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"I Need Help!!!!!!!!"

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Sat 23/07/05 at 10:48
Posts: 1,296
One of my bestestest Mates, he...he is going out with this girl who i have known for like twice as long as he has, but not as long as i have known him. Anywho's she was talking to me the other night and she told me that ever since we had met she has fancied me. Well bend me over and do me hard this came as a shock. But blow me down, i HAVE fancied her since like just around the time we met, but we were never both single at the same time, which is a bit of a b***h(female dog 5 letters).

Anyway we have, over the past 4 daysish been speaking about this and now, we just dont know what to do. I mean, she says she loves me AND him, and i dont want my mate to hurt, all i want is for her to be happy. so we are stuck in one heck of a predicemant.

I think, and have told her, to just forget about the feelings for me, but she wont, i suggested us just like not talking for a while, and when she feels like we can continue as the good friends we were, to contact me again. but she said no. So i said then try to forget the feelings and not to talk to me for a few days she said no. can you guys and gals help please?
Tue 26/07/05 at 11:55
Posts: 1,902
Kill em both & bury them under the patio! Works like a charm!
Sun 24/07/05 at 14:56
"In Soviet Russia..."
Posts: 3,934
Tell your mate. If he's a mate, he'll understand.

If he doesn't understand, then he's not, and it'll be easier to ruin his life*.

*Which will last about two days
Sun 24/07/05 at 14:52
"You've upset me"
Posts: 21,152
Tagline wrote:
> And i can Type/spell if i had any typos i appologise.

Your spelling's atrocious then. Ne'er mind.
Sun 24/07/05 at 09:25
Posts: 1,296
Um thankyou, Mr Skank, =]
i think

But you see, i know all about the word "love" being branded around as if it is the word "the" it is said so much that it has no REAL meaning anymore in society. But, i mean i have felt like i have LIKED a girl before, i know how that feels, but this, it feels SO different, its the feeling deep down inside that i cant explain, and, im not going to ruin my friendship with my mate, we have, i think, decided what we are going to do, well i know what im doing, im going to leave them to it, spend less time with/talking to her, if she really does love me, when its over and done with my mate, after a while, she will come back to me, not that i like someones " Sloppy Seconds".

Only because i am an honerable person, so far =P

Anywho i made up my mind yesterday round the time of my previous post. After long had contemplation.

And i can Type/spell if i had any typos i appologise.
Sun 24/07/05 at 00:26
"You've upset me"
Posts: 21,152
Love is a word that's banded around without much consideration. It's been devalued in today's society by crappy soaps and American sitcoms (ie. Friends). Para nailed it (figuratively of course), you don't "love" her and she certainly doesn't "love" you, but you're attracted to one another. How much time have you spent with her? How well do you actually know her? You said you've known her for a long time but one thing I've learnt in my 16 years is that the length of time you've known someone has very little bearing on your relationship with them. I've forged closer friendships with people I've known for 2 years than I've ever had with people I've known since I was 5.

So, anyway:

1) Stop being whiney, you don't love her.
2) Do not mess around behind your (best) mates back. Either speak to him about it or get her to.

Plan of action:

I'd sit and wait it out if I were you. If she likes you as much as she says she does then her relationship with your friend won't last. It'll break down eventually for one reason or another and you can be with her guilt free. Obviously don't leap in there 5 minutes afterwards, but after a sensible timespan I doubt your friend'd have any objections.

EDIT: 3) Learn to type/spell.
Sat 23/07/05 at 21:45
Posts: 5,848
Turn gay on your mate, that'll impress her and scare him off ... until you discover he's secretly gay and his burning ambition is ... YOUR GENITALS !
Sat 23/07/05 at 12:08
Posts: 13,017
Emitime = roxors u, douche fag.
Sat 23/07/05 at 12:07
Posts: 9,631
Tagline wrote:
> one question what do you call a resonable amount of time? and i cant
> bring my self to do that, im just going to tell her, stay with him
> forget me, and im going to go

So there really was no point in starting this thread as you're doing what you was doing in the first place.

Attention seeking?
Sat 23/07/05 at 12:07
Posts: 13,017
Scroll and read my response, it's gospel.

If you don't read and digest what I wrote you're a waste of time and 100% douche material. You're basically nit-picking what you want to hear. Screw you, buddy, and your little bent weiner.
Sat 23/07/05 at 12:04
Posts: 1,296
one question what do you call a resonable amount of time? and i cant bring my self to do that, im just going to tell her, stay with him forget me, and im going to go, im off out soon anyways

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