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"You're all a bunch of biased Nintys"

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Sat 23/06/01 at 12:24
Posts: 787
You Nintys, you're all the same. You won't give the PS2 a chance. Why?

I don't go slagging off the N64/GC all the time, I just keep saying I like the PS2 better. And what do I get back? Just a load of abuse!

You can't see past your own little camp, can you. The PS2 is a great machine, well worthy of praise, but all you lot don't get N64 magazines and rely on third hand information. All this talk of the PS2 has crap games, loads of sequels, nothing worth buying it for is a load of b******t. The PS2 has fantastic games already, with more to come, but you don't know because you're stuck in you're own little "Nintendo will beat everything hands down" world.

Admittadly, I don't know much about the GC, because I don't get magazines. But I don't go splashing it around that the PS2 is far better than the GC, do I? I just keep quietly saying that, IN MY OPINION, the PS2 is better.

But you lot, you won't accept that, will you? You just can't take it that someone likes something else better than you're precious GameCube.

Well, I was going to get one, but all this abuse and constant arguing has mad me change my mind. You can just go shove it up your a***s.
Sat 23/06/01 at 14:41
Posts: 6,492
Grix is a ninty, shame really, he has so much talent!! :P
Sat 23/06/01 at 14:31
"Rong Xion Tong"
Posts: 5,237
You're right to Bonus.

And Grix, are you a Ninty or a.....errrrr.....Sonyoid.
Sat 23/06/01 at 14:24
Posts: 6,492
I'll take that as a compliment I think!!
Sat 23/06/01 at 14:24
Posts: 23,216
We have opinions.

You have different ones.

Live with it.
Sat 23/06/01 at 14:22
"Rong Xion Tong"
Posts: 5,237
Now there's a man who knows what he's talking about. And............he has an uzi under his pillow. Smart man.
Sat 23/06/01 at 14:08
Posts: 23,218
that is true
Sat 23/06/01 at 14:06
Posts: 6,492
I have no problem in saying that Nintendo are a more ditinguished computer games company than Sony, because they are. I'm not ashamed to say that Ninty make some of the best games going, because they do. What I will say is that I prefer the style of gaming which is on hand with the PS2, rather than what is to come from Ninty. It's like films, Shrek is a really good film, but I would prefer to go see films like Dracula, it's more up my street sort of thing.

I spnd my money on things I like, I do not like spending my money on things which are good, but I do not enjoy, so I spend my money on things which are good, and that I do enjoy, the console wars are hot topics all year round, but they are fought by big business, our opinions count for sod all when companies see an oportunity to make money. Just accept that there is enough market space to support 2 major consoles at once, I can't see enough for three, and that's why I think the Xbox will fail, it has aimed for the middle ground and set up camp against Ninty and Sony, whereas the other two feed totally seperate markets.

That is mu opinion and before some Ninty fan hits me with a dummy, remember I will more than likely have an Uzi under my pillow!!
Sat 23/06/01 at 13:41
"Rong Xion Tong"
Posts: 5,237
turbonutter wrote:
Well, I was going to
> get one, but all this abuse and constant arguing has mad me change
> my mind. You can just go shove it up your a***s.

We'll see.

And anyway, have you thought that this is just our way of saying that we prefer Nintendo machines. Maybe we just can't be bothered to write, "In my opinion..." and so on.
Sat 23/06/01 at 13:00
"not dead"
Posts: 11,145
Fine, don't get one then.

There's nothing wrong with the PS2, but I'll be getting a Gamecube because I prefer the type of games that usually appear on Nintendo's consoles.

I'm mature enough to accept your choice, as you are mine, so it's best to simply ignore those that are not.

And please, try to avoid the use of bad language on the forums.
Sat 23/06/01 at 12:32
Posts: 15,579
well Nitendo have been in the console business for 20 years or somthin. You become attached like. The bond is very hard to break. Well it is for me anyway.

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