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"Dreamcast VS Playstation 2"

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Sat 17/03/01 at 14:30
Posts: 787
Everyone, it seems, is going on and on and on about console wars. When console wars is mentioned, you think of PS2 VS Gamecube VS X-Box VS Dreamcast. But 2 of those consoles are not out for at least a year. Surely we should concentrate on the Dreamcast and Playstation 2? When the GC and X-Box are released, I am certain that they will destroy the DC + PS2 due to thier sheer power. I am thinking of buying one of these machines simply because I can't last a whole year without any new games. Sure, the N64 has one or two great games still to come, but aside from them, what is there to play? So, I have to buy either a DC or PS2 to get me by untill the Gamecube is released.

And to help me decide, I'm gonna run down the PS2 and DC in full.

Graphics: The Playstation 2 has, in theory, far superior graphics to the DC. Just look at Tekkan Tag. However, at this point in time, the PS2s power has not been fully utilised.

Current Games: The Dreamcast wins this one hands down. Great innovative titles like Jet Grind Radio and that game with the Maracas, combined with the sheer quality of games like MSR show just how good a DC can be. There is a large back catalogue of cheap games to the DC as well. The PS2, has only a few goodish games, and all of the games are expensive.

Future Prospects: The PS2 has only just been released. If it lasts anywhere near how long the PSX lasted, the games will be incredible. The DC, however, is being put out of production later this year.

Price: The PS2 costs £300. According to SNIPER, you'll be able to pick up a DC for a sixth of that very soon.

Coolness: The PS2 is viewed as the ultimate machine by most casual gamers. The PSXs huge army of casual gamers believe it to be much better than anything else, because Sony advertise. The DC has no advertising.

Overall: The PS2 has much more potential, but is expensive and has a lack of good games. However, with titles like MGS2 and GTA2 soon to be released, this will soon end. The DC is cheap and cheerful, and has a large selection of cheap, quality games. For me, the DC wins.
Sat 17/03/01 at 16:20
Posts: 0
it might be boring if there werent arguments.
Sat 17/03/01 at 16:16
"possibly impossible"
Posts: 24,985
I agree with Sniper on this one.

Comparisions of hardware are all very well, but ultimately a bit pointless as:

1) The games are the most important aspect, and this is often down to how well they are programmed.

2) It's partly down to personal taste.


3) Why can't everyone just get along? :-)
Sat 17/03/01 at 16:11
Posts: 0
yeh once there all out you can take a totally unbiased approach and at least you will all no what your actually talking about.
Sat 17/03/01 at 16:07
Posts: 16,558
look stop these console comparisons and wait for the GC and the rest to be released!
Sat 17/03/01 at 16:02
"Fishing For Reddies"
Posts: 4,986
I think there is every chance that the Playstation 2 wil be as sucessful and the Playstation. The games now are not that bad! Dynasty Warriors 2 is amazing, the Special Effects are great and the strategy side, although not as in-depth as some of the RTS's on PC, really adds to the game.

Timesplitters is another one, and for me, would be THE reason to buy a PS2! The one-player mode looks ace and the fact that you can have an amazing multi-player with 4 players is great, and although Nintendo have had this with Goldeneye, COMPARE THE GRAPHICS!

The Playstation 2 also has great football games, ISS is cool and Fifa 2001 is just as good. There are games coming out all the time and in a month most of us will be looking at the PS2's games in a different light.

The car racing games are great, and although many PS2 know-it-alls say different I think that RRV is ace, the way the car slides round the corners in typical RR fashion is ace! The cut-scenes, for alck of a better word, are amazing and despite the loading times there is loads of fun to be had.

So I am an N64 fan, WHO CARES, I think that from a neutral gaming perspective the PS2 will offer just as much as the N64 in months to some. I haven't even listed MGS2 and ZOE and already there are enough good reasons to splash your £300!

Playstation 2 might not LOOK the part, but it certainly plays it from my experiences @ Comet every lunchtime! There are great graphics and although the Gamecube and X-Box are coming out, you find one for me in time for Summer and I'll see it some other way.

The fact is that the PS2 is out, and already settling into enough homes, with that number increasing. The games are good and although most of them don't take full advantage of the PS2's capabilities, they still play well from where I see it!
Sat 17/03/01 at 15:36
Posts: 16,558
Well yes the DC is not as powerful as the PS2 really, but the DC has better games to make it a potential buyers choice, or probably a gamers choice of console.
And when did i say the DC would be cheaper? IT is yes.
Sat 17/03/01 at 15:30
Posts: 0
"When the GC and X-Box are released, I am certain that they will destroy the DC + PS2 due to thier sheer power."


I don't really see the point in your post - the PS2 and DC are here now, and yes they both have faults and strengths. You want something to tide you over then why not get the cheapest, best thing out at the moment - and this is the Dreamcast in terms of games available on it.

PS2 will become home to many superb games in the future - and what's up with TTT? It doesn't look at all good in my view, and it plays like a dormant volcano - how slow?

If you want some advice then ask yourself why you want to get a console - do you want a console to last until the DVD player sized XBox or the lunch box sized GameCube, or do you want the console to last a few years?

Sega will have actually stopped production of the Dreamcast in 14 days, but there will be plenty available for a while. Sega games will appear on all formats, but I'd suggest going for a DC at the moment and waiting for the PS2 to come down in price should you want that as well. The DC will be a far cheaper and hassle free investment for the short period of time that you intend to be playing on it - although I assure you that the games available are vast and will last you for a long time indeed.

You can get a DC + 6 top games from SR for £140 - Sega Rally 2 is a very good rallying game, TR4 isn't bad, Soul Calibur is the best fighting (with weapons) game available, and Ready 2 Rumble is a great laugh. Plus you get the other two - Sonic and Chu Chu Rocket, both classics from Sonic Team, although they won't last you as long as Soul Calibur or SR2. Basically you get the DC + those 2 Sonic Team games plus 4 great games at an extra £40 to the other deal with just the DC + 2 games. That's great value. The games are also very cheap to buy - look around and you'll find such games like Virtua Tennis for under £20, and Crazy Taxi, JSR and MSR for the same.

GT3 on PS2 will be good hopefully, but if you get a DReamcast do not think you're getting left out because the games on the format are currently untouchable - I have a PS2 and 4 games, but nothing I have is that impressive (although SSX is good).

60 hz on the DReamcast means you can play the games at the speed at which they were intended, and after dashing around in Crazy Taxi at 60hz, then playing Moto GP it's very clear to see the difference in graphics, frame rate et al.

Get what you feel happiest with, but from my experience the Dreamcast is a better bet now.

Sat 17/03/01 at 14:30
"I am Bumf Ucked"
Posts: 3,669
Everyone, it seems, is going on and on and on about console wars. When console wars is mentioned, you think of PS2 VS Gamecube VS X-Box VS Dreamcast. But 2 of those consoles are not out for at least a year. Surely we should concentrate on the Dreamcast and Playstation 2? When the GC and X-Box are released, I am certain that they will destroy the DC + PS2 due to thier sheer power. I am thinking of buying one of these machines simply because I can't last a whole year without any new games. Sure, the N64 has one or two great games still to come, but aside from them, what is there to play? So, I have to buy either a DC or PS2 to get me by untill the Gamecube is released.

And to help me decide, I'm gonna run down the PS2 and DC in full.

Graphics: The Playstation 2 has, in theory, far superior graphics to the DC. Just look at Tekkan Tag. However, at this point in time, the PS2s power has not been fully utilised.

Current Games: The Dreamcast wins this one hands down. Great innovative titles like Jet Grind Radio and that game with the Maracas, combined with the sheer quality of games like MSR show just how good a DC can be. There is a large back catalogue of cheap games to the DC as well. The PS2, has only a few goodish games, and all of the games are expensive.

Future Prospects: The PS2 has only just been released. If it lasts anywhere near how long the PSX lasted, the games will be incredible. The DC, however, is being put out of production later this year.

Price: The PS2 costs £300. According to SNIPER, you'll be able to pick up a DC for a sixth of that very soon.

Coolness: The PS2 is viewed as the ultimate machine by most casual gamers. The PSXs huge army of casual gamers believe it to be much better than anything else, because Sony advertise. The DC has no advertising.

Overall: The PS2 has much more potential, but is expensive and has a lack of good games. However, with titles like MGS2 and GTA2 soon to be released, this will soon end. The DC is cheap and cheerful, and has a large selection of cheap, quality games. For me, the DC wins.

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