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"The BNP, racists? Never!"

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Thu 15/07/04 at 23:22
Posts: 6,592
Well, any remaining shreds of credibility the BNP had left have now thoroughly been flushed down the toilet. If you watched the documentary about the undercover guy working from inside the British National Party tonight, then you'll know what I mean. Candidates and Councillors of the BNP were exposed as the hate-filled racists they are, inciting racial hatred, conspiring towards criminal damage and making the kind of remarks that even Bernard Manning would cringe at. So in other words, it just confirmed what everyone suspected.

One member running for Councillor spoke of his desire to sit at the top of a hill in town (where all the area's mosques are visible) and let loose with a rocket launcher. The same charming fellow also let slip his fantasy of 'shooting P***s' and how he'd love to get a transit van with a machine gun in the back ("like them helicopters") and gun down Muslims leaving a mosque. Another chap spoke happily of how he squirted dog poo through a local Asian's letterbox. Another cheerfully admitted kicking an Asian in the head during the Bradford race riots, and how he took pleasure in seeing a floored opponent's body go limp when police picked him up. John Tyndall, the man who began the BNP many years ago, was caught on camera suggesting the only things African nations have given the world is black magic, witchcraft, voodoo and AIDS.

As if it wasn't bad enough that leading council members at candidates were caught on camera running their mouths of at the thought of butchering Asians and Muslims, even the party's leader Nick Griffin was exposed as being nothing more than a thug in a suit. Speaking at a rally in Keighley (an area of racial tension), Griffin stated that Islam was a 'vicious wicked faith' and that there was no 'shining knight coming along to slay the Islamic Dragon' and if area members didn't stand up and protect themselves, 'they'll do for your family'. According to Griffin in numerous post-programme interviews, he still stands by his statement, saying he's happy if he's prosecuted and that it just shows the law is an ass.

This from the person who is 'telling the truth'. This is the person thinks Britain is under threat from a rising Islamic threat, and openly admitted on an Newsnight interview that one of the reasons thet Islamic faith has grown over the past hundreds of years is because of rape (thankfully, the interview made him look utterly ridiculous and to see him cough and splutter his frankly pathetic answers was a joy).

If there's anyone left out there who still thinks the BNP are doing the right thing for your country, then for Christ's sake stop kidding yourself. The BNP have been exposed as the racist criminal thugs they are, and hopefully Griffin and his hateful cronies will be subjected to a nice long prison sentence for inciting racial hatred.

The fact that 750,000 people voted for the BNP in June makes me feel genuinely sick.
Fri 16/07/04 at 18:14
"gsybe you!"
Posts: 18,825
Azul wrote:
> I bet Kevstar is the kind of person that, upon going on holiday,
> expects everyone to speak English and doesn't bother
> learning/speaking a single word of their language out of courtesy.
> Such people annoy me.

And wants a pint of Smiths, egg and chips and to watch football on a beach.

What a way to experiance a country.
Fri 16/07/04 at 18:12
"gsybe you!"
Posts: 18,825
'Hi, I'm Nick Griffin. You know me because I sound nothing like I'm from Bradford or somewhere 'up north'. It's a tragedy the BBC manipulated BNP members to admit to racist assault and to being a bunch of tw*ts. I can honestly say all these members on film were encouraged to drink and then maniupluated by the BBC. Plus, they weren't actually in the party anyway, they were rogues who were under control of a left wing mole!'

'And, of course, Islam has spread by rape. Just take a look at this incident I've picked! Mass rape by Islams! They're a dragon waiting to be slain! LOOK! I have the flag of St. George, he wans't a meat seller in Cyranecea now was he? Most probably muslim? HAH! No way, he's our patron saint! Look, we're not really racist at all, just these left wing moles are, and I still hate Islam because I think they rape everybody. Look at all the whites and other religions (conveniently unmentioned) - THEY don't rape anyone do they? Especially our nubile girls in bikinis doped up on McDonalds and make up! PAH!'

'Oh, and one more thing, our British culture is disappearing. YES! That so vey definible set of ideals is being lost into the mass rape of Islam and immigrants! No white person has ever gone against high culture! WHAT? Our culture has been built with these people in it for the past 1000 years? I'M AN IMMIGRANT TO BRITAIN MYSELF? How dare you! At least I don't rape, pillage and hate.'

'Actually, scratch the last bit, I want to go to prison so all these middle class liberals will see reality! And praise be to my French colleauge Le Pen. FRENCH I SAID! Now that's progress'.
Fri 16/07/04 at 13:31
"Which one's pink?"
Posts: 12,152
I bet Kevstar is the kind of person that, upon going on holiday, expects everyone to speak English and doesn't bother learning/speaking a single word of their language out of courtesy.
Such people annoy me.
Fri 16/07/04 at 13:26
"Wanking Mong"
Posts: 4,884
kevstar wrote:

> If you were to go to the kebab shop and they take your order, have a
> bit of a chin wag along with the assistant(who is also foriegn) and
> then they suddenly say something to each other in thier own language,
> the first thing I think is are they talking about me. Not just
> because they changed language but the fact they were talking in
> English moments before and suddenly changed to thier own lingo. I
> could go on and give numerous examples and you could call me
> paronoid, but don't call me ignorant because I am not.

Yes, I could call you paranoid. And I will. "They might be talking about me"?!?! Jesus, get over yourself. Are you so self obsessed that you think everything revolves around you?

I could also call you ignorant. And in my previous post I did. And I entirely stand by that.

BUT at least you won't vote BNP again. And that's a good thing.
Fri 16/07/04 at 13:22
Posts: 7,403
They could be talking about you, yeah, but firstly there is no proof, and secondly even if they are, who cares? People who speak the same language as you would only do it when you're not around, and the fact that this relates directly to a kebab shop, are you ever going to meet these people again? Does it matter?

I agree that people who live in this country should be able to speak the language, but then again, if you needed to move abroad some place on work it'd take time to learn the language over there. You seriously can't expect everyone to speak English the whole time.
Fri 16/07/04 at 13:18
"Wanking Mong"
Posts: 4,884
kevstar wrote:

> If you were to go to the kebab shop and they take your order, have a
> bit of a chin wag along with the assistant(who is also foriegn) and
> then they suddenly say something to each other in thier own language,
> the first thing I think is are they talking about me. Not just
> because they changed language but the fact they were talking in
> English moments before and suddenly changed to thier own lingo. I
> could go on and give numerous examples and you could call me
> paronoid, but don't call me ignorant because I am not.

Yes, I could call you paranoid. And I will. "They might be talking about me"?!?! Jesus, get over yourself. Are you so self obsessed that you think everything revolves around you?

I could also call you ignorant. And in my previous post I did. And I entirely stand by that.

BUT at least you won't vote BNP again. And that's a good thing.
Fri 16/07/04 at 13:16
"Wanking Mong"
Posts: 4,884
kevstar wrote:

> I do not like it when you get people talking a different language
> when living in our country, it's not that I am racist, its just that
> I feel if someone want's to live, work, and enjoy the British way of
> life, then the least they should do is talk in our language. After
> all it's our country and we made the language. Personally I wouldn't
> move to a Country where I didn't know thier lingo even if they had a
> better way of life.

English of course being a language made up from Latin, German, French, Danish, Swedish...

I agree that everyone living here should be able to speak english, but to insist it's spoken at all times is closed minded bigotry and a fear of the unknown; don't go projecting your fears onto everyone.
Fri 16/07/04 at 12:42
"Don't let me down"
Posts: 626
MoJoJoJo wrote:
> If I moved to France, I'd just expect everyone to speak English.
> Extremely ignorant thinking, but that's how most of us act.

If you were to go to the kebab shop and they take your order, have a bit of a chin wag along with the assistant(who is also foriegn) and then they suddenly say something to each other in thier own language, the first thing I think is are they talking about me. Not just because they changed language but the fact they were talking in English moments before and suddenly changed to thier own lingo. I could go on and give numerous examples and you could call me paronoid, but don't call me ignorant because I am not.
Fri 16/07/04 at 12:35
"eat toast!"
Posts: 1,466
don't forget that most people have a heritage and came from somewhere. Its their native tongue and learning and speaking the language does take time. We should at least try and respect some of their other cultures as to prevent racism and harmonise Globalisation. But sometimes, it really does get in the way of some of the things you try to do to help them as you can't communicate with these people.
Fri 16/07/04 at 12:21
"That's right!"
Posts: 10,645
If I moved to France, I'd just expect everyone to speak English. Extremely ignorant thinking, but that's how most of us act.

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