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"GAD in May - The new trial thing"

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Tue 07/05/02 at 17:19
Posts: 787


Go here to see SR's idea for a change in GAD.

What do you feel about this new 'version' of Gameaday?
Tue 07/05/02 at 18:03
Posts: 23,284

That'll teach all those freeloaders
Tue 07/05/02 at 18:01
Posts: 6,592
Yep, new system starts from tomorrows winners/whiners.
Tue 07/05/02 at 17:59
Posts: 23,284
I like the strategy :)

Finally being a member will pay off... if Iw in :D
Tue 07/05/02 at 17:47
Posts: 12,243
So Snuggly, a question, the winner for the 7th, (today) gets the coice of game and the winner on the 8th either gets to choose the game (if a member) or has the free membership?

Is that correct?

Tue 07/05/02 at 17:47
"Picking a winner!"
Posts: 8,502
I think it is a great idea, first up will prevent people from cheating as they can be stopped from winning at lot easier unless then want to continuously pay out the membership fee.
Secondly, they give the winners games for free, it only seems fair that we give something back, I think only allowing members to win is as fair as you get when they are giving us free games and movies.
Tue 07/05/02 at 17:46
Posts: 12,243
There are some valid points raised here but at the end of the day, we have the chance to win games, we get a cool magazine, we get a free gift and we have a great service if we join.
I dont see the harm in £7 for that and for the things you get from it, its a good idea to join.

£7 is a nasty number though, dont know why but it just is.

Tue 07/05/02 at 17:42
Posts: 6,592
Mystique wrote:
> Now what about the past winners who haven't claimed yet...What if they
> don't have a membership number?
> Do they get the one year thing or do they still get the prize they
> orginally won?

Yep, if you won today, or still have prizes to claim, then you can choose whatever you want. The new system comes into effect from tomorrows winners.
Tue 07/05/02 at 17:41
"smile, it's free"
Posts: 6,460
Past winners are treated as normal, it says.

Personally, I don't think this new idea is a great thing. From my point of view, I do not need or want the SR club magazine when I have easy access to your site. The £1 extra I'm paying for the trial membership needed is balanced out by the money I'm saving by not joining.

If I were someone who had read your gameaday adverts, the first thought that entered my head would be 'what is the catch'? Surely a free game just like that is too good to be true. I'd then be likely to visit the website, and lo and behold, the catch is that I have to win twice to get my first game. With 2000 posts a day, I wouldn't rate my chances, and hence I wouldn't bother staying.

Just my opinion though.
Tue 07/05/02 at 17:35
Posts: 15,681
I'm already a member so I'll stick my number on my registration as soon as I get the card off my mum (she uses it the most).
Tue 07/05/02 at 17:33
Posts: 18,775
Now what about the past winners who haven't claimed yet...What if they don't have a membership number?
Do they get the one year thing or do they still get the prize they orginally won?

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