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"Who's seen "xXx"?"

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Tue 05/11/02 at 11:09
Posts: 787
What do all y'all think of it? I thought it was great, Snuggly thought it was retarded. Therefore he is a cook pass babtridge of unknown quantity...but he has a nice car so I'll let him off.
Tue 05/11/02 at 17:19
Posts: 4,910
If you want a good spy film wait for Die Another day, should be great!
Tue 05/11/02 at 16:56
"Rong Xion Tong"
Posts: 5,237
It was too long. Just like Fast and the Furious. Plus the cinema I saw it in has really uncomfortable seats (in fact, they're really uncomfortable balloons with springs sticking out of them).

It had it's moments but it got a bit boring towards the end.

Also, they tried to totally rip off The Rock with the shots of the city right at the end. It didn't work though as there was fairly heavy music in the background that just cut out whenever it went to a shot of the city.
Tue 05/11/02 at 16:25
"...Unicef pennies.."
Posts: 639

I agree, It sounds goood as an insult. Just thought it might have a hidden depth!
Tue 05/11/02 at 16:23
Posts: 0
Wrong account.

Tue 05/11/02 at 16:23
Posts: 0
I have no idea what that insult means, it just felt right.
Tue 05/11/02 at 16:19
"...Unicef pennies.."
Posts: 639
"Meatfaced Dork Snorklers"

Now I know that Goatboy is the undisputed king of insults, but what in the blazes does that mean?

Or am I being incredibly naive here?

Anyways. I liked xXx. Very flawed in so many ways, but it still entertained me, so I was happy. Fast Cars and Big Explosions and Noise are nice every now and then.

Just call me a "Meatfaced Dork Snorkler"
Tue 05/11/02 at 15:04
"A man with a stick"
Posts: 5,883
I think the film is worth seeing just to see the look on Vin Diesels face when he sees the scientists getting killed. I don't exactly know what emotion he’s trying to convey, but he does pull a few funny faces that had me in stitches.

Also, the film was way too loud, the sodding cinema shook every time there was an explosion and it didn't help that the director stuck a nu-metal-pop track in there as well.
Tue 05/11/02 at 14:58
"Not your monkey"
Posts: 2,104
Goatboy wrote:
> Its not my sort of film and I can well believe it's one of the
> stupidest films ever made, enjoyed by meatfaced dork snorklers that
> think watching a bald dude jump around is entertainment.

If you haven't seen it, that is scarily close.
It was utter udders.

Really, really cheesey. Bond movie with extra cheese.
Blimmin loud too. My ears hurt after it.
Tue 05/11/02 at 14:56
"Pouch Ape"
Posts: 14,499
Every single bit was soooooo far fetched that it just made me laugh. Ignore VD's monotonous drone and lie back in your seat like a culled seal pup, slowly letting the violence and explosions ebb into your brain.

Hur, I got VD and mono into the same sentence!
Tue 05/11/02 at 14:51
"A man with a stick"
Posts: 5,883
I've seen it, and thought it was alright up until the point when Vin Diesel spurted out the line "do a playstation and blow sh#t up".

That's when I realised I was too old to watch this film which has so obviously been made for a pre-teen audience who I suspect will claim this film will be "the bestest action film in thw hole world".

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