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"I Have Never Reacted This Way About A Song Before"

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Tue 26/03/02 at 22:50
Posts: 787
Ok, I admit it. I do sometimes (though I know I shouldn't) say bad things about bands I don't really like, we all do. I tryed to stop myself from doing this and I was doing well until I was watching...yes here it comes again...KERRANG TV!

The last song that was played was actually pretty good, a Stereophonics one which I quite enjoyed but then I heard an organ like one at a funeral and was greeted with a few wannabe dead gothic geezers in a snow like landscape. Their name was Cradle Of Filth.

Now I had actually seen people at school with 'Cradle of Filth' scribbled on their bag at school and seen a hoodie I am sure, but why?!? How could they listen to what was gracing my ears, godhelp the poor things. This band were like making wannabes all over the world and Kerrang were showing this...for some reason. Maybe again because its popular, its aload of crap but popular because people think "GOTHIC! YEAH! I'M GOTHIC SO THIS IS GOOD!" well excuse me mate, your not gothic...your twelve year old moron.

I don't know how many of you have seen this filth (catch the pun eh? ;-)) but if you haven't it's easy to sum up - They have a guy that looks like he's from The Lord Of The Rings and about 50 just saying stuff (lead singer) and a woman who screams like a dead cat who definetly looks (and sounds) like she is on her period...or having a poo. She shouts - "Her Ghost In The FOGGGGGGGGG" cackling, put me off my dinner, lunch, breakfast...brunch.

It's crap and just so not musical. If you like this then go and ermmmmm errrrr turn it off...please. For your healh and mine and others and the future of rock.

This is not rock, it's crap. This video should be on Paramount not Kerrang, it's comedy all over.

Cradle Of Filth - Thumbs Down!
Wed 03/04/02 at 17:58
"Peace Respect Punk"
Posts: 8,069
Mr. Happy wrote:
> MWA, download Outside the Aviary by Burning Airlines. It's 1:49 of amazing phd
> punk.

Just Downloaded that- pretty good :-)
Mon 01/04/02 at 23:40
"Back in black"
Posts: 5,486
Back to the subject of cradle of filth, or more to death metal. I will speak as a fan of black music, not as a 13 your old fag in a hoodie (im 16:). Black music is good, to me, some great riffs, lively (you'll be surprised) and moshes. Kids ruined it by making it a huge market. Now you get crap metal (nu-metal) and semi death metal- both are awful and are aimed at you kiddies- so thanks a lot!! Geez
Mon 01/04/02 at 18:01
"Uzi Lover"
Posts: 7,403
I've got broadband and I reccommend it, it is VERY good. But I won't boast, for you :-)

Just finding that song now...
Mon 01/04/02 at 17:59
"funky blitzkreig"
Posts: 2,540
gggrrrrrrr... I wish my Dad would pay for an ADSL line...
Mon 01/04/02 at 17:55
"Uzi Lover"
Posts: 7,403
Mr. Happy wrote:
> MWA, download Outside the Aviary by Burning Airlines. It's 1:49 of amazing phd
> punk.

Will look for it after I have gone through this person's list hehe I love having a fast connection. If someone else has one I just look at all their files and then download them all, I must have got over 50 MP3's todya whilst doing my coursework on my PC.
Mon 01/04/02 at 16:48
"That's right!"
Posts: 10,645

As I always say
Mon 01/04/02 at 16:47
"funky blitzkreig"
Posts: 2,540
MWA, download Outside the Aviary by Burning Airlines. It's 1:49 of amazing phd punk.
Mon 01/04/02 at 16:42
"Uzi Lover"
Posts: 7,403
Being no fan of Garage and it's other musical links, I would rather listen to it then this song.
Mon 01/04/02 at 14:32
Posts: 0
Well MWA, you can say what you like about it but at least its better than all that townie crap you hear on the radio these days.

Come to think of it, anything's better than townie music (except pop music, although it is a close call...).
Mon 01/04/02 at 01:00
"Peace Respect Punk"
Posts: 8,069
Iraqistan Man wrote:
> Whats everyone got with Kerrang, I think it's the best music channel ever. much
> better than that computer made dance pants, and garage oh my god what a pile of
> poo that is. Big up Crawley massive. God damn I hate towneys such pikeys.

See the 'Dissecting the Kerrang top 10' topic, in this forum... probably a page or so back though, for the answers to this question...

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