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"Resident Evil 4"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Resident Evil 4'.
Wed 01/06/05 at 10:20
"Funky Gibon"
Posts: 473
I have never played any resident evil games and i just wanted to now what the whole game is about, i have seen some reviews on here but i just wondered in a few sentences what its about. I might be borrowing it soon so i just wondered. I have seen some pictures of the game the monsters look quite evil and not to mess with.
Mon 06/06/05 at 14:07
"Random by default"
Posts: 127
I took it as thou he was meaning the Resi Evil movies are crap so adding it would really scare people...

Must be just me :P
Sun 05/06/05 at 18:30
"Divine Davine"
Posts: 799
Ice_Crystal_15 wrote:
> Resident Evil should have the third movie for a real horror ending...

Shut up. I'm sorry, but do you actually know anything about games? And everything you say is horribly irrelevant to the topic and/or is just plain stupid.
Fri 03/06/05 at 20:55
"The definitive tag"
Posts: 3,752
Ice_Crystal_15 wrote:
> Resident Evil should have the third movie for a real horror ending...

Or hopefully, not be made at all.
Fri 03/06/05 at 20:39
"Da num.01 rapper"
Posts: 503
Resident Evil should have the third movie for a real horror ending...
Thu 02/06/05 at 23:20
"Random by default"
Posts: 127
Cool, thanks for quick reply, just what i wanted to know :)

No money atm but birthday soon, so then i can get it - for once im hoping for pairs of boxers this birthday.
Thu 02/06/05 at 23:13
"period drama"
Posts: 19,792
You never have to run away due to lack of ammo or fighting options if that's what you mean. Although faced with a load of enemies (and there usually is a load of them) you want to find a safe corner to blast them from where they can only come at you from one direction.

As for the aiming - it's perfect. The camera cuts in really close over your shoulder, and every weapon has a laser sight on it anyway. It takes a little getting used to when shooting distant things, but that's just getting your eye in.

No problems.
Buy buy buy.
Thu 02/06/05 at 23:06
"Random by default"
Posts: 127
Quick two questions:
Like previous games is there a lot of situations where you have to run prefer to be able to blow basically every bodies head into little peices myself.
Aiming, i take it this is much easier? Resi Evil 2 i found hard to aim properly/well...this one has almost FPS type angle?
Thu 02/06/05 at 17:22
Posts: 7,741
No, it's nothing to do with Nintendo.

Capcom has been the one to go multi-format on the "Capcom 5" titles - Resi 4, Viewtiful Joe, Killer 7. PN03 was badly recieved so didn't go multiformat, and Dead Pheonix was canned altogether.

Capcom promised in the past RE4 would stay exclusive, but for financial reasons it was ported. And from all the internet talk, Mikami and the RE4 team weren't too chuffed. Mikami and Hideo Kamiya now work for Capcom's Clover Studios, and are now independently funded and apparently have no plans to work on further Resi titles. Though a RE5 is said to be in the works. Draw your own conclusions :S
Thu 02/06/05 at 16:16
"The definitive tag"
Posts: 3,752
All I know is what you told me last night, but that was enough to get me angry.

I don't know whether Nintendo think that having marginally better visuals and being able to play it months before PS2 owners makes up for it, but I don't think it does. They've screwed up big time.
Thu 02/06/05 at 16:09
Posts: 7,741
Chr1s wrote:
> I'm still seething about the few extras that the PS2 version will
> have though. It's a bit of a slap in the face.

*Agrees* I want the full damn game.

I know about you being able to use a chainsaw.. do you know any more about the other stuff?

Just how many extra cut-scenes are there? I know there's a couple more with Ada, goddamnit :(

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