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"Resident evil 4 rocks!"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Resident Evil 4'.
Fri 28/01/05 at 04:22
Posts: 2,527
Alright, I am still on holiday in america at the moment, and I am typing from my pc over here.

I bought resident evil 4, and it is the best game I have ever played. Don't hesitate to buy it. While I am over here, devil may cry 3 should be out, so I may borrow someones ps2, and buy that aswell.....and possibly metal gear solid 3.

One thing I will say is, that resident evil 4 will not be coming out on the ps2, as it clearly says on the gamecube case "Only for Nintendo Gamecube".

Anyway, I thought I would just let you know a little bit of information, and I hope this helps with something.
Mon 07/02/05 at 12:13
Posts: 2,527
Haha, well mav, you won't be dissapointed. When is it out here anyway? The 25th march?
Sun 06/02/05 at 20:46
Posts: 33,481
Sun 06/02/05 at 18:45
Posts: 13,611
Unless you're continuing the whole "Mav is emotionless" thing...
Sun 06/02/05 at 18:37
Posts: 33,481
Nah, it waaaaaaassseeeennnt!

*Shakes head in gormless way*

EDIT: Mabye if I'd put 'especially' in CAPS... hmmmm
Sun 06/02/05 at 17:48
"bit of a brain"
Posts: 18,933
that was SO obviously sarcasm.

No one here seems to understand the concept anymore
Sun 06/02/05 at 12:50
Posts: 13,611
Well you noticed it immediately, so it couldn't have been that ambiguous.
Sun 06/02/05 at 00:55
Posts: 33,481
Especially in your case.
Sun 06/02/05 at 00:49
Posts: 13,611
Hedfix wrote:
> Mav was being sarcastic.

Of course I was.

Come on guys - I know emotion/tone/whatever is difficult to spot through text, but seriously...
Sat 05/02/05 at 14:25
Posts: 33,481
Double post despite refreshing the page to check that it hadn't been posted.

I hate this site at the mo.
Sat 05/02/05 at 14:25
Posts: 33,481
Mav was being sarcastic.

Either that or he's an idiot.

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