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"Dreamcast VS Playstation 2"

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Sat 17/03/01 at 14:30
Posts: 787
Everyone, it seems, is going on and on and on about console wars. When console wars is mentioned, you think of PS2 VS Gamecube VS X-Box VS Dreamcast. But 2 of those consoles are not out for at least a year. Surely we should concentrate on the Dreamcast and Playstation 2? When the GC and X-Box are released, I am certain that they will destroy the DC + PS2 due to thier sheer power. I am thinking of buying one of these machines simply because I can't last a whole year without any new games. Sure, the N64 has one or two great games still to come, but aside from them, what is there to play? So, I have to buy either a DC or PS2 to get me by untill the Gamecube is released.

And to help me decide, I'm gonna run down the PS2 and DC in full.

Graphics: The Playstation 2 has, in theory, far superior graphics to the DC. Just look at Tekkan Tag. However, at this point in time, the PS2s power has not been fully utilised.

Current Games: The Dreamcast wins this one hands down. Great innovative titles like Jet Grind Radio and that game with the Maracas, combined with the sheer quality of games like MSR show just how good a DC can be. There is a large back catalogue of cheap games to the DC as well. The PS2, has only a few goodish games, and all of the games are expensive.

Future Prospects: The PS2 has only just been released. If it lasts anywhere near how long the PSX lasted, the games will be incredible. The DC, however, is being put out of production later this year.

Price: The PS2 costs £300. According to SNIPER, you'll be able to pick up a DC for a sixth of that very soon.

Coolness: The PS2 is viewed as the ultimate machine by most casual gamers. The PSXs huge army of casual gamers believe it to be much better than anything else, because Sony advertise. The DC has no advertising.

Overall: The PS2 has much more potential, but is expensive and has a lack of good games. However, with titles like MGS2 and GTA2 soon to be released, this will soon end. The DC is cheap and cheerful, and has a large selection of cheap, quality games. For me, the DC wins.
Tue 20/03/01 at 19:42
Posts: 0
Why did the Dc fail?

It all started last Xmas when to much anticipation the Sega Dreamcast was released at £200 and with a 128-bit system was set out to be a very successful machine. But for some reason not as many people as thought purchased one as they heard it had a bit of a bug in it. Maybe it was because of the price, at the time consoles weren’t that expensive and 200 odd quid was thought a lot until the ps2 with exactly the same abilities was announced at £300 and there were going to be shortages and some people even bought them for £2000 just to get one at the time for their kids or something.

I haven’t actually got a dreamcast yet but a friend has and I can say the games are wicked and I don’t understand why they are stopping production in a few weeks time. But they are soon to sell at £50 in which case I will get one, as it is a classic console with online gaming included it is nothing but a joy to play especially PSO. But as the DC nears its end do you think that Sega will make another console again?………… *sighs*.I don’t think they will but I will miss there gaming style but I hope they make some goodns with Sony and Nintendo which will revolutionize the world of gaming all together! PUKKA!!!!

The Sega Saturn was brought out just before the playstation but was it supposed to rival with it or not? If it was it didn’t come very close at all with little people getting one and if they did most just went to get a playstation soon after anyway. When they made the dreamcast it seemed to rival the psx instead of actually being a threat to the ps2 in the future at all so for Sega it was mostly bad timing and with people devoted to the playstation if the Dc had come out a year later with the ps2 it would be a one on one fight between them instead of the psx and ps2 rivaling it. But that does not mean the Dc is a failure at all because I don’t care wot anyone says it is a classique console, testify wit me Sega lovers!

What has Sony got that Sega has not?

Sony seem to be doing fine with the ps2, a 128 bit console with DVD and the internet but the DC has got exactly that as well, and at a considerably lower price. Have the crowds been turned away by the Sega Saturn, a shoddy wanna be psx and thought Sega are crud now no point getting the rubbish old dreampants. “ Ill just wait another year for the ps2 to come out and pay double the price because Sony have a good reputation and I might even pay triple the price cause of the stupid planning making it hard to even get one because of the lack of supplies”. “Or because it is a sensible amount of money I will get a dreamcast and have as much fun on that as I would on the ps2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because Sega are a decent gaming company and always do the best for their customers”!!!!I am not dissin Sony because I think they have some wicked games some better than the n64, which I am mad about as well. But due to Sega’s bad timing and just being a little unlucky they did not succeed……………this time.

I think when the cube and Xbox come out the dreamcast might of stood more of a chance as the ps2 is easily popular than the Dc maybe if the other consoles were around then everyone would not just favor Sony and so there would be a mix of opinions and not just for the ps2 which is gonna be big enough anyways. They might even bring out a dreamcast version 2 that everyone falls in love with and forget about everything else. Unlikely but I can only dream…………So it looks like I will purchase a Gamecube next year as Sega wont be around to hand me a new console………

Which brings me too my last point.
The dreamcast is set to stop production soon, but how long will it be on sale for? And do you have to buy one of those memory cards and keyboards or do they come wit it cause they are pretty expensive just to go on the net with.

Cheers for reading (that’s if you bothered and just read the end)

Comments please.:)

APOC style! PUKKA!!!

Tue 20/03/01 at 19:26
"Fishing For Reddies"
Posts: 4,986
Leave MC alone, I am sure he is an ace gamer, and who cares about abilitty anyway, gaming is about fun, it isn't an exam, nothing academic...
Tue 20/03/01 at 18:57
"I am Bumf Ucked"
Posts: 3,669

why am I getting so much abuse?
Sat 17/03/01 at 20:50
"who da man???"
Posts: 85
why doesn't mouldy cheese just buy both since he obviously thinks both are great
Sat 17/03/01 at 20:24
Posts: 14,117
Mouldy Cheese wrote:
Coolness: The PS2 is viewed as the ultimate
> machine by most casual gamers. The PSXs huge army of casual gamers
> believe it to be much better than anything else, because Sony
> advertise. The DC has no advertising.

Surely if you a anywhere near being a good gamer, you know that the coolness of the machine doesnt matter, who cares what your mate thinks.

It's only a good buy if you hink you are getting value for your money. Some people think they have got value for money buying a PS2, some people are still getting it from their N64 or their PS1. I bought a DC when they were £200, and i think i've got value for money. I enjoy the games i have and i am satisfied. This isnt to be having a go at PS2 owners, its just that im satisfied with what i bought in the same way that they are satisfied with what they bought.

As long as you enjoy it, IT DOESNT MATTER!
Sat 17/03/01 at 19:58
Posts: 0
i gonna be a bit board this year as i am waitin for the gc and i only have a gameboy,psx and n64 and the n64's games bein brought out this year arent exactly first class.
Sat 17/03/01 at 18:56
Posts: 16,558
Hey at least i'm saying something good!
Sat 17/03/01 at 18:25
"I am Bumf Ucked"
Posts: 3,669
So, what are all of you lot playing while waiting for the X-Box and GC? I doubt you could live on just an N64.
Sat 17/03/01 at 16:24
Posts: 0
we're not against u but u dont exactly try to make friends here do you.
Sat 17/03/01 at 16:21
Posts: 16,558
And you are all against me, still i keep this up to make it better!

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