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"The BNP, racists? Never!"

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Thu 15/07/04 at 23:22
Posts: 6,592
Well, any remaining shreds of credibility the BNP had left have now thoroughly been flushed down the toilet. If you watched the documentary about the undercover guy working from inside the British National Party tonight, then you'll know what I mean. Candidates and Councillors of the BNP were exposed as the hate-filled racists they are, inciting racial hatred, conspiring towards criminal damage and making the kind of remarks that even Bernard Manning would cringe at. So in other words, it just confirmed what everyone suspected.

One member running for Councillor spoke of his desire to sit at the top of a hill in town (where all the area's mosques are visible) and let loose with a rocket launcher. The same charming fellow also let slip his fantasy of 'shooting P***s' and how he'd love to get a transit van with a machine gun in the back ("like them helicopters") and gun down Muslims leaving a mosque. Another chap spoke happily of how he squirted dog poo through a local Asian's letterbox. Another cheerfully admitted kicking an Asian in the head during the Bradford race riots, and how he took pleasure in seeing a floored opponent's body go limp when police picked him up. John Tyndall, the man who began the BNP many years ago, was caught on camera suggesting the only things African nations have given the world is black magic, witchcraft, voodoo and AIDS.

As if it wasn't bad enough that leading council members at candidates were caught on camera running their mouths of at the thought of butchering Asians and Muslims, even the party's leader Nick Griffin was exposed as being nothing more than a thug in a suit. Speaking at a rally in Keighley (an area of racial tension), Griffin stated that Islam was a 'vicious wicked faith' and that there was no 'shining knight coming along to slay the Islamic Dragon' and if area members didn't stand up and protect themselves, 'they'll do for your family'. According to Griffin in numerous post-programme interviews, he still stands by his statement, saying he's happy if he's prosecuted and that it just shows the law is an ass.

This from the person who is 'telling the truth'. This is the person thinks Britain is under threat from a rising Islamic threat, and openly admitted on an Newsnight interview that one of the reasons thet Islamic faith has grown over the past hundreds of years is because of rape (thankfully, the interview made him look utterly ridiculous and to see him cough and splutter his frankly pathetic answers was a joy).

If there's anyone left out there who still thinks the BNP are doing the right thing for your country, then for Christ's sake stop kidding yourself. The BNP have been exposed as the racist criminal thugs they are, and hopefully Griffin and his hateful cronies will be subjected to a nice long prison sentence for inciting racial hatred.

The fact that 750,000 people voted for the BNP in June makes me feel genuinely sick.
Mon 19/07/04 at 11:19
"Don't let me down"
Posts: 626
Light wrote:
> Well, Cyclone and Jim of Honour said pretty much everything and said
> it damned well indeed. A few other points I'd like to make;
> Terrorism: Tell me, do the letters IRA mean anything to you? Would
> you like to discuss whether it's the IRA who've committed acts of
> terrorism against the UK, or your imaginary immigrant tide? Or maybe
> you think it stands for Irish Republican Asians?
> Do you think I was excluding the IRA? Im'e talking about all terrorists or getting rid of them whatever thier culture. But does it not make sense that the more people that come into our country, then the more at risk we become?
> Economics: Wanna talk about how our aging population means that,
> unless we continue to replenish our workforce using immigrant labour,
> this country will face economic collapse due to the large number of
> old people and low numbers of working age people?
>I already answered that question, you clearly can't see in front of your nose. > The 'insults': God, what a whining little wimp you are. You've been
> called a Geordie eh? Well, heaven forbid you get called the standard
> accepted regional nickname. Look, just cos you seem to think you
> shouldn't get taken anything other than 100% seriously at all times,
> don't inflict your paranoia on everyone else, and don't go blaming
> immigrants for something that is your problem.
> I agreed I might be paranoid but again if you read properly they were asking my opinions,
> And finally, the Home Office figures...
> Well now Mary and kevstar; lets see if your racist little brains can
> come up with alternate figures. Cos it seems that all you've done is
> attempt to criticise the ones produced. And as you have no
> alternative figures of your own to show...Already have
Mon 19/07/04 at 10:47
"Wanking Mong"
Posts: 4,884
Well, Cyclone and Jim of Honour said pretty much everything and said it damned well indeed. A few other points I'd like to make;

Terrorism: Tell me, do the letters IRA mean anything to you? Would you like to discuss whether it's the IRA who've committed acts of terrorism against the UK, or your imaginary immigrant tide? Or maybe you think it stands for Irish Republican Asians?

Economics: Wanna talk about how our aging population means that, unless we continue to replenish our workforce using immigrant labour, this country will face economic collapse due to the large number of old people and low numbers of working age people?

The 'insults': God, what a whining little wimp you are. You've been called a Geordie eh? Well, heaven forbid you get called the standard accepted regional nickname. Look, just cos you seem to think you shouldn't get taken anything other than 100% seriously at all times, don't inflict your paranoia on everyone else, and don't go blaming immigrants for something that is your problem.

And finally, the Home Office figures...

Well now Mary and kevstar; lets see if your racist little brains can come up with alternate figures. Cos it seems that all you've done is attempt to criticise the ones produced. And as you have no alternative figures of your own to show...
Mon 19/07/04 at 10:45
Posts: 2,833
Forest Fan wrote:
> Dear me. He got them from the official Home Office website.

Yes, I did.

> Of course they'll say anything.

Unlike the BNP or the Daily Mail, eh? Honestly, given that MI6 wasn't involved in compiling these statistics I reckon they are broadly accurate. I'd certainly trust them more than the Mail, whose idea of counting is "1 asylum fingers hurt...FLOOD!"
Mon 19/07/04 at 10:32
"Don't let me down"
Posts: 626
If thats what I have to do to proove a point as if you look at some of the earlier posts, you will find that no one seems to believe theres a problem with overcrowding. Thats why I got info for, and also because Jim of honor wanted some stats.
Mon 19/07/04 at 10:20
"RIP: Brian Clough"
Posts: 10,491
Dear me. He got them from the official Home Office website.


Of course they'll say anything.
Mon 19/07/04 at 10:12
Posts: 6,592
unknown kernel wrote:
> Kevstar, it's true that in absolute terms the UK receives a lot of
> asylum applications but (a) the numbers are decreasing:
> Q1 2002 19,250
> Q2 2002 20,090
> Q3 2002 22,030
> Q4 2002 22,760
> Q1 2003 16,000
> Q2 2003 10,585
> Q3 2003 11,955
> Q4 2003 10,830
> Q1 2004 8,940

Never seem those figures before, most enlightening. Where did they come from?
Mon 19/07/04 at 09:55
"Don't let me down"
Posts: 626
Theese are the views of UKIP, the party I will be voting for in the next ellection, and hopefully other people on this site will realise this Country IS bieng over popullated, and that something needs to be done to stop it. With the fourth largest economy in world, the UK is the very attractive destination for people seeking a better life. The trouble is the UK is already full up. The average population density of England is twice that of Germany, four times that of the France, and twelve times that of the United States. We are bursting at the seams, with our roads and railways seizing up, our town centres near gridlock, and our social services close to breakdown. Our doctors' surgeries cannot cope and hospital waiting lists are growing.

In 2002 the government allowed another two hundred thousand people into the country, plus several thousand asylum seekers, many of whom are simply economic migrants living in our country illegally. This adds considerably to our problems, increasing social tensions and depriving poor third world countries of their brightest and best. We cannot sustain this increase which compares with a city the size of Cambridge coming into Britain every six months, or two million people over the next ten years. Outside the EU we will regain control of our own borders. We will maintain the honourable British tradition of offering political asylum for genuine refugees. This means that:

No request for the asylum will be entertained from the refugees for whom the UK is not the first safe port of call.

No request for the asylum will be entertained from citizens of other multiparty democracies, since these will be deemed, like the UK, to be politically tolerant of varying points of view.

No request for asylum will be considered from the citizens of countries currently hosting international peacekeepers from the UN, the UK, or the other countries. Part of the job of such forces is to protect people from persecution in their own countries.

No more 'economic' immigration will be entertained except in very exceptional circumstances. If we cannot run our own country

At the Border:
A UKIP government would give UK port, airport, and other authorities whatever resources it takes to check everyone at the point of entry into the country. Immigrants claiming asylum at point of entry will be held in humane but secure accommodation, and their cases processed within a fortnight. No asylum claims will be countenanced if submitted later, or away from the point of entry. At the end of the two week period successful asylum seekers will be released into the community and given whatever help is deemed appropriate. Unsuccessful applicants will be returned to their countries of origin.

These UKIP policies are firm but fair. They replace existing policies, the lax enforcement of which serve only to reward criminality and to punish the law-abiding, encouraging criminal gangs who prey on desperate people.

In 2004, Mr. Blair has irresponsibly agreed to open our borders to all citizens of the 10 new countries joining the EU, unlike most other member states who are phasing in this process over 7 years. Of all the British MEPs only UKIP MEPs voted against EU enlargement. Well said UKIP, by the way Jim of honor it seems you keep reverting to... And let's not forget that there's a huge amount of criminal activity committed by British people, while we're here. Yes, kevstar, BRITISH people commit crimes too. Shocked? Thought you would be. Why not focus on the British criminals as well? Why can't we deal with them while we're dealing with foreign crime?
Well as I said in previous posts were not talking about British crime, we are talking about overcrowding our country. how do you suggest we find a skilled workforce in a British population that is ageing badly? How can we run the public services without the right number of workers? Where could we find help? Immigrants? That's a good idea. I dont think so , you realy dont have a clue do you? Suppose your right, we let more people in to cover our ageing society, dont you think theese people wont age as well? Then what get more in? I dont think so. Just remember what it says above:If we cant run our Country with sixty million people. Then when will we ever be able to run it?
Sun 18/07/04 at 23:04
"gsybe you!"
Posts: 18,825
'Blow the tunnel!' was one sentiment I read in the Star. 'We are being forced out!'
Sun 18/07/04 at 22:47
"One Man Landslide"
Posts: 441
cookie monster wrote:
> Ban people from leaving our country? Thats ridiculous, its up to the
> government of the country the person is applying to move to, to
> decide who gets in.

It was, of course, an exaggeration. Just as ridiculous as the argument of the BNP that we should close our borders to people coming into the country.
Sun 18/07/04 at 20:37
"+34 Intellect"
Posts: 21,334
Jim of Honor wrote:
> Why should we ban people from coming in our country if we won't stop our
> own country's people 'invading' other countries?

Ban people from leaving our country? Thats ridiculous, its up to the government of the country the person is applying to move to, to decide who gets in.

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