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"The Problem with the X-box"

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Fri 21/06/02 at 23:56
Posts: 787
Ok now the X-box has arrived and had a little time to pick up speed. Unfortunately despite alot of talk about shifting consoles the X-box is not selling paticulary well, especially in the UK.

In my personal opinion there are a number of reasons for this which i feel Mr. Bill Gates needs to address before the X-box can turn into the success that he has hoped for.

The Price

Ok This has got to be the biggest problem with the microsoft bad boy. I am not putting anything against the console because i think it has possibly the most potential of all of the next generation consoles. It is the fasted the most powerful and has a top notch DVD player not to mention the memory meaning no memory cards are needed as there is next to an infinite amount of save space. However despite the excellent potential it posesses the console itself is still not worth the £300 price mark they gave on release, even after the drop to £200 it is still struggling because basically who is going to pay that kind of money for something that does not blow away the competition. The games are not too expensive, about average however with the need of a dvd remote to use the dvd feature the cost of the original price soon rises. The competition is too strong for such a price.

The Games

Lets face it this is what you buy a console. Sure you can get 84 controller ports, a 67 dvd disc changer, puker cd player and more tools than a swiss army knife but if you havent got the games to back it up what is the point in being able to even cook ya toast in ya console eh?

It is unfortunate that in the most important factor of the console the X-box fails miserably at present. The only 3 big sellers they had on launch day were

Dead or Alive 3
Project Gotham Racing
and Halo

and lets be honest Gotham Racing while a good game is not on the same level as GT3.. Dead of Alive 3 another classic beat em up but with virtua Fighter 4 now out and Tekken 4 around the corner it just does not have the same appeal. And Halo the supposed best game of the year. While a fantastic first person shooter is heavily overated purely because it was the one major selling point of the X-box and the only "original" big hitting game they had.

I say "original" because the X-box's line up is not at all original now is it, i mean not only are the games they are bringing out not THAT impressive they are not even original. In fact 90% of microsofts games are ported from other consoles or originally planned for another console.

Halo ----> originally a PC game
Dead or Alive 3 ----> DoA2 on PS2
SSX Tricky ---> PS2
Crazy Taxi ----->PS2, DC
Champ Manager -----> PC
Munch's Odsesee(sp) ------ Oringally PS2

Am i making my point yet! the Xbox is relying heavily on the games they are bringing over from other formats. The lineup is just not strong enough and with games like

Return to castle wolfenstein
Unreal Championship

The 2 huge games coming out being pc games and first person shooters. The console needs some huge original games and alot more variety. They are getting killed on the market at the moment. They need more games like Halo and the likes of Panza Dragoon to stay in the console war.

Lets hope Bill pulls his socks up because the Xbox has the potential to be great and altho i still think gates is being greedy trying to conquer another world good luck to him hes got his work cut out.


Possibly another big selling point of the Xbox was the online gaming, well now E3 is over and the plans have been revealed the UK are getting a raw deal. The Xboxs online plans are being used with broadband and with alot of the UK not able to get broadband at the present time it means we are not all able to play online meaning less profit for microsoft and a lot of annoyed british gamers.

What are everyones views.


Sun 23/06/02 at 10:38
Posts: 0
I seem to remember a little story following the lines of the Xbox PS2 situation. Back in the old days when sega was in its prime....

Sega was the king of gaming and everyone beleived this and that they will be so forever, when they released the saturn everyone thought that was the icing on the cake. And the Playstation was released and everybody laughed in its face for even thinking of competing with the might that was sega. The playstation didn't seem much to look at but it was a hell of a lot better specs wise to the saturn.

Within six or seven months the Playstation was loved and cherished by everyone and the poor souls who had bought a saturn were having trouble selling it for a fiver.

A few yers later sony are the unbeatable games kings and anyone who tries to compete is laughed at because 'NO-ONE CAN COMPETE WITH THE PS2'

I think we are going to see history repeat itself as the xbox just steps on the shelves and with time microsoft will be the favourites.
Sun 23/06/02 at 10:31
Posts: 3,182
WòókieeMøn§†€® wrote:
> savatt1668 wrote:
> Not being funny Wookie, but why do you actually bother playing games
> ?
> Is there actually a type of game you LIKE ?? ;-))
> Yes. Most of them are on the PS2, and that's why it's my preferred
> console. I don't know why people can't get their head around that.


Seeing that you brushed over the list of XBOX games with a feather of indifference, could you list these forthcoming PS2 games you are interested in so we can compare?
Sun 23/06/02 at 10:24
"$hit happens"
Posts: 756
Hey nice post, a first in this sort of topic, normally as many people have said people come on and say it is bad, but no reasons, nice one!
Sun 23/06/02 at 02:59
"High polygon count"
Posts: 15,624
garbe123 wrote:
> As for Max Payne, this is my favourite game of all time and the PS2
> tore the game to pieces so please do not compare an excellent Xbox
> version to a shoddy PS2 version, thanks!

I have to wonder what you're reading, because it sure as hell isn't what I'm posting!

I haven't compared any version of Max Payne to any other; I simply said that it doesn't interest me. I've seen it played on PC, and didn't fancy it.

I'm sorry to burst your bubble about your favourite game, but my boss finished the PC version in two days on the hardest setting, so I didn't deem it to be worth my money - on any format.
Sun 23/06/02 at 02:59
"High polygon count"
Posts: 15,624
savatt1668 wrote:
> Not being funny Wookie, but why do you actually bother playing games ?
> Is there actually a type of game you LIKE ?? ;-))

Yes. Most of them are on the PS2, and that's why it's my preferred console. I don't know why people can't get their head around that.

It doesn't bother me if the Xbox versions look slightly better, because it's gameplay that counts, and most of the multi-format titles are appearing on PS2 first, so that's what I'll buy them for. If any should appear on Xbox first, I'll get them on that. But anything decent is along way off.

Everyone's saying in here "don't keep putting the Xbox down", and then going on to do exactly that about the other machines.

Very few of you actually accept that people prefer the other platforms, instead constantly claiming that "the Xbox is more powerful, therefore it must be better". Well, newsflash: the best specs do not equate to the best console.

Every time this is mentioned, one of you shouts "but it's only been out a few months", conveniently side-stepping the fact that there is usually a rush for new technology in the console market - sales are immense in the first few weeks, selling out, with sales slowing down as the months pass. I went to Tesco's to buy my Xbox at 7pm on the evening of launch day, and could buy one off the shelf.

The worrying thing for me regarding the Xbox is that, in the last global sales figures posted by SonicRav, not only was the PS2 still selling more than both Xbox and Gamecube combined (and this being well AFTER everyone knows all about the "overhyped" PS2), but the trusty old PSone was outselling each of them individually.

Now I don't know what type of spin you'll try and put on that, but that cannot be good. Remember, these were GLOBAL sales figures, and the systems have been out longer elsewhere than in the UK.

As far as I'm aware, even the panicked price-drop hasn't resulted in a *significant* upturn in sales, and the Gamecube is outselling it.

I'm not being biased or having deliberate digs at the Xbox here - I am personally genuinely disappointed with the whole situation, and am simply looking at it realistically.

I am happy for those of you who are genuinely happy with the Xbox, but please be fair and accept that some of us remain unconvinced by the machine, no matter how much better it's supposed to be, or how many times garbe increases his wordcount by posting the same list of games.

I also wish that people like garbe would stop thinking that I'm deliberately being 'down' on the Xbox. I can assure everyone reading this that I don't make these posts lightly. When I own something, I do not enjoy being negative about it, and I certainly don't like saying the same things over and over again.

I can honestly say that I have never been left feeling this flat by a games system. I don't know why so few of the games appeal to me - there's just something they don't have, and I can't put my finger on it.

It's like the reason you don't buy *every* game of a certain type. Some have that 'mystery thing' that makes you want to play, and others don't. I get that 'buzz' with more games on other platforms at the moment.

I'm looking forward to the Last Ninja game, and I'm hoping that adrian will eventually tell me that Buffy turned out good, after the video demo on the OXM coverdisc put me right off of it.

Many people here won't accept anything negative about the Xbox without branding the poster 'anti-Xbox', and immediately launch into a t**-for-tat post about how this aspect of Xbox is so much better than PS2/Gamecube/PC. Slightly more concerning is the fact that people completely ignore simple facts.

It is a FACT that the Xbox is not selling as well as was hoped. It is a FACT that higher specs don't necessarily mean a better machine. It is a FACT that PS2 and Gamecube have games that are just as good and as playable as Xbox titles. It is a FACT that more PS2's are selling than the other two systems. It s a FACT that PS2 is in a practically unassailable position as far as the market share is concerned.

It doesn't matter if you are a fan of Xbox, PS2, Gamecube or all three. You don't have to like the facts, but it's the way things are, so you may as well accept them and deal with it.

Each machine has it's positive and negative points, and it's own excellent games. The sooner everyone gets around to accepting that and not leaping into battle whenever someone mentions something they don't like, the better.
Sun 23/06/02 at 01:48
Posts: 0
Jesus Christ this is getting out of hand.

You are are abusing me and saying im talking rubbish?!? Then you say things that i have said and say i havent? WHAT is going on... Have any of you actually read my replies?

Ok first off How am i fool? you claimed first i havent heard of project Ego right? well if u read my reply i said it was one the reasons i was waiting 4 the xbox to drop in price, do i have to draw a picture!!! meaning i am going to BUY 1 when it drops and get that game!!!

so if i am going to be buying one ladies and gents how the hell can this be a xbox hater thread? hmmm.... i am merely pointing out the problems the Xbox has got to get over.. i am stated MY OPINIONS!! if you do not agree that is fine just do not going insulting me because i do not think the Xbox is the best thing since sliced bread!

The Xbox's lineup is looking better than i originally thought but still i believe lacks the originality and variety of Nintendos!!

As for calling me a fool for putting my opinions on unrealesed games!!! how can u call me a fool when u urself are giving opinions calling them great games already is that not being a hypocrite eh? i mean i take your point i cannot fully rate a game until i have played it BUT how do you buy a game eh? reviews? previews? i lay money none of you play EVERY single game before you buy it... you go on the type of game your opinion on similar and what you have heard... which is what i have done...

You are all in here saying WHAT A GREAT LINEUP when you have not played any so why am i being had a go at for giving my opinion on what i think those games will turn out like eh?


i have already stated i am planning on buying 1 when some of the problems they have are sorted... so how is what im saying utter rubbish? I am not hiding or pretending anything merely giving an honest opinion if you dont like it thats your call...

And for the guy who said he was disapointed with the GC thats fair enuf i know a few people who have been but many who claim it is excellent. I personally feel nintendo have done a great job while i take your point on rushed there E3 lineup was superb and you cannot tell me you are not looking 4ward to mario sunshine lol.

I hope i have cleared a few things up now.

Sat 22/06/02 at 22:57
Posts: 10,489
Half Pint, that is exactly how I feel, this post is utter rubbish but I have tried to keep my mouth shut but I can not stay quite anymore. I am not going to go on about the Xbox I am just going to say:

Sony's and Nineties listen up, stop putting the Xbox down, stop posting sales rubbish, stop saying anything bad about the Xbox and stop it right now. Everyone in this forum is sick of this rubbish and I have had it up to my head with the non-sense that is posted in here daily. Just stop all of your rubbish as you won't find any in your forums from us in here, so why should we?
Sat 22/06/02 at 22:41
Posts: 3,110
Yet another anti-Xbox post trying to be disguised as an 'Xbox is great, but actually sucks' topic. I tell you one thing, the Xbox had many more great launch games than the PS2, and even now I'm playing Halo. What's more, the Xbox is only the same price as the PS2, reinforcing the fact that Xbox IS HERE TO STAY. Uptake may be slow, but it certainly beats the crap out of the inferior, in terms of technology, graphics and games, PS2.
Sat 22/06/02 at 21:10
Posts: 10,489
Cyclone wrote:
> Only joking Garbe123!
> *I thought I had made 'peace' with you, oddly over 'Nuclear War' ?*

Ye we have, I was only joking too, the :) sort of gave it away.
Sat 22/06/02 at 19:54
"ATAT Supremo"
Posts: 6,238
I know this is a pretty lame thing to ask, but what colours have you all picked to be ? (even though this only shows in multiplayer).

That definatly something that should be added for the sequel - the chance to be the colour you pick through the main game as well as multiplayer, not massively important, but a nice little touch. :-)

Me and my cousin both chose Black. ;-)

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