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"What do you think matters more: Gameplay or Graphics??"

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Sun 10/06/01 at 16:07
Posts: 787
This has been a well discussed topic, but I feel that after seeing the GC screenshots and videos, it's time to bring it to our attention once again.

My view is sort between. I say that they both matter, and they have to work...with eachother.

I believe that all games need good gameplay, but most games need good graphics as well.

I mean, would N64 fans like Perfect Dark or Goldeneye so much if they had poor graphics??

Would I like MGS so much if it had poor graphics?? Probably.

Gameplay is more important, and graphics are also needed to improve the experience. Well, that's my opinion, anyway.

What are your views??

Thanks for reading, Ant.
Sun 10/06/01 at 18:52
"You've upset me"
Posts: 21,152
Yeah what the Game said :-D
Sun 10/06/01 at 18:50
"Fishing For Reddies"
Posts: 4,986

Most people don't think this but I do...

I see gameplay as the OVERALL fun-ness the games provides, whether it be 'Good' 'Below Par' or whatever.... Graphics are just as important!

Gameplay is good but what is gameplay?! Someone please answer me this?! It can't be how good the game is because that is measure over lots of things... graphics included!!!!

Gameplay INCLUDES graphics.... one isn't better than the other... they are both necessary for a good game! You might say Chu Chu Rocket doesn't have good graphics.... but they're good enough! They don't need to be 3D or the game wouldn't work the same way...

Think About it....

Sun 10/06/01 at 18:47
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
Okay, so games such as Championship Manager don't need good graphics.

But in today's world, nearly all games need to have good graphics to be successful. Why??

1. Many people buy games just because of the graphics. I know it's not right, but it happens.

2. If the game had poor graphics, people will say, "Yeah, it has great gameplay, but the graphics are disappointing." But, if the game has good gameplay AND good graphics, people will say, "Gameplay's great, and the graphics are nice as well!"
It improves the overall feel of the game, and people will be much happier with the product.

Thanks for reading, Ant.
Sun 10/06/01 at 18:44
"MJ:Newbie Hunter!"
Posts: 1,940
Look LL stop congradulating Ant and post something good in his thread. 2 lines? I dont think you really like typing much do you .
Sun 10/06/01 at 18:32
Posts: 2,769
What a great topic Ant, we really do need this at the moment.
Sun 10/06/01 at 18:03
"MJ:Newbie Hunter!"
Posts: 1,940
I believe that the best game has a mix of both. The trouble comes when companies forget to put one in or leave both out all together.

Great graphics may be brilliant to look at but if there is no gameplay to speak of the game will just not be a hit. Tkae the Bouncer for an example. Graphics to drool over, brilliant cutscenes that many games can never compete with. The only trouble is it just does not have any gameplay. You have a wide range of moves but it is when you realise that you can complete the game using one move that the shocking lack of gameplay hits you. This proves that a game with great graphics and no gameplay is not a winning combination, but is it the same story the other way around.

For this example I am going to use an old game that practicaly everyone has played. What is it? Tetris of course. You will probably have to search for quite a long time for a game that has succeeded so well (other than spacew invaders and asteroids) that has such basic graphics. The only differece is that this game has gameplay by the bucketful. The game is sheer brilliance. an aim so simple, but at the same time so involving. All you had to watch out for was your blocks reaching the top of the screen. So a game with simple (not bad) graphics can succeed as long as it has plenty of gameplay.

Now I am going to think of a game with average graphics, brilliant gameplay, but one extra thing.....a brilliant, enthrawling story. What do I get? Metal Gear Solid. One of the true gaming classics. Ok the game does not have brilliant graphics, but I can not call them bad, but one thing it does have is great gameplay. Stealth is the name of the game and you must stay hidden in the shadows to succeed. How is this possible? Well Konami have included some brilliant features into the game. Such as guards following your footsteps in the snow and guards being dramn to the sound of your empty cartridges hitting the floor. Mind you they didn't leave you totally against the odds. You could sneak up on people and silently break their necks or you could use a well placed chaff grenade to immobilise a security camera. The whole experience was all kept exciting by the strong storyline running throughout the entire game though and you were allways wanting to play on to see how the story developed. So I also think that games should be accompanied by good storyline. On the whole a brilliant game.

So using this evidence I think that a game with good (not brilliant) graphics, great gameplay and importantly a good story will succeed every time over a game with only great graphics.


p.s Sorry for using the word "succeed" so many times.
Sun 10/06/01 at 17:41
"Hoo Har"
Posts: 1,281
(I agree with Resi, If a game has no gameplay then it cant be good. any game can have good graphics but only some games have good gameplay.

This is the kind of topics we need on FOG, well done Ant. Your living up to your title as a Notable!

Sun 10/06/01 at 17:39
"Back For Good"
Posts: 3,673
Gameplay makes the game and history strongly supports this.

Space invaders, pong,pac man,Tetris,chuckie egg and all the retro games have very simple graphics but are still emmulated and played today. WHY? because they're amazing to play, put aside the basic sound effects and the same 2 moves open mouth and shut mouth and enjoy the fantastic hours or years of gameplay that these games have to offer.

These days both Graphics and sound can be outstanding but without the heart of the game which is the gameplay you can't do anything with them, but if the gameplay is there you can interact with the game through breath taking graphics and sound.

Games Consoles are made to be played on and without this the games console is just aload of pretty colours which all you can do is look at.

Graphics however stunning are nothing without good gameplay.
Sun 10/06/01 at 17:09
"Sexy Mexican Worker"
Posts: 261
rise of the robots was a game about 8 years ago that was meant to change fighting games as we knew them, however they forgot to include any gameplay into the game and it was complete cack
Sun 10/06/01 at 17:07
"Sexy Mexican Worker"
Posts: 261
champ manager has always improved and always will, thats why it sells loads with every new release and update. a game like this dont need graphics to improve just more realism, which will be seen with the next release

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