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"If you were stuck on a desert island, which FoG members would you take with you?"

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Sat 06/04/02 at 20:31
Posts: 787
Heh heh heh...

You have a CD Player, a DVD Player, a TV, an unlimited power supply, and a 15 foot ice cube in the shape of a monkey.

Which three fellow FoGgers would you take with you?
Sat 06/04/02 at 22:04
Posts: 5,448
RastaBillySkank wrote:
> ===SONICRAV---> wrote:
RBS to take a cr*p on

Oh you're so cruel...

Sat 06/04/02 at 21:56
Posts: 23,695
All righty then.

Sat 06/04/02 at 21:55
Posts: 16,548
Live life to the max, AJ. Include 4.
Sat 06/04/02 at 21:47
Posts: 23,695
Stryke, RBS, Ant.

If there were more they would be Rickoss, Cong Man, GP, Pro Evo and Meka.
Sat 06/04/02 at 21:33
"You've upset me"
Posts: 21,152
Ant wrote:
that is more than me


And typing that makes you look even stupider :-D
Sat 06/04/02 at 21:30
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
Humm...I have many friends on here, so it would be very hard to choose. But here's a few:

Darkness_2k: I reckon I'd like someone who I've actually met in person before.

Grix Thraves: Known him ages, interesting guy and would be a good friend, me thinks.

Grandprix: Same as above, and also shares a lot of my views and characteristics. In other words, we could cower from everyone else together. ;D

Jetster/Ice Blaster/AfroJoe/Starlight/The Cong Man: All good friends I've made from the WWF Forum, as well as Grandprix.

RBS: Funny guy, loves Red Dwarf.

There are many others, but they're the first that come to mind. And yes, that is more than me. Yes, that does make me very stupid. Yes, you can point it out.
Sat 06/04/02 at 21:23
"You've upset me"
Posts: 21,152
Stryke wrote:
He took God/Mr T's name in vain?!

Smite him.

Sat 06/04/02 at 21:20
Posts: 16,548
RastaBillySkank wrote:
Bad idea, there's a spamming n00b on here called Mr T.


He took God/Mr T's name in vain?!

Smite him.
Sat 06/04/02 at 21:19
Posts: 23,218
let me think, i will get back to you after i have thought of three people
Sat 06/04/02 at 21:19
"You've upset me"
Posts: 21,152
Tóm wrote:
> RBS - All of him

Thats the three people. :P

Awww :-)

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