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"I Have Never Reacted This Way About A Song Before"

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Tue 26/03/02 at 22:50
Posts: 787
Ok, I admit it. I do sometimes (though I know I shouldn't) say bad things about bands I don't really like, we all do. I tryed to stop myself from doing this and I was doing well until I was watching...yes here it comes again...KERRANG TV!

The last song that was played was actually pretty good, a Stereophonics one which I quite enjoyed but then I heard an organ like one at a funeral and was greeted with a few wannabe dead gothic geezers in a snow like landscape. Their name was Cradle Of Filth.

Now I had actually seen people at school with 'Cradle of Filth' scribbled on their bag at school and seen a hoodie I am sure, but why?!? How could they listen to what was gracing my ears, godhelp the poor things. This band were like making wannabes all over the world and Kerrang were showing this...for some reason. Maybe again because its popular, its aload of crap but popular because people think "GOTHIC! YEAH! I'M GOTHIC SO THIS IS GOOD!" well excuse me mate, your not gothic...your twelve year old moron.

I don't know how many of you have seen this filth (catch the pun eh? ;-)) but if you haven't it's easy to sum up - They have a guy that looks like he's from The Lord Of The Rings and about 50 just saying stuff (lead singer) and a woman who screams like a dead cat who definetly looks (and sounds) like she is on her period...or having a poo. She shouts - "Her Ghost In The FOGGGGGGGGG" cackling, put me off my dinner, lunch, breakfast...brunch.

It's crap and just so not musical. If you like this then go and ermmmmm errrrr turn it off...please. For your healh and mine and others and the future of rock.

This is not rock, it's crap. This video should be on Paramount not Kerrang, it's comedy all over.

Cradle Of Filth - Thumbs Down!
Fri 29/03/02 at 19:21
"Peace Respect Punk"
Posts: 8,069
Long December and Omaha are in my Audio Galaxy que now... I'll tell you when I've given em a listen...
Fri 29/03/02 at 19:10
"You've upset me"
Posts: 21,152
Sibs wrote:
Maybe I'll find out one day... I haven't heard any songs-
> can you reccomend any MP3s I may like?

Oui, Round Here*, Omaha*, Rain King, Mr Jones, Long December*, I Wish I Was A Girl, St Robinson In His Cadillac Dream*, Hanginaround*

* Are ones that you should definitely download.

Tell me what ya think!
Fri 29/03/02 at 16:16
Posts: 23,284
Nah, your extracting the urine there.

Fri 29/03/02 at 15:30
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
Amusing story about Cradle of Filth:

My girlfriend had a little part in a movie by a guy called Alex Chandon - a UK "B-Horror" movie.
And the main character was played by the singer, Danni, from Cradle of Filth.

And being the one who drives her about and waits and stuff, I went up to the set and sat about amongst prothsethic arms and heads and stuff, reading back issues of Bizarre.

And Danni walks in in a nice red cardigan and chords, hair back in a ponytail and flops down beside me on the sofa.
He pinches a fag and we're talking about the monster effects laying all around, but then he gets distracted by the Tv and says "Oh I love this" and watches the show.

And the show?

Fri 29/03/02 at 13:12
Posts: 21,800
Cradle of Filth are just a big pile of crap, they think because they wear make-up and look like cross dressing Horror film extras that they can get away with screaming and just making noise. Thing is they do get away with it cause all the nail polish wearing 13 year olds lap it up because the band apparently worship the devil.

Black Metal is just the worst music, it's worse than Danny out of Hearsay aka The Incredible Hulk doing a song with Westlife.
Fri 29/03/02 at 13:04
"Uzi Lover"
Posts: 7,403
Sibs wrote:
haven't heard any songs-
> can you reccomend any MP3s I may like?

and me :-)
Thu 28/03/02 at 22:53
"Peace Respect Punk"
Posts: 8,069
heh... cheers Rasta...

Oh, and Counting Crows are a bunch of whingy American p***-artists.

Maybe I'll find out one day... I haven't heard any songs- can you reccomend any MP3s I may like?
Thu 28/03/02 at 22:45
"You've upset me"
Posts: 21,152
Heh, well said Sibs. I know I slate other groups and their fans, but I know i really shouldn't. If they really do like the band and aren't just going along with the crowd, then fair play. Good for them. I know a lot of people think that the Counting Crows are a bunch of whingy American p***-artists, and maybe they are in their opinion, but in mine they are the best band ever to have lived, and almost all of their songs are artworks that I love.
Thu 28/03/02 at 22:41
"Peace Respect Punk"
Posts: 8,069
My brother is into Cradle of Filth... I don't really mind it, it is listenable, but not the kind of stuff I'd pay for, you know?

I mean, I know my brother really does like it, he is not just one of these poser people, he does listen to some of the Nu-metal stuff, but also all the oldies like Ozzy, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, etc. even some Misfits (the Misfits are good)! He also sl@gs off Limp Bizkit all the time... heh, that's one good thing!

Anyhow, the music he listens to doesn't bother me- he likes it, and that's what matters. I like the music I like. I'll bet some people here would think there is nothing musical about... I dunno, Black Flag or Refused and they are just 'noise' but I like them. Good for me.
Thu 28/03/02 at 19:37
"Uzi Lover"
Posts: 7,403
I'm over it now...kinda. But how can you say 'the song isn't that bad?' it isn't even a song!

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