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"The BNP, racists? Never!"

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Thu 15/07/04 at 23:22
Posts: 6,592
Well, any remaining shreds of credibility the BNP had left have now thoroughly been flushed down the toilet. If you watched the documentary about the undercover guy working from inside the British National Party tonight, then you'll know what I mean. Candidates and Councillors of the BNP were exposed as the hate-filled racists they are, inciting racial hatred, conspiring towards criminal damage and making the kind of remarks that even Bernard Manning would cringe at. So in other words, it just confirmed what everyone suspected.

One member running for Councillor spoke of his desire to sit at the top of a hill in town (where all the area's mosques are visible) and let loose with a rocket launcher. The same charming fellow also let slip his fantasy of 'shooting P***s' and how he'd love to get a transit van with a machine gun in the back ("like them helicopters") and gun down Muslims leaving a mosque. Another chap spoke happily of how he squirted dog poo through a local Asian's letterbox. Another cheerfully admitted kicking an Asian in the head during the Bradford race riots, and how he took pleasure in seeing a floored opponent's body go limp when police picked him up. John Tyndall, the man who began the BNP many years ago, was caught on camera suggesting the only things African nations have given the world is black magic, witchcraft, voodoo and AIDS.

As if it wasn't bad enough that leading council members at candidates were caught on camera running their mouths of at the thought of butchering Asians and Muslims, even the party's leader Nick Griffin was exposed as being nothing more than a thug in a suit. Speaking at a rally in Keighley (an area of racial tension), Griffin stated that Islam was a 'vicious wicked faith' and that there was no 'shining knight coming along to slay the Islamic Dragon' and if area members didn't stand up and protect themselves, 'they'll do for your family'. According to Griffin in numerous post-programme interviews, he still stands by his statement, saying he's happy if he's prosecuted and that it just shows the law is an ass.

This from the person who is 'telling the truth'. This is the person thinks Britain is under threat from a rising Islamic threat, and openly admitted on an Newsnight interview that one of the reasons thet Islamic faith has grown over the past hundreds of years is because of rape (thankfully, the interview made him look utterly ridiculous and to see him cough and splutter his frankly pathetic answers was a joy).

If there's anyone left out there who still thinks the BNP are doing the right thing for your country, then for Christ's sake stop kidding yourself. The BNP have been exposed as the racist criminal thugs they are, and hopefully Griffin and his hateful cronies will be subjected to a nice long prison sentence for inciting racial hatred.

The fact that 750,000 people voted for the BNP in June makes me feel genuinely sick.
Fri 16/07/04 at 12:13
"Don't let me down"
Posts: 626
MoJoJoJo wrote:
> Yeah, I caught some of this. It was great how all their meetings were
> in pubs... and five minutes after that guy who got elected he was
> saying "if you don't want to speak English, you can p***
> off"
> It's scary to think there are people like this in our country.
> Idiots, every last one of them.

I do not like it when you get people talking a different language when living in our country, it's not that I am racist, its just that I feel if someone want's to live, work, and enjoy the British way of life, then the least they should do is talk in our language. After all it's our country and we made the language. Personally I wouldn't move to a Country where I didn't know thier lingo even if they had a better way of life.
Fri 16/07/04 at 11:32
"That's right!"
Posts: 10,645
Yeah, I caught some of this. It was great how all their meetings were in pubs... and five minutes after that guy who got elected he was saying "if you don't want to speak English, you can p*** off"

It's scary to think there are people like this in our country. Idiots, every last one of them.
Fri 16/07/04 at 11:00
"Darth Vader 3442321"
Posts: 4,031
I don't like the BNP but I am sure that there are many Islamic extremist groups in Britain that the BBC could infiltrate and obtain similarily shocking views. People who attatch themselves to groups like the aforementioned are usually disillusioned with life and the people who control and manipulate these people, under their own agenda and flag of convienience, are the real dangers to society.

It's generally quite upsetting how much humans hate each other, especially when they feel threatened. It was a horrible programme to watch, though there is a danger that people who think that the BNP are now too extreme to support, view the UKIP as a voice of reason and a suitable alternative.
Fri 16/07/04 at 10:24
Posts: 4,686
I thought it was pretty funny.

Maybe I was laughing too much, but did that Griffin guy actually say 'The law is an ass?'

I dunno if it will make such a big difference to voting figures, I mean, only the most dense voter wouldn't already have seen them as a few racist thugs.
Fri 16/07/04 at 10:11
"Wanking Mong"
Posts: 4,884
Programs like this should be shown every once in a while. They're like public service announcements: "By the way, the BNP are a bunch of cockswilling turdlickers. Now here's Tom with the weather..."

Kudos to the guy who actually admitted voting for the shaven headed, hateful losers and who's now said he won't for 'em again. However, it's concerning that ignorance about asylum seekers is such that the BNP get votes out of it. Thank you Daily Mail for giving the nazi's a foothold in politics.
Fri 16/07/04 at 09:36
"RIP: Brian Clough"
Posts: 10,491
For a BBC production the programme was absolutely fantastic at exposing the horrors of the neo-Nazis dressed as townies/politicians. Felt really scared for the spy though; he did a terrific job. Hope they persue legal action against the racists.
Fri 16/07/04 at 09:09
"Don't let me down"
Posts: 626
I think the BNP were a disgrace and some of thier comments were uncalled for, however I may get a roasting here but some of thier policy's such as dealing with asylum seekers was spot on. However that does not excuse the racism towards other religions. Last night made me realise just how racist they really are and in turn, made me ashamed to have once voted for them, at least I know for next time.
Fri 16/07/04 at 08:49
"eat toast!"
Posts: 1,466
what makes the whole thing further laughable and pathetic is when the head of the BNP goes on ITN, he defends what he says as being "true" and he'll supposrt that claim.

Its frankly pathetic the BNP. British Nazi party more like.
Fri 16/07/04 at 08:43
"possibly impossible"
Posts: 24,985
Was it really any surprise to see what these people were like? Well, it probably was for the people who were recently pursuaded to vote for them in the local elections.

Makes you wish they'd done this prior to the elections, but in the same way I'm glad it's before any national elections take place.
Fri 16/07/04 at 04:43
Posts: 33,481
I like the fact that these BNP candidates are out in the open and visible.

I could do with a rocket launcher myself.

No problem what-so-ever in seeing them blown to smithereens.

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