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Mon 02/09/02 at 18:46
Posts: 787
Thats "compensation" by the way.

I have had a really bad day and although I have managed to keep it under control like a good girl for most of the day, I nearly lost it a minute ago.

I cannot stand the compensation addicted public at the second. They create a little ball of anger in my chest and make me want to scream. For example, a "friend" of mine who happens to work for a mail order company, today had to put up with a self centred, "the world revolves round me" customer demanding compensation as the couriers my "friends" company uses had delayed the delivery of the customers goods slightly.

The goods in question were purely for leisure purposes, and yes, maybe the customer felt a little disappointed at waiting for an extra day for their product, but Hey, it couldn't be helped.

Now this is a roundabout way of illustrating how people these days are desperate and determined to blame someone. And have this someone pay for the inconvenience. Okay, customers should expect good service, but when the staff work their socks off to provide this and then recieve demands and threats back when something is slightly less than perfect, it makes you wonder why you bother.

And don't even get me started on those goddamn "claims direct" advert.
Wed 04/09/02 at 19:44
"Peace Respect Punk"
Posts: 8,069
I saw an episode of Ally McBeal once. The chinese woman in it became a judge. Well, anyway, this woman brought one case to her trying to sue a television company or something because the weather forecast had been sunshine and it was rain. And she was sposed to have planned a picnic on the day and it got ruined. Sad thing is I wouldn't be suprised if someone had brought a case like that to court in America.

Bleh. Some people are dumb.
Tue 03/09/02 at 21:40
"bit of a brain"
Posts: 18,933
You know what I want, schroeder.
Tue 03/09/02 at 20:10
Posts: 20,776
Schroeder Wrote :

> And don't even get me started on those goddamn "claims
> direct" advert.

"I fell over a piece of wood that shouldn't have been there"

Tue 03/09/02 at 13:32
"waiting for 1950DA."
Posts: 143
Dr Duck wrote:
> But going back to the original example:
> If the company had guaranteed to get the item to the buyer on a
> certain day, and the buyer had relied on the company's word, as the
> company could have expected them to, then as a result, had suffered
> some kind of loss, then the company undoubtedly have a responsibility
> for the buyer's loss.

I know what you mean, but when you are screamed at for 20 minutes due to a leisure item being delayed by 24 hours, through no fault of your own, it bites.

There's a hell of a lot of things going on in this world, some people have a lot of self importance.It bugs me.
Mon 02/09/02 at 22:10
"Sex On Wheels"
Posts: 3,526
Dr Duck wrote:
> If the law acknowledged that stupid people have a responsibility to
> take extra care of themselves to make sure they don't suffer injury
> (or whatever) in circumstances where a reasonably inteligent person
> would not,

It's called common sense and when I read King cool's post's I wonder how many times he's phoned claims direct lol ;D
Mon 02/09/02 at 21:54
Posts: 12,243
Go get 'em schroeder!

Mon 02/09/02 at 20:55
Posts: 8,220
But going back to the original example:

If the company had guaranteed to get the item to the buyer on a certain day, and the buyer had relied on the company's word, as the company could have expected them to, then as a result, had suffered some kind of loss, then the company undoubtedly have a responsibility for the buyer's loss.

Probably wasn't the circumstances, but if we don't *know* either way, can we really criticise the individual?

Going to the general issue, yeah, the law does seem too soft on idiots, ordering compensation too readily.
If the law acknowledged that stupid people have a responsibility to take extra care of themselves to make sure they don't suffer injury (or whatever) in circumstances where a reasonably inteligent person would not,
and that 'victims' should be aware that people *aren't* perfect, so when they put some reliance on that they will be, they accept a risk that things will go wrong,
then i think our legal system, and society, would be in a far better position.

And all the lawyers? Only about 50% carry on with it after their degree, and more will fall by the wayside before getting into the profession.
It's not quite that bad :^)
Mon 02/09/02 at 20:11
"Sex On Wheels"
Posts: 3,526
Yeah people are getting a lot more involved with the law now a days. People know all thier rights and if some one does anything wrong they complain about it or in extreme cases sue you. That's why you have to sign so many wavers and cotracts and people can't do so many things because companys are to afraid that some nut case is going to come along and sue them. Soon there will be wavers to sign to get into Alton towers just in case your chips are over salted causing irritation in the mouth lol Ohwell I feel sorry from your friends and I advise them to stick up for themselves and give the customers hell lol ;D
Mon 02/09/02 at 20:05
"smile, it's free"
Posts: 6,460
Pointless Babble wrote:
> I didn't enjoy this post as much as I thought I was going to, it's
> resulted in my being disillusioned, and as such I demand compensation
> for my loss. :P

Excellent :D

On Grix's post... yes it's true, but I keep trying to convince myself the world isn't full of morons. Too many people are dismissive and prejudiced, making those decisions without taking in what's really important. An example springs to mind.... Eminem. Good person or bad? I say good. For all the voilence, swearing, drugs, alcohol and other 'bad' things, he has
the right attitude. He cares about his family, those close to him. Yet there are plenty of law abiding, seemingly decent people who turn out to be no more than selfish penny pinchers. Yes, the world is full of morons, but they're never the obvious ones...
Mon 02/09/02 at 19:47
"Stupid Newbie :D"
Posts: 550
I didn't enjoy this post as much as I thought I was going to, it's resulted in my being disillusioned, and as such I demand compensation for my loss. :P

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