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"If you were stuck on a desert island, which FoG members would you take with you?"

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Sat 06/04/02 at 20:31
Posts: 787
Heh heh heh...

You have a CD Player, a DVD Player, a TV, an unlimited power supply, and a 15 foot ice cube in the shape of a monkey.

Which three fellow FoGgers would you take with you?
Sat 06/04/02 at 21:15
Posts: 5,029
RBS - All of him

Thats the three people. :P
Sat 06/04/02 at 21:04
"Picking a winner!"
Posts: 8,502
Yes but you all know I mean the A-Team hero that is BA.
Now pitty the fool.
Sat 06/04/02 at 21:03
"You've upset me"
Posts: 21,152
AliBoy wrote:
Mr T.

Bad idea, there's a spamming n00b on here called Mr T.
Sat 06/04/02 at 21:00
"Picking a winner!"
Posts: 8,502
I would take Stryke, RBS and I would hold a talent contest to see who else would be best to take on the island. Mr T probably, you all know he is a memeber on here. right??


Yeah,I would take Stryke, Rasta and Mr T.
Sat 06/04/02 at 20:57
Posts: 16,548
I'm not constrained by your petty rules, mortal.

Snoochie Boochies.
Sat 06/04/02 at 20:56
"You've upset me"
Posts: 21,152
Stryke wrote:
RBS - see above, but he's smaller and yet amusing
> :-)

Hehehe :-)
Sat 06/04/02 at 20:55
"Picking a winner!"
Posts: 8,502
Which THREE Gaz!

Sat 06/04/02 at 20:55
Posts: 3,082
smooth criminal
mystique :)
Sat 06/04/02 at 20:54
"You've upset me"
Posts: 21,152
===SONICRAV---> wrote:
RBS to take a cr*p on

Oh you're so cruel...
Sat 06/04/02 at 20:54
Posts: 16,548
AliBoy - because he rules

RBS - see above, but he's smaller and yet amusing :-)

Mr Nice Guy and Vottanator - They make the sweetest couple

Mr.Happy - Argument over Coen Brothers needed

Goatboy - Argument over LotR needed

Sniper - We can use him as bait when the food runs out.

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