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"Goatboy and Smoking"

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Fri 22/03/02 at 21:03
Posts: 787
Just wondering, Mr. Goatboy sir, if you have considered that smoking is one of the biggest ways you can be played by the system?

The nicotine is only in there to get you addicted...and your money goes to big companys who make thier money by effectivly selling a product that gives people cancer.

I'm not trying to stop you smoking, because I know how much you hate that. I was just wondering if you, as someone who hates being played, had considered this?

Innocent question. Don't rant at me, please.

*Cowers in corner*
Sun 24/03/02 at 21:22
"not dead"
Posts: 11,145
A lot of my friends smoke. I don't. But you know what, I never ask them not too when we're out, because it's their choice to do so.

I can hardly go around saying I don't smoke so you can't either to them, can I? That would be selfish.

Live and let live, smoke/don't smoke it's nothing to do with me.
Sun 24/03/02 at 21:19
Posts: 23,218
snuggly you are working late tonight, or have you got your self a new computer?
Sun 24/03/02 at 21:15
Posts: 6,592
Doesn't anyone know? Inhaling second-hand smoke also leads to second-hand coolness - just sitting next to someone with a cancer-stick ups your cool factor by 15%.
Sun 24/03/02 at 21:04
"High polygon count"
Posts: 15,624
In all fairness, I know Goatboy is considerate of non-smokers, as he has mentioned it on these forums before. And that attitude - whatever the reasons behind it :-) - are highly commendable.

It's a shame, though, that the majority of smokers are not as considerate. In particular, those who smoke on public transport. Worse, though, is the lack of enforcement of the no-smoking rules.

We've all seen the stickers in the windows - "No Smoking - £50 fine" or the like. Yet when's the last time you ever saw anyone fined for smoking on a bus/train?
Sun 24/03/02 at 17:46
Posts: 12,243
For selfish reasons,
GoatBoy......... your selfish reasons are a classic.

hahaha, good one.
Sun 24/03/02 at 17:43
Posts: 15,681
Can I just say that that's excellent if you do think like that, because even though it's for the 'wrong' reasons you're still doing the right thing by not forcing your exhaled smoke into anyone else lungs.

Most smokers will sit next to you on that park bench blowing the smoke into the direction of non-smokers, or will sit on the table next to yours whilst your eating in a restaurant (well you get the idea).

So I'm glad that although you smoke (which in my opinion is suicide) you (for selfish reasons) take into consideration others may end up breathing in those fumes.
Sun 24/03/02 at 17:25
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
Hello there.

Being played by the system.
But what if you get all yours duty free from a girl at work who's boyfriend goes twice a week to sell cheaply on the black market?
Is that still abiding by "the rules"?

Smoking is a personal choice. You either do or don't. If you do, good on you. If you don't, good on you.
I smoke, I am smoking right now.
I don't try and get other people to, I don't advocate it and I don't make a point of mentioning it unless other people do.

I am aware of the *possible* dangers involved, but then I am also aware of the possible danger of driving a car or crossing the road.
I am an adult, and as such have the right to smoke.
I'm glad they ban smoking on planes and trains and buses, because I don't think people should be forced to endure my smoke in confined places, just as I am glad restaurants are non-smoking pretty much.
Wow, that's odd huh? A smoker that's glad you can't smoke in some places.
If I'm in a building/plane etc with no ventilation, I either ask first or don't.
I don't run over and clamp my fag onto someone's mouth and force them to inhale my smoke.

They didn't pay for my smokes so why the hell should they get to enjoy them? You want my secondary smoke? You pay me for secondary fags then.
See, it's selfishness, not conscience, that keeps my smoke just for me.

I'll stand over here smoking and spending my money etc and be quite happy.
It's not big or clever, it's a personal choice.

Smoke or don't smoke, it's your choice.
Sat 23/03/02 at 19:54
Posts: 0
I agree,
I think smoking is stupid and dangerous, even to non-smokers.

My mother, half-sister, grandmother and a few of my friends smoke. I don't want to lose any of them because they are dear to me. I thought my other half-sister was clean until she told me that she had smoked Cannabis before but didn't like it.

My friends have tried to make me smoke but I've refused many a time. I don't care what they think about me, I'm not doing it. I've actually nearly done it but I thought that it wasn't worth it, it didn't do my reputation any good but at least I'm healthy.

I'm suprised that the teachers at my school actually let them smoke, for example: I was in a detention because of my science work, then a girl came running in and said,
'Miss, can I have my fags now?'
'Of course you can, they're in the office there.'
She didn't know why I looked at her disgusted.

Anyway, back to the topic,
I've already lost my nan to lung cancer, due to smoking, i don't want to lose anymore relatives, or friends.
It's a risky gamble, smoking, like Russian Roulette.

All I'm saying is smoking is just a S****y way to go.
Sat 23/03/02 at 18:48
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
I have to sit on the opposite side of the table to this girl in RS, and she smokes all the time-during break, between lessons, after school etc, and I just can't stand it!

She absolutely stinks of the stuff and it's disgusting. I don't mind people smoking (my gran and uncle do), just as long as they do it out of my damn way. And they can make sure they don't come near me until they've washed and haven't smoked in the clothes they are wearing.

Sorry to sound harsh, but my Grandad died from smoking and...well, we wanted a lasting photo of him for us all to remember, and the only good one was with him holding a bloody cigarette in his hand. We managed to use our PC to get rid of it and actually make the pic look quite good, but you can still see the shape of his fingers.
Sat 23/03/02 at 16:42
"Picking a winner!"
Posts: 8,502
I agree with you totally, my grandad was in the army at the time when all soldiers were issued with cigarettes either to use or to trade. In those days the risks were not known to be as bad as we now know them to be.
I can't see the attraction to smoking either, especially when we ar told just how bad it is for you. But if people want to do it then I'll not get on at them for doing so, they have the right to do it. I just wonder if those who do it would still do it if they knew all the problems it can cause.

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