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"You're all a bunch of biased Nintys"

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Sat 23/06/01 at 12:24
Posts: 787
You Nintys, you're all the same. You won't give the PS2 a chance. Why?

I don't go slagging off the N64/GC all the time, I just keep saying I like the PS2 better. And what do I get back? Just a load of abuse!

You can't see past your own little camp, can you. The PS2 is a great machine, well worthy of praise, but all you lot don't get N64 magazines and rely on third hand information. All this talk of the PS2 has crap games, loads of sequels, nothing worth buying it for is a load of b******t. The PS2 has fantastic games already, with more to come, but you don't know because you're stuck in you're own little "Nintendo will beat everything hands down" world.

Admittadly, I don't know much about the GC, because I don't get magazines. But I don't go splashing it around that the PS2 is far better than the GC, do I? I just keep quietly saying that, IN MY OPINION, the PS2 is better.

But you lot, you won't accept that, will you? You just can't take it that someone likes something else better than you're precious GameCube.

Well, I was going to get one, but all this abuse and constant arguing has mad me change my mind. You can just go shove it up your a***s.
Sat 23/06/01 at 17:33
Posts: 15,443
Yeah, but have you noticed that most of the games you just mentioned aren't even out yet, and some aren't even in the final stages of development.
Sat 23/06/01 at 17:28
Posts: 0
DeltaJava wrote:
> Seriously, you PS2 zealots, the PS2 is indeed crap. If you have
> bought one, consider yourself to be very dum indeed. Games? MGS2,
> and thats about it. And have you heard of Sony's new pricing
> strategy? Apparently, pretty son they're going to stop selling the
> console on its own, and bundle it with a game... at £299,
> which was the price of the PS2 before they deducted £30 off!

Now I see what turbonutter means.

There are tonnes more stunning games on PS2 other than MGS2. GT3, Onimusha, Red Faction, Devil May Cry, Smackdown: Just Bring it, to name but a few.

You really don't know what you are talking about do you.

Ninty fans should at least acknowledge that the PS2 is good, even if they think that the Gamecube will be better, and it might very well be, but it isn't out yet, the PS2 is.
Sat 23/06/01 at 17:22
Posts: 15,443
Seriously, you PS2 zealots, the PS2 is indeed crap. If you have bought one, consider yourself to be very dum indeed. Games? MGS2, and thats about it. And have you heard of Sony's new pricing strategy? Apparently, pretty son they're going to stop selling the console on its own, and bundle it with a game... at £299, which was the price of the PS2 before they deducted £30 off!
Sat 23/06/01 at 15:48
"Hoo Har"
Posts: 1,281
Turbo, who said anything about the PDS2 being rubbish. It weill defently come on top, and i'm not biased as i dont have one and support all the consoles. But the PS2 has got so much potential. You wait till Christmas, where the price will; be around £200. It will sell tons, along with the Gcube, don't worry turbo. Once MGS2, GT3, GTA 3D and Tony Hawks 3 come out the PS2 will spark up
Sat 23/06/01 at 15:48
Posts: 9,848
I wasn't talking about anyone. No one had moaned yet.

Some idiot was bound to sooner or later though!! :-D
Sat 23/06/01 at 15:42
"Rong Xion Tong"
Posts: 5,237
I don't know whether you are talking to me or not Dan but I was joking too. I just forgot the face.
Sat 23/06/01 at 15:41
Posts: 9,848
I knew that you would get the joke.

The person it's aimed at always gets it. It's other people who miss it and start moaning.

See the Pink Pigs topics about Racism in the Chat Forum.
Sat 23/06/01 at 15:36
Posts: 6,492
Dan, you should now better, I can't take jokes.!!

Sat 23/06/01 at 15:34
Posts: 9,848
Oh, and always look for the smiley face.

:-) or :-D etc.

That's peoples way of saying "It's a joke"

(You wouldn't believe how many times I've had to say this.)
Sat 23/06/01 at 15:33
"Rong Xion Tong"
Posts: 5,237
Yeah, so stop whimpering Turbo.

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