

There is something you need to know, and there is also something I want you to do. I know I can tell you, because I know you are strong.

Meka continued to read. The tale was hard hitting... but somehow, in the back of Meka's mind, he had always knew...

Meka read Jakes last wish. He put the piece of paper down on the table, and then went to bed.

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