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"I will have Resident Evil 4 tomorrow"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Resident Evil 4'.
Sat 05/11/05 at 20:42
"Catch it!"
Posts: 6,840
I'm so excited :D Looks like the best game for years. I will stay on it for ages. So who else is getitng this?
Fri 18/11/05 at 09:17
Posts: 1,076
FinalFantasyFanatic wrote:
> Nope, people still would have criticised the endless, tedious codec
> conversations and the rubbish pansy main character regardless.

ummm.. no.Everybody kept comparing it to MGS1.

The Evil Dictator wrote:
> Homosh. I hate you.

Who doesn't ?
Thu 17/11/05 at 15:59
Posts: 2,207
Homosh. I hate you.

You just make me so angry.
Thu 17/11/05 at 14:34
"period drama"
Posts: 19,792
Nope, people still would have criticised the endless, tedious codec conversations and the rubbish pansy main character regardless.
Thu 17/11/05 at 11:37
Posts: 1,076
Well, isn't that what happened when MGS2 was released ? It was better than MGS1 in every gameplay aspect, but yet everybody was disappointed because it didn't have a story as good as MGS1 or a character like Solid Snake, so people were actually going to like MGS2 more if it had been released under a different name.
Wed 16/11/05 at 23:19
"period drama"
Posts: 19,792
wtf are you on about homosh?

I said it's stupid to pre-judge a game based on those which came before in a series, then feel let down because - despite being one the most frickin' awesome games of recent history - it didn't quite meet up to your standards?
You'd rate it higher if they released it under a different name?

No socio-political rants, if you please.
Wed 16/11/05 at 20:32
"gsybe you!"
Posts: 18,825
homosh wrote:
I can do that, but then the video gaming industry will
> become nothing more than a tool for gamers to pass time, and another
> one on the list of the gazillion ways for investors to rob our money.

It is that now..... just some examples of it transcend the rubbish and are genuinely awesome, arguably 'cultural' events. Resi 4 simply being that because it was so damn good. If your argument holds, that we simply have to look at story as well as video game, then Pac Man was rubbish, Tetris wasn't that good, Goldeneye was too shallow in narrative, Civilisation had no point to it because it told no story, and Resident Evil 4 isn't as good as Resident Evil 1 because it didn't have a convoluted and 'interesting' story. Note a pattern of quality?
Wed 16/11/05 at 20:28
"gsybe you!"
Posts: 18,825
There was horror. There was gore, death, torture, evil, sadism, weird monster bugs, mutants, blood, guns, helpless female, gung-ho male, a good guy getting impaled on a huge insect leg thing, zombies, parasites and a helicopter piloted by MIIIIKEEEEE

How the hell was it not full of horror? :P
Tue 15/11/05 at 23:30
Posts: 1,076
FinalFantasyFanatic wrote:
> What a terrible way of looking at things.

What do you mean ? That people should look at video games just as video games ? I can do that, but then the video gaming industry will become nothing more than a tool for gamers to pass time, and another one on the list of the gazillion ways for investors to rob our money.
Tue 15/11/05 at 22:59
"Catch it!"
Posts: 6,840
Resident Evil 5 looks great!
Tue 15/11/05 at 22:09
"period drama"
Posts: 19,792
What a terrible way of looking at things.

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