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Fri 20/07/01 at 22:40
Posts: 787
I and many others loved the 64, you all go on about how CD’s were better and it was Nintendo’s mistake and there is not grown up games etc… and what did we do? We smiled we didn’t care what they thought we were playing Zelda, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, No Mercy and Conker whilst you played with Metal gear solid, Final Fantasy and Smackdown and after we compare the games we were laughing.

But what can I say despite out beliefs the N64 sold badly. The expensive games, the lack of FMV style graphics, the childish image (even though Nintendo are not), no CD quality sounds, the lack of advertisement and the lack of 3rd party support made this wonder machine falter. It is now time for change and Nintendo are delivering.

Nintendo have kept what made them so huge in the first place their stunning first and second party games (Well those at E3 claim they are stunning) and with new second party developers in the form of Silicon knights and Retro studios are on board to bring more classic Nintendo material. Nintendo are also keeping with their multiplayer image as well which has served them well in the past.

Expensive ha, Nintendo have most defiantly sorted that out with a £150 console, which beats all it’s rivals and games that retail much lower than carts did early on at about £35-40.

FMV and the CD quality sounds are now capable with the move to a disc format and with games like Too human, Eternal Darkness, Perfect Dark 2, Turok Evolution, Conker’s other bad day (probably), the new grown up style Mario and Resident Evil 0 and 4 proves to me that Nintendo’s childish looking era I starting to change.

Advertisement is getting well underway in the form of the Gameboy Advance! It sold tones and those of you who looked will see a Gamecube on the back. If Nintendo can successfully model the Gamecube as an essential to go with the Gameboy Advance then Nintendo’s popularity will rise rapidly.

Now I have been over 3rd party support before and you can see more in the future additions to my developer series of posts but with 12 Acclaim games promised, 3 Namco (including a beat em up), Capcom making a few Nintendo only games, Squaresoft willing to work with Nintendo again, THQ promising tones of games including a wrestling one, Konami hinting at MGS2 on the Gamecube and Silent hill 2 all of which sounds promising and many more I just couldn’t be bothered to list.

Sony fans maybe attacking the yet to be released Gamecube but this time I believe they are worried. The Gamecube is doing what the N64 did well and what the Playstation did well as well. This could be a very promising fight ahead of us.

Here’s to the future

Sat 21/07/01 at 00:25
Posts: 18,185
Turbonutter wrote:
> I don't. I personally think they're not the two greatest platformers
> around, and I know there are a few people who would agree with me.
> Nintyphiles like games like that, Sonyphiles don't. That's the
> difference.

Personally, I think Sonic 3 is the greatest platforme
> around, but that is inconsequential.

we also like first person shooters especially with Turok, GOldeneye and Perfect Dark, and 3rd person shooters with operation winback, Jet force Gemini, Body harvest etc...

And fun racers, Diddy Kong Racing, Mario Kart and Mickey's speedway USA, Adventure games Shadowman, Zelda, Zelda , Zelda.

We will soon rule Beat em ups with Killer instinct and Namco's beat em up, Sonic etc... to GC

Oh and fast racers: Wipeout, F Zero X, Starwars pod racer, Extreme G, Excite bike

And specialist racers

Excite bike, Wave Race, 1080 snowboarding

And RPG's


And multiplayer games (we laugh at sony's multiplaying abilitites)
Sat 21/07/01 at 00:23
"everyone says it"
Posts: 14,738
The Nintendo64 did not fail, it still continues (for some strange reason) to sell in America, it has sold more than the DC and as Nintendo have made a 72% increase in yearly profits things are looking rosy!
Sat 21/07/01 at 00:20
Posts: 0
Ive played many Platformers on both the Playstation and the N64. Mario 64 is the best platform game ever, Crash 3 on the Playstation isnt bad but its not as in depth as Mario.

I also liked Klonoa on the Playstation which was a nice game.

What platform games do you like Turbonutter...if any?
Sat 21/07/01 at 00:19
Posts: 18,185
Conker is not evil just wanting to get home :)

N64 fail ha! it sold double that of the SNES and that succeded, Failed ha ha ha.
Sat 21/07/01 at 00:16
Posts: 15,579
The n64 didnt fail, it was just overshadowed by the success of the psx. THe psx, the work of the darkside, cast a huge black cloud over the N64 and simpletons all over ignored the N64 and went straight for the spining discs of the psx. psx, the work of the devil.

Just remember, good always conkers evil.
Sat 21/07/01 at 00:15
"Eff, you see, kay?"
Posts: 14,156
I don't. I personally think they're not the two greatest platformers around, and I know there are a few people who would agree with me. Nintyphiles like games like that, Sonyphiles don't. That's the difference.

Personally, I think Sonic 3 is the greatest platforme around, but that is inconsequential.
Sat 21/07/01 at 00:10
Posts: 18,185
I think Turbonutters mad he has dissed the 2 greatest platformers bar Conker around!
Sat 21/07/01 at 00:08
Posts: 15,579
~I dont all these 3rd party companies are totally commeted to nintendo. I just think they are gonna see what happens with the first generation of games and then make a decision on how far of a degree to support the gamecube.
Fri 20/07/01 at 23:53
"Eff, you see, kay?"
Posts: 14,156
Monkey Island 4 is probably one of the best games I've played in a long time. FFVII was great. So was VIII ish, but not as good as VII.

I think it's fair to say I do like RPGs and adventure games then.
Fri 20/07/01 at 23:48
Posts: 18,185
You probably don't like games that require some time like RPG's or platformers.

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