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Really really really cool graphics > cool graphics
Horse > boat
Boar > boat
Wolf > boat
Sinister looking dark gremlin thing > talking boat
Real mount combat > shooting arrows from boat
Dragons > postmen
Balrog > globs of ooze
Goma (giant spider) > lame shark things
Ravaging things as wolf > blowing things with giant leaf
Can swim under water > can't swim under water
Ghosts > no ghosts
Big army > no army
Big scary castle > cool but irritating dodge the spotlight fortress
Boomerang actually useful > Boomerang that is ass
Mysterious > uh, not mysterious
Scary > not scary
Real story (!?!?!?!?) > cool but simple story
Dark, grim fairy tale > jolly sailing
* > controlling the wind
Noir sections > primary colours
Did I mention it looks stunning, you can ride a horse and a giant boar, you can fight while riding, you can turn into a wolf, it looks scary, big enemies and a weird sinister looking gremlin thing? And hot Zelda.
Feel free to continue.
> BallerAvery33 wrote:
> I think that twilight looks pretty lame ok now all of a sudden were
> getting all these other charcters not the real link
> There is no 'real link'.
> And the Xbox wouldn't be able to produce graphics significantly
> better than TW.
> I worry for the youth of today.
I'm 14, and I completely agree with you! I went into Blockbusters and saw an Xbox running Turok. It looked crap. I'd rather have my GC and a collection of good games. F-Zero kicks WipeOut and Gran Turismo's asses, Metroid Prime rules and Twilight Princess will pull a beautiful spin-attack and slice off the Xbox and PS2's heads. Theoretically, that is...
Who, in their right mind, goes onto a Nintendo forum and says things like that! Go away, lest your foul stench pollute our fair forum. Please.
> BallerAvery33 wrote:
> I think that twilight looks pretty lame ok now all of a sudden were
> getting all these other charcters not the real link were getting
> some
> wierd losers like in the wind waker and twilight o and now he can
> turn
> into a wolf well i want to play the game as link not a wolf that's
> pretty damn stupid and they should make a zelda game for xbox so the
> graphics actually look real i mean come on now it's not 1989 anymore
> i want to play a game that looks real i love zelda i played everyone
> but i think it will be a lot better if it actually looked real
> Pffft. Go away
I agree. Get lost..
> NbaBalla wrote:
> I'm confused as to who Link really is. One day he's the hero of time
> then he's a kid living on an island, nowhere near a forest.
> Different people all "linked" (ya see what I did there?). I
> think Miyamoto said Link/Zelda are re-incarnated whenever the world
> needs them.
Well thanks for that explanation, its the only one I've got but it makes sense to me. Link truly is a hero of time. Super Smash Bros. threw some people off because of the mere fact that Link was the original character and then you unlocked young link. I guees they expected a Link and a "grown-up Link" or something like that.
> I'm confused as to who Link really is. One day he's the hero of time
> then he's a kid living on an island, nowhere near a forest.
Different people all "linked" (ya see what I did there?). I think Miyamoto said Link/Zelda are re-incarnated whenever the world needs them.
> I think that twilight looks pretty lame ok now all of a sudden were
> getting all these other charcters not the real link were getting some
> wierd losers like in the wind waker and twilight o and now he can turn
> into a wolf well i want to play the game as link not a wolf that's
> pretty damn stupid and they should make a zelda game for xbox so the
> graphics actually look real i mean come on now it's not 1989 anymore
> i want to play a game that looks real i love zelda i played everyone
> but i think it will be a lot better if it actually looked real
Pffft. Go away
> I think that twilight looks pretty lame ok now all of a sudden were
> getting all these other charcters not the real link
There is no 'real link'.
And the Xbox wouldn't be able to produce graphics significantly better than TW.
I worry for the youth of today.
> I think that twilight looks pretty lame ok now all of a sudden were
> getting all these other charcters not the real link were getting some
> wierd losers like in the wind waker and twilight o and now he can turn
> into a wolf well i want to play the game as link not a wolf that's
> pretty damn stupid and they should make a zelda game for xbox so the
> graphics actually look real i mean come on now it's not 1989 anymore
> i want to play a game that looks real i love zelda i played everyone
> but i think it will be a lot better if it actually looked real
Kids, don't drink bleach, OK?