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"Azul, Jackus, Blank, Memo!"

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Mon 25/08/03 at 23:27
Posts: 787
Why do you insist on slagging of almost everything I say?
E.G. Blank, Memo and Azul were in the election forum having a good old moan about my spelling and grammar, WTF, why the hell does that matter.
Are you all so sad that it bothers you that much?
And Jackus was even sad enough to go crying to SR saying "Please ban El Robin", I mean come on guys, loosen up a bit, stop grassing people up and having a good old moan at them.
It's a forum, people talk, post, enjoy them selves, then there is you guys who just go round with nothing good to say except something bad, like you say "this topic is stupid", well then don't post in it. "You have bad grammar", so what, we are not all perfect like you lot ya know.
Just stop it now ye, forget all.
Start fresh, be mates.
Tue 26/08/03 at 14:00
Posts: 11,024
Your optimism is amusing. People don't just pick your name randomly out of a hat and say "Okay, I'm going to insult this person". It's because you never say anything worthwhile, make stupid "joke" posts (using the term as loosely as possible) and cry to SR every time you do something you later realise was moronic. Take responsibility for your actions once in a while.
Tue 26/08/03 at 13:07
"aka memo aaka gayby"
Posts: 11,948
Tue 26/08/03 at 12:55
Posts: 11,652
Belldandy wrote:
> *Remembers Robin's numerous "Staffies Help Me" type topics
> on Customer Service forum*
> *Remembers Robin's numerous stupid joke posts, and "look I have
> an online girlfriend except she doesn't know it" post"

Hmm, seems to me that you need to get yer facts right.
Britney did knoow about it because i was talking to her on messenger when i done it, she knew it was a joke.
Tue 26/08/03 at 12:38
"Proffesional Eejit."
Posts: 1,631
I don't think ANY of us are THAT optomistic.

we just hope the fact he's a Imbecile gets through to him.
Tue 26/08/03 at 09:20
"Best Price @ GAME :"
Posts: 3,812
I think the hope is that sheer persistence will change how some body posts here. Notice I said "hope".
Tue 26/08/03 at 09:13
Posts: 3,937
Why don't you all leave each other alone, if you don't like someone just ignore them. It's as simple as that.
Tue 26/08/03 at 08:49
"Best Price @ GAME :"
Posts: 3,812
*Remembers Robin's numerous "Staffies Help Me" type topics on Customer Service forum*

*Remembers Robin's numerous stupid joke posts, and "look I have an online girlfriend except she doesn't know it" post"

"Decides not to comment further*
Tue 26/08/03 at 08:34
"Ah the mystic porta"
Posts: 967
El Robin, I cant say that I have ever come across a problem with you. Maybe i just dont find you as annoying as others.
Tue 26/08/03 at 08:05
"Which one's pink?"
Posts: 12,152
Oh for God sake, are you completely stupid?

You're on about your "vot 4 me!!!!111" thread, correct?

Point out where I slagged you off.
Go on, quote it in here, I dare you.

I'm waiting.
Tue 26/08/03 at 01:33
Posts: 23,218
You want to eat him?

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