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"Asylum Seekers"

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Thu 16/01/03 at 18:14
Posts: 787
I’ve decided to write this after last night’s happenings, where we heard that a police officer had been stabbed to death, and a few others lay critically injured. Asylum seekers play a very big part now in our environment, a lot of the time helping out in our hospitals and key everyday jobs. But they aren’t always good, as we saw last night. But from what I’ve heard and seen, it’s not just one offs. Yes, I’m hoping that last nights events were a one off, but I see a lot of people, who look like asylum seekers, stealing from shops and other people.

The United Kingdom, and Ireland are along way from other land, France being an exception. So, to get to England, you have to come through France. But why don’t the asylum seekers stop and stay in France, saving them a lot of time and money? Well, they know how easy it is other in this country. Which is what really annoys me. Australia’s boarder control won’t let any asylum seekers through, and so won’t a lot of other countries. But why is Britain an exception? Well, I think that Tony Blair wants to be up every body’s butt.

For the last few months, Blair’s been really chummy with President Bush. Why? Well, if ever we get into trouble, he’ll expect America to come along and help us like the little glory hunters they are. But Mr. Blair, what are we going to do wrong to get into trouble? Well, by accepting asylum seekers could cause us to get into really serious trouble. Don’t understand Mr. Blair? Well let me tell you why.

While you’ve been up Bush’s butt, a police officer has been killed, and many others injured by asylum seekers. Yes, although the families of the injured and killed must feel terrible, this was only a small tragedy. But you’re supposed to be fighting a war against terrorism aren’t you? Well, take a look at all the terrorists known to us. Now I’m not being racist, but they are all black. Britain is letting hundreds of these through every day, and giving them a place to live in. Well, for all we know, these could be the people you are after.

Now I agree that a few people should be re-situated, but not hundreds everyday. Some people deserve to be moved after what they have been through, but people that were doing fine in their own country, they should stay there. They may not have had a luxury way of life, but if I’m honest, that’s their problem. People who’s families have lived in this country for thousands of years are living on the streets, watching these asylum seekers come along and take everything that their family had worked for. It’s just not on. Yes, these homeless people may not be bothered to get up off their butt and get working, but they do deserve a nice environment to live in.

We’re building new houses everyday, but a lot of them are being given to these asylum seekers, rather than people that are willing to pay cash to live in them. So not only are the government losing money by giving them clothes, mobile phones and food, but they are also losing the money that they would have got if they’d have sold the place.

Now a lot of immigrants are keeping this country alive, but there is defiantly more immigrants causing havoc and laughing in our faces. Take the chemicals they found the other day. And guess what Mr. Blair, another one of your precious asylum seekers. The chemicals they were keeping can supposedly kill a person with a gram of the stuff, and that’s a minute amount of chemicals to be carrying around and then to let loose.

But I’m sure Blair’s scared that if we turn down these asylum seekers, their country may turn against us. Which we all don’t want happening, but I’d rather it happen than watch the county I had been brought up in get torn to shreds by poor leadership. We’ve made this country what it is, not the people that run the country. Yes, they can decide what we eventually do, but they can’t stop thousands of angry people knocking at their doors.

On a happy note, there are many asylum seekers that have been and still are helping out in our hospitals and other services. I say keep these hard working people, and say good-bye to the rest. With the way this country is going, the party that wants to make this a white only country seems rather good at the moment. No, I’m not racist. And no, I haven’t been brought up to be racist either. But it’s just how I feel at the moment. I’m angry with the big-eared pigs at the top, not with the asylum seekers.

Oh, and one last thing. We could all be happier and richer people if we didn’t let the asylum seekers in. No, leave the hard working people as they are, they’re actually helping the country along through all of this. If we didn’t let the asylum seekers in, maybe spending a few million on boarder control, it would work in our favour in the long run, The government wouldn’t have to pay for clothes for the immigrants, wouldn’t have to find them accommodation and wouldn’t have to give them mobile phones.

I’ve tried not to offend any one with what I’ve just said, but if I did I am sorry. I’ve just written what I’m feeling at the moment.

Thanks for reading; I’m sure a few of you feel the same way,
( . )Juicy Melons( . )
Fri 17/01/03 at 15:05
Posts: 23,284
*hits head*
Fri 17/01/03 at 15:03
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
*agrees with Belldandy*

*falls on floor clutching sides of head*
Fri 17/01/03 at 14:55
"Gamertag Star Fury"
Posts: 2,710
I think attempts to use the fact that this policeman died by the actions of an asylum seeker completely miss the point.

His killer, or alleged killer I suppose, and the people arrested in Manchester and London, simply used the method of entry that asylum seekers also use.

This does not, as someone should explain to the Daily Mail, mean the country has been inflitrated by hordes of asylum seeker posing terrorists. Fact is, we cannot prevent all cases of illegal people smuggling, and we will continue to offer help to people who are asylum seekers.

We give them this help not because of their religion, skin colour, or whatever reasons like that, it is because this country will help those who have credible reasons for fleeing to it.

Even then, I do not begrudge economic migrants a place in this country; they've often come through many other nations but chosen the UK. Cynics could argue this is because of our benefits system, but so what if it is ? We enjoy free health care - with problems admittedly - and many other benefits. As for the old "they're stealing our jobs" argument....I say that at least many asylum seekers want jobs in the first place ! I am sure we have all seen, or known, people where we live that are happy to claim benefits for years on end and never look for work.

To sum up; I do not see the problem in letting into this country other people who have fled here whatever their reasons. Sure, we need to check just who is coming in, but lets be realistic. We cannot check every single person the moment they come here, or hold them until we can. America cannot, we certainly cannot. These people want to be in this country, and often have very little resources of their own, so why make it even harder for them ?

This is all just my opinion by the way ;)

Fri 17/01/03 at 12:31
"Darth Vader 3442321"
Posts: 4,031
Yeah Clarkson, if he has an idea he then resolutely believes it is the best idea ever suggested and will argue viciferously against anyone who dares to oppose him. By being louder.

The labour lady didn't do so well, especially on the Zimbabwe issue, "BA they can do want they want". England cricket team (captained by an "immigrant") have to be the moral bastions of our country however. What England should do is play the game, thrash the opposition and then leave with our dignity intact.

Interesting to hear Livington agree that the congestion charge won't be as effective as it could due to the low price of the charge.
Fri 17/01/03 at 12:08
Posts: 2,833
The sagacious one wrote:

> I was watching a very engaging and surprisingly open Question Time
> last night and Ken Livingston revealed that 1 in 20 people in London
> are currently claiming asylum.

I've heard that statistic before and it means (I think) that 1 in 20 Londoners have been asylum seekers at some point, probably since the war. I can believe it too. My grandad, a (white) South African, emigrated here after WWII, once apharteid kicked in. My gran, who was born in Peru, was dragged before one of those committees that decided whether a person was legally white, or legally black. Whether this counted as emmigration or asylum, I don't know: but neither of them came here to grab free housing off the government, or eat babies.

I watched Question Time, too, and I thought it was pretty funny that the volume of Jeremy Clarkson's voice was inversely proportional to the accuracy of what he was saying.
Fri 17/01/03 at 11:53
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
Fri 17/01/03 at 11:44
"No surrender"
Posts: 50
Enoch powell knew the script, just a pity that stinkin puppet blair doesnt.
Fri 17/01/03 at 10:54
"Darth Vader 3442321"
Posts: 4,031
I live in London and love the cultural diversity of this city. I'm joyful at the prospect of going into "Chinatown" in Soho and I am fascinated just walking along Oxford st, a trip to Camden is a joy too. People from many different races make London (and this country) an interesting one to live in and if people would only make the effort to embrace our differences and acknolwledge our similarities, we would be a better nation for doing so.

I was watching a very engaging and surprisingly open Question Time last night and Ken Livingston revealed that 1 in 20 people in London are currently claiming asylum. This is probably a slighlty arbitary and innacurate figure but it does indicate that there is a relatively large scale migration occuring globally. A result of our Western world idly allowing many brutal regimes to stay in power and also it reflects our fairly stable democracies and economic successes, being desirable to those seeking a better place in which to live.

The world is changing and geographical, cultural, social and economic boundaries are in a transitional period. We are not simply a race of white Anglo-saxons (immigrants ourselves in many ways) anymore and I don't see why we should view asylum seekers (the potential immigrants) with such disdain. Some of them may be potential terrorists, thieves, rapists and murderers but so is every child born in this country; whatever their percieved colour or creed.

By persecuting asylum seekers et al, we create unease and people could quickly become disadants, looking for ways to lash out. We all know what that could mean.
Fri 17/01/03 at 10:21
"Bounty housewife..."
Posts: 5,257
I agree with most of what you've said there Goatboy.

Yes we do have a problem with "Illegal Immigrants" into this county. The media have to be held responsible for confusing "Asylum Seekers" and "Illegal Immigrants" in the publics comprehension. The two are totally different. There are people who have genuine difficulties and are fleeing their homelands to try and find a life without persecution and there are people who are being promised a life of luxury in the UK by evil people trafficers who smuggle them into this country under atrocious conditions and then set them up as Drug Couriers and Prostitues. Alot of these people who Juicy Melons and the media are conveniently packaging up as the root of all our problems are actually victims themselves and are often worse of here than they were before they become involved with the people who they thought would "save" them.

The media seem to be portraying immigration as a modern phenomenon, it's been going on ever since man has walked on this planet. As far as the Uk is concerned, we are all descendents of immigrants of one kind or other. Look back 50 years to the Irish Navvies that we used to build the road networks, go back to the Celts, the vikings and keep on going. I know you are not interested in the bible but Ruth which is a 3000 year old story is about a family of economic migrants looking for a better land. It's how we deal with the situation that needs to be improved, it will never go away.

Going onto what you were saying about kids and lack of discipline - the family that leaves over the road from us have five kids, Four boys and one girl, The boys play out in te street while the parents sit out the back watching telly - they have no idea what the little scroats are doing. One day the youngest was throwing rocks from his garden into the road. I went and saw his dad and said - your youngest has been throwing rocks in the road - you'd better stop him cos if he hits one of our cars I will knock his block his off - " What Jack - are you sure it was him ?" - yes - and look - there are the rocks *points out rocks on road and in people's drives* - " ok - I'll have a word with his mum "

I mean - what was that all about - " I'll have a word with his mum " - The little kid is 6 years old and his dad is 30 odd - why can't he just go and clip the scroat round the ear ? - ponce !

Rant over

* tea break *
Fri 17/01/03 at 09:28
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
( . )Juicy Melons( . ) wrote:
>I see a lot of
> people, who look like asylum seekers, stealing from shops and other
> people

Oh well that's ok then. As long as they look like asylum seekers then it's obviously so. I presume you mean illegal immigrants, not asylum seekers?
Mind you, it's so hard to tell the difference isn't it? One thieving European looks much like another eh?

People who’s families have lived in
> this country for thousands of years are living on the streets,
> watching these asylum seekers come along and take everything that
> their family had worked for.

Such as?

>Now I’m not being racist, but they are all black.

Are you aware of just how utterly ironic that statement is Enoch?
Yep, those Irish blacks that have been waging mainland bombing campaigns sure are nasty darkies ain't they?
As for your suggestion of an all-white party being rather good? Didn't turn out too well in Germany in the 1930s so I think we'll let historical precedent point out the flaws in National Socialist ideas.

I appreciate these are your feelings, but personally I find them objectionable, ill-thought out and ripped from The Daily Mail's 2 page spread yesterday about the same thing.
"Chucking out the nig-nogs" isn't going to solve anything - now I'm not being racist - when we're faced with educational standards equal to that of Peru and all the other factors that are flushing this country down the toilet.

You see it on here daily - people that use text-speak instead of proper sentences, horrific grammar and spelling, language abilities of a 5yr old.
Do we blame illegal immigrants for the falling rates of literacy? Do we blame these asylum seekers for a society that stands outside a police station with placards waiting to shout at a celebrity merely “accused” of 30yr old sex crimes?
Who do we look to blame for a culture that votes in their millions for Big Brother evictions yet cannot find the energy to vote for which Prime Minister they want? Is it illegal immigrants that are the reason for our rabid interest in the mundane and mediocre? I remember when I was a kid, my parents took an interest in me and instilled morals, values and decency. It cannot have been easy to make time, but as a result I’ve grown up far more intelligent than any of the monkeys I see swinging about deserted town-centers after dark. Instead of blaming asylum seekers for all the evil in this country, ask why nobody is bothering to try and be nice to each other when it’s not Xmas. Why do I constantly see women hassled on tube-trains late at night whilst the passengers bury their heads in their paper and ignore it all?

The fact that this country is fast turning into Bartertown has more to do with ignorant retarded white people that scream at their kids for talking whilst Eastenders is on than it does for any minority of illegal immigrants causing trouble. Kids round where I used to live, white kids, used to swear at me if I told them to play football somewhere else. I’d never have backchatted an adult when I was a kid.
Why? Because they’d tell my mum. That fear was far worse than prison or a vengeful god. But you tell a kid off today? His parent shows up 10 mins later screaming and shouting at you for daring to try and discipline their dirty-faced offspring.
We have become a nation of lazy, retarded slackers that would rather stare at the tv and let it raise our kids than accept responsibility for our own lives.
It’s far easier to point the finger at “immigrants” than it is to say “Well, actually I was watching Corrie when I was supposed to instilling a sense of right and wrong in my child”.

Don’t blame immigrants for the fact we live in a Dante version of England. Blame yourself, blame zero support from the government for people that work hard and try to do the right thing instead of relying on welfare (ALL colours) and blame the downfall of a once-great nation (expanded and maintained through colonization and slavery) on the sorts of propaganda-based, scaremongering groupthink lazy journalism that crops up in The Daily Mail.

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