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"Goatboy and Smoking"

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Fri 22/03/02 at 21:03
Posts: 787
Just wondering, Mr. Goatboy sir, if you have considered that smoking is one of the biggest ways you can be played by the system?

The nicotine is only in there to get you addicted...and your money goes to big companys who make thier money by effectivly selling a product that gives people cancer.

I'm not trying to stop you smoking, because I know how much you hate that. I was just wondering if you, as someone who hates being played, had considered this?

Innocent question. Don't rant at me, please.

*Cowers in corner*
Sat 23/03/02 at 16:38
"High polygon count"
Posts: 15,624
AliBoy wrote:
> One of the things that annoys me is people who smoke
> through choice

I can have sympathy for older people, such as my parents. When they started smoking, it was the new 'in thing', and no-one knew the damage that long-term smoking would cause.

Of course, by the time the consequences were known, they were all addicted and for many it was too late.

What I don't understand, though, is why youngsters take up smoking these days. The damage smoking can cause is well known, and there seems to me to be absolutely no sensible reason why anyone would want to do it.
Sat 23/03/02 at 16:36
Posts: 16,548
WòókieeMøn§??® wrote:
yet the
> government won't ban it because then they'd lose all that lovely tax revenue.
> Funny old world, isn't it?


To be cold, thats a fair enough viewpoint because the taxes are needed, and if people want to A) Kill themselves B) Pay for my NHS as well, fair play to them. Cheers, lads.
Sat 23/03/02 at 16:28
"Picking a winner!"
Posts: 8,502
Smoking kills and so does passive smoking.
First of all If you want to smoke I have nothing against you, feel free to do it for whatever reasosn you want. I myself have and no doubt never will smoke, I was born with severe Asthma and being in smokey places makes me quite breathless etc and being around people who smoke (friends etc) isn't good for me either. my Asthma has improved a lot since I was a kid but smoking still makes me feel like crap basically. Also My grandad died from lung cancer which was caused by smoking and he made me and my brother and cousins promise him we wouldn't do it because we know the effects of it.

Smoking is a stimulant, it relaxes the body but causes a lot of damage to the body.It causes various problems. I study a course on the use and abuse of drugs at uni and a bit of it was on smoking, here are some of the problems that smoking causes.
Cancer, mostly lung cancer due to the chemicals like tars, and nitrosamines and nicotine.
Bronchitis, heart disease, and in preganat women it is very dangerous, it can damage the foetus and cause many problems at birth. People mostly smoke for stimulation, relaxation or to relieve stress, to help concentration or for the pleasure of it.

no matter how you look at it smoking is bad for your body, but who is to say you wont get hit by a bus or be involved in an accident anyway? We just don't know. One of the things that annoys me is people who smoke through choice and then when they are older they develop major problems and then require operations etc and are taken before those who also need similar operations through natural causes. The government do make a lot from the taxes from smoking but they also spend an awful lot on the medical treatments etc.

Passive smoking isn't quite as bad as normal smoking but still in time will cause the same effects, I'm sure you have all seen the pictures of a smokers lungs or heard them cough up junk from their throats. Just dosn't seem worth it to me.
Sat 23/03/02 at 16:26
"High polygon count"
Posts: 15,624
I've unfortunately been a passive smoker for all 30-and-a-half years of my life; both my parents have smoked.

My mum gave up on the doctors recommendation three years ago. She doesn't have anything like lung cancer, thankfully, but smoking has knackered her lungs, leaving her with asthma; she has to use inhalers, and can't walk even a short distance without being breathless if she does not use them.

Basically she's been told that if she starts smoking again, she will probably - but not necessarily - be dead in six months to a year. Unfortunately my dad still smokes, though, which doesn't help - though it is tough for him to stop. He had a nervous breakdown before I was born, and has been on medication ever since - smoking is one of those 'comfort things' for him, and he becomes very edgy when he tries to give up, which he has done several times.

While not wishing to preach to smokers among you, I personally have never understood the attraction of it. I tried it once as a kid, and it was one of the most vile tastes I've ever known. You lose you sense of taste, and your sense of smell - which is probably just as well, because it keeps you from knowing just how bad your breath, clothes and house stink as a result of it!

I used to work with a girl who smoked 40-a-day, and she always, always gave money to cancer charities. When I asked her why, she said, "Well I smoke so much that I see it as life insurance." Never did understand that attitude.

Apart from the damage it does to your insides (and more than likely the insides of those around you too) it covers everything in your house in a disgusting, almost unremovable brown film, and makes all your clothes stink, even if you're not wearing them at the time.

But above all, it probably kills more people in a year than most of the Class A drugs put together, and yet the government won't ban it because then they'd lose all that lovely tax revenue. Funny old world, isn't it?

And it doesn't even make you look 'cool'.
Sat 23/03/02 at 15:50
Posts: 23,218
im confused now
Sat 23/03/02 at 14:37
Posts: 0
Edgy wrote:

Did you know that you're more likely to die as a non-smoker through
> passive smoking than by smoking yourself?

So what you're saying is its safer to smoke?

No, no, no. Nothing about this adds up at all.......
Sat 23/03/02 at 14:35
Posts: 0
But smoking makes you look cool and older!

Well, until your dying at 40 and speaking through a box anyway.
Sat 23/03/02 at 14:31
Posts: 14,117
Stryke wrote:
Oh come on! Passive smoking has bollix all affect.

Also wrong.

You go to a pub on a saturday night, then smell your clothes on the sunday morning. They reek of smoke, the same as you were breathing in for 4 hours the night before.

Being in a smokey pub has the same effect as smoking a cigarette constantly for the length of time you're there. Ie, about 4 hours every friday and saturday night.
Sat 23/03/02 at 14:29
Posts: 14,117
Stryke wrote:
Smoking pays for the NHS anyway. :-)


Yes, the government gets lots of money in from tax on cigarettes, but they also pay out more for people who are suffering because of smoking.
Sat 23/03/02 at 13:12
"Fear my wrath..."
Posts: 2,044
Longy:0) wrote:
> thats bad, it's not a noble way to die how could it be#

No, it's not a NOTABLE way to die.

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