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"Step outside, Grix......"

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Sat 24/02/01 at 17:37
Posts: 787
"There's not enough room in this forum for the two of us." FM slammed his emptied whisky glass down on the wooden counter. "Step outside, Grix......"

Grix eyed FM carefully. They'd known each other for a long time, but things had been gettin' a little strained lately."

"What's this about, FM," he demanded, making his way through the packed but hushed saloon and pushing the swinging doors outwards as he stepped onto the dusty ground outside.

"Well," replied FM, pushing open the doors again and following Grix outside into the hot, dry air, "You've bushwhacked one of my topics just one time too many. It's time we had this out. Mano a Mano. Poster to Poster."

Grix paused in his stride to think of a witty retort about FM's last comment, then decided that now was probably not the time.

"So, what's it to be? 10 paces, turn and fire?" asked Grix, making sure his gunbelt was fastened properly.

"You know me better than that, Grix. 30 paces." FM checked his gunbelt. The Smith and Wesson 6-shot revolver hung loosely at his right hip.

They stood back to back under the glare of the midday sun, and started to count.....


The occupants of the saloon were packing the windows trying to get a glimpse of the showdown outside. This was unheard of. The last shootout in the town of Last Chance Reserve had been quite a time ago, when the Er-no posse had cleaned out the Desperate Dans, but this was different. Two equally matched opponents were about to face off.

Insane Bartender was going even more nuts behind the saloon's counter because he was losing good sales whilst all this was going on.

Outside, the count was at 25.... as FM glanced to his right and saw PB on the roof of the Red Splat Hotel and Boarding House, shotgun at hand. PB nodded with a knowing look. FM nodded back.

The count was 26.... as Grix looked across to the SR Saddlery, where he spied Sniper with his trusty Winchester Rifle. Grix gave a brief nod. Sniper returned it.


Dust whirled up as both men spun to face each other. The blast of PB's shotgun firing both barrels broke the deafening silence that preceeded it, and a cloud of sand flew up at Grix's feet as the buckshot ploughed into the ground.

Grix drew his gun and took aim, FM was still drawing his because he was left handed and his belt was on the wrong way, Sniper fired his rifle, and there was a sharp report, then a clatter as PB dropped his shotgun and swandived off the roof of the hotel and landed in a horse trough.

FM grappled with his pistol, it had snagged in the holster, and he reminded himself to be more careful where he left his chewing gum.

Grix took pity. (No he didn't). Grix fired his gun. Fortunately, FM and done his research and Grix's eyesight wasn't as good as it should have been, and at 30 paces it was like trying to read a Wanted Poster through a mirage. Grix's first bullet flew out of town faster than a newbie Gameaday winner. He wasn't sure if he had hit FM or not, but then he heard FM pull back the hammer of his Smith and Wesson with a

Sun 08/04/01 at 14:21
"Copyright: FM Inc."
Posts: 10,338
Pb was calculating the odds: He and Venombyte could either rush the Indians head on, odds of 30 to 2, or they could split up and take 15 each. FM was no good, he was slumped in a corner saying "There's no place like home...There's no place like home..." over and over.

Pb had to make his choice, and he had to make it now. With a sudden inspiration previously only bestowed upon Kuwaiti Oil Sheiks in a London casino, Pb pointed to the window and shouted:

"LOOK!! It's General CUSTER!!!"

As one, the Indians darted towards the window, leaving the portal clear...


Ant was flying about the circuitry at just under full light speed, his little legs flapping out behind him and his antennae guiding him. He shot through the circuitry towards his destination, he could sense it, feel it. He was close...


The 3 Grix's joined hands, forming a covered triangle. They chanted as one:

"Pwhelli.... Swansea.... Gogogoth!!!"

A blue flourescent light sprung forth from their hands, forming a blowing ball of energy between them. Masala cringed as he feared the worst, the storm raging about them as the Grix's completed their incantations.

The blue light dissipated, leaving a sheep in it's place.

Grix 1: You sure it's the right incantation?
Grix 2: What do you think? Try again.

Grix 3 kicked the sheep away, and they began another incantation:

"Chicken.... Tikka.... Masala!!!"

This time it was a red ball of light that formed, glowing ominously and casting demonic shadows about the area.

Masala screamed in terror at this sight, (red was never one of his favorite colours since seeing that particular 'Changing Rooms' feature on bathroom coordination), and he cowered as the three Grix's turned to face him, the red ball of firey light suspended in mid air, and starting to edge towards where Masala was standing on the wagon...

Masala gulped, and the noise in his throat was just a dry

Sun 08/04/01 at 12:17
Posts: 0
FM's was wicked
Sun 08/04/01 at 12:15
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
Hey, when we've finished this one could we carry on with FM's?? As that would be a wicked story.
Sun 08/04/01 at 12:10
"Oi you- sort it out"
Posts: 2,969
Cheers FM , Respect for lettin me into ur sweet story.
Sun 08/04/01 at 09:42
"possibly impossible"
Posts: 24,985
"FM....FM....Wake up!!!" came the yell as FM slowly regained conciousness. Pb and Venombyte were standing over him and as his senses slowly came back to him, FM heard the sound of a storm oustide the window.

"Snake...Whaa..." said FM. "Oh hi! Ow. My head's pounding. The last thing I remember is dealing with Meka's wound after arming myself, then Ant decided to go all crazy on me and I rushed over to stop him...oh...." He remembered being hit by some kind of invisible force and flying backwards into the table. Some kind of weird dream ensued, must have been the bump to the head. Nearly everyone here was in it too....Oh well, FM didn't believe that dreams meant anything anyway, so he promptly forgot it.

"Look." said Venombyte. "Grix is trying to hold himself together, despite being split in three and dealing with a force 9 gale out there. The Dark Man is just standing there grinning like a madman and there's nothing we can do about it. Ant's gone and used his staff, but now he's dissapeared and we can't find him anywhere and we're just sitting here waiting to be useful again."

They sat around watching objects fly past the window and straining to see the 3 Grixs and the Dark Man square off amid the fast approaching hurricane.

"I've got it.." yelled Pb as he rushed upstairs to where Grix had earlier been standing. He found the pocket computer and typed in a few numbers, then, when nothing happened, hit the thing until it made a few bleeping noises. "This is strange, this is very strange." he said, looking at the readouts. "Ant seems to be part of the cartridge now and the 3 Grixs readings are off the scale. They seem to be producing a mass power surge that runs through the whole of this...." Pb trailed off as he realised the consequences of this. "Damn!" He said, then looked up at the others.

"Right guys. I don't want to worry you or anything, but this whole world is collapsing in on itself. We need to get back to reality, fast." said Pb as he rushed to the door that contained the portal to the real world. "Quick, in here...ah.."

Pb looked at the open door. Thirty Indian warriors stood between their exit to safety and the fast collapsing world outside.


"You can't win, Grix." shouted Masala above the storm. "If you kill me here, I can get back to the real world and find a host body." he started to laugh again.

"Kill you?" said Grix's Brain. "That wasn't our intention Masala. Do you really think that is the only way to destroy you? "

Masala stopped laughing and for the first time seemed to be genuinely worried. He watched as the three Grix's stepped in to place and raised their arms, sending sparks of electricity flying through the howling air.


Ant was rushing through the circuitry of the cartridge now. The rush it gave him was incredible. He saw flashes of zeros and ones fly past his eyes and they were all blurring in to place, starting to make sense to him. Soon he would find the place he needed and it would become clear what he'd have to do then.
Sun 08/04/01 at 08:37
Posts: 0
cheers FM how do think of this stuff you should be a games writer or somethin.
Sun 08/04/01 at 08:31
"Copyright: FM Inc."
Posts: 10,338
Liquid Meister called the guards over to the base of the lift where he was standing.

Corporal Mantis saluted then fell back into line with Private Time_Warp and Private Sniper.

"Right, be alert, this is the only way into the facility, and I'm sure you three guards can handle any intruders that come along."

Having issued his instructions, Liquid Meister climbed back into the lift and pressed the button to go back up. After he'd gone, the Genome soldiers looked visibly more relaxed.

"Anyone brought any sandwiches?" asked Private Sniper.

Corporal Mantis and Private Time_Warp just looked at each other and then walked off on their patrol routes.


Grix Snake was cold. He clambered out of the icy waters of the dock and crouched down behind a conveniently placed boiler, which wasn't turned on. Just his luck. There was a beeping from his codec, so he placed his hand up to the button just below his ear and switched it to 'receive'.

"Grix Snake, this is Commander Ali, are you in?"

"Yeah, I'm in, no thanks to that swim you put me through. Those penguins have a nasty bite on them, you know?"

"OK, our intelligence shows that you seem to be in some sort of loading area, there's a lift at the far end, that's the way into the base, so get to the lift. Over and out."

Grix Snake snapped off the Codec and took in his surroundings. A rat scurried by. He peeked under the boiler and saw the feet of one guard approaching in the distance, so he slid under the boiler for a better look.

Corporal Mantis approached. It had been a long day for him, what with having to train up Sniper and Time_Warp on the job. He yawned, turned around, and continued patrolling.

Grix Snake noticed the pattern. He slid out from under the boiler and sidled up to the wall, placing his back against it, waiting for the moment when......

Corporal Mantis walked past, and with cat like reflexes Grix Snake pounced, locking his forearm around the guard's throat and placing his hand across the man's jaw, then he began to squeeze.

"Urrrrgh! Urrrrgh! Urrrrgh! Urrrgh! Urrrgh!"

Grix Snake got bored with playing with his new toy, so increased the pressure until he heard the 'crump' of Corporal Mantis' windpipe being crushed against the vertebrae of his neck. The body dropped to the floor. Grix searched it and found some medical supplies.

He made his way around the wall of the warehouse, spotting two more guards as he went. He was so busy looking that he didn't realise that he was about to step in a puddle, and when he did, the splash he made echoed about the area of the enclosed loading area?

"Huh?" Sniper thought he had heard a noise, and forgetting about his stomach for a minute he went off to investigate. Grix Snake saw him coming though. As Private Sniper walked around a stack of crates, Grix Snake shot his right arm out and caught Private Sniper just below the jaw with a solid punch which knocked his head back, followed by a swift kick to the stomach which doubled Sniper over, then an overarm throw because, well, you never knew when a movie producer might be watching.

Sniper was out cold on the floor. Grix Snake stood behind him, and as soon as Sniper started to regain consciousness and sit up, Grix Snake snapped his neck like a twig.

Then he stealthily made his way around the edge of the loading area wall, spotting one more guard off in the distance, and, picking up some more rations that someone had carelessly left by another boiler, he made his way to the forklift at the end of the loading area that should provide him with some cover whilst he surveyed the terrain.

As he reached the forklift, his codec bleeped him again.

"Grix Snake, it's Commander Ali," Commander Ali said pointlessly. "You have to wait for the lift to come down, then you can get into the base. Over and out."

Grix Snake thought seriously about ripping the codec out of his ear, then thought better of it, it might come in handy. His mini-radar was showing that the third guard was approaching, so he sneaked a quick peek out from behind the forklift. The guard appeared to be staring at him, but because of the dark clothing he was wearing he wasn't spotted.

As the guard turned around, Grix snuck out again and crept up behind him. The guard rounded a stack of crates to begin his patrol again, when Grix Snake struck, snapping his neck with the ruthless efficiency with which he had been trained. He searched the body, but could only find a set of dog tags belonging to one Pte. Time_Warp.

"That's one less Genome Soldier in the world, and one less problem at the X-Box facility for me to deal with," Grix Snake thought to himself as he went back to study the lift shaft.

As he got there, the red warning light lit up and a klaxxon sounded, alerting him that the lift was in motion. He backed up against the wall as the it came to rest, and as a guard stepped out, Grix Snake quickly darted into the empty lift and hit the 'up' button. He was on his way.....
Sun 08/04/01 at 08:05
Posts: 0
i would be grateful if i was in there...
Sat 07/04/01 at 23:25
"Oi you- sort it out"
Posts: 2,969
> all my messages will have wrote in the top because this website wont let me sent a normal message.

Anyway thats one cool story. Do ya think u could fit me in next time? Its gonna be tricky to fit mantis into a western!
Sat 07/04/01 at 23:23
"Oi you- sort it out"
Posts: 2,969
no-one wrote:
> anyting in my tv on video games topic . u lot are so cruel.

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