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"Hopeless sentimentalist..."

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Fri 05/04/02 at 23:59
Posts: 787
This is my first post in this forum but I dare say it's one familiar to regulars. So I'll begin.

For all the change that has taken place in the WWF for the last six or seven years, I cannot help but feel that it will never recapture the imagination in the same way that it did back in the halcyon days of the early 1990s.

It's all about the wrestlers for me, not so much the fireworks, music, girls or video games tie-ins. If I want those, I know where to go for them.

The wrestlers I most miss, and I mention them with genuine affection, is the likes of Mr. Perfect, Bret Hart, Owen Hart and Shawn Michaels. I obviously remember fondly the era of Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, the Ultimate Warrior, Ric Flair, The Giant and so on. I know Flair and Hogan are back on the scene but it'll never be the same as watching Ric Flair win the Royal Rumble from the start.

And then there were the tagteams: the Bushwackers, the Hart family, the Nasty Boys, and of course Legion of Doom.

This might seem foreign to some of the fans that weren't into WWF 'back in the day', but I was wondering if anyone had any views on this: do you accept that the WWF is not the same as it used to be, or do you think it's better than ever? I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.
Tue 09/04/02 at 09:01
Posts: 9,808
Jetster wrote:
> †hë_Çøñg_Mðñ wrote:
> MikeAll
> wrote:
> I've only watched wrestling for the last two years but ages
> ago when WCW was on
> ITV I watched it then. I don't remember much about
> it
> other than that I watched
> very week but I was only young and it
> was the
> only wrestling I'd seen. When
> everyone was going mad about
> Hulkamania I
> was watching Sting and my favourite
> the Equalizer in
> WCW. I can't really
> compare the thw WWF now and WCW then
> because it
> was so long ago. I can't
> remember most of the wrestler's names but
> I
> remember things about them and
> things they did.

Think yourself
> lucky. I remember futher back than that when
> Paul E. Dangerously (Paul
> Heyman) was a manager in WCW and used to hit people
> over the head every
> match with his huge mobile phone (they were big in those
> days), usually
> Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat for some reason. And Kevin Nash when
> he was
> Vinnie Vegas :S.

Paul Heyman and Paul E. Dangerously use to do that in ECW as
> well.

Erm, Paul E. Dangerously and Paul Heyman are the same person. I take it you mean Lou E. Dangerously, who used to be sign guy Dudley and thought it would be funny to steal his bosses old ring persona?
Sun 07/04/02 at 16:21
"Where's SR?"
Posts: 1,310
The memories come flooding back. Does anyone remeber the name of the tag team who used to pretend to be cameramen after every match. I think they were WCW tag team champions at one point. They were great.
Sun 07/04/02 at 12:56
"One More Chance"
Posts: 6,887
†hë_Çøñg_Mðñ wrote:
> MikeAll wrote:
> I've only watched wrestling for the last two years but ages
> ago when WCW was on
> ITV I watched it then. I don't remember much about it
> other than that I watched
> very week but I was only young and it was the
> only wrestling I'd seen. When
> everyone was going mad about Hulkamania I
> was watching Sting and my favourite
> the Equalizer in WCW. I can't really
> compare the thw WWF now and WCW then
> because it was so long ago. I can't
> remember most of the wrestler's names but I
> remember things about them and
> things they did.

Think yourself lucky. I remember futher back than that when
> Paul E. Dangerously (Paul Heyman) was a manager in WCW and used to hit people
> over the head every match with his huge mobile phone (they were big in those
> days), usually Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat for some reason. And Kevin Nash when
> he was Vinnie Vegas :S.

Paul Heyman and Paul E. Dangerously use to do that in ECW as well.
Sun 07/04/02 at 12:53
"Back in black"
Posts: 5,486
Figo wrote:
> Best era: 1996-1999. Nuff said.


First Hell in a Cell
Light heavy division start off
Rock VS Mankind
Austin VS McMahon
Mankind VS Undertaker
D X Vs McMahon
Hardcore division gets underway
Sun 07/04/02 at 12:21
Posts: 9,808
MikeAll wrote:
> I've only watched wrestling for the last two years but ages ago when WCW was on
> ITV I watched it then. I don't remember much about it other than that I watched
> very week but I was only young and it was the only wrestling I'd seen. When
> everyone was going mad about Hulkamania I was watching Sting and my favourite
> the Equalizer in WCW. I can't really compare the thw WWF now and WCW then
> because it was so long ago. I can't remember most of the wrestler's names but I
> remember things about them and things they did.

Think yourself lucky. I remember futher back than that when Paul E. Dangerously (Paul Heyman) was a manager in WCW and used to hit people over the head every match with his huge mobile phone (they were big in those days), usually Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat for some reason. And Kevin Nash when he was Vinnie Vegas :S.
Sat 06/04/02 at 21:35
"One More Chance"
Posts: 6,887
Dear God! No Cruiserweights? That would make wrestling as dull as crap.
Sat 06/04/02 at 20:49
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
I watch people like Mr Perfect wrestle, and I personally think it looks a bit dull. I like the new, more exciting style. Without it, I don't think we'd have Cruiserweights.
Sat 06/04/02 at 20:27
"One More Chance"
Posts: 6,887
Yep Channel 5 was recently but on ITV they showed Nitro I think, I think I was about 6 or 7, so about 8 years ago?
Sat 06/04/02 at 20:25
Posts: 23,695
It was on Channel 5 for a few months once, but I never remember ITV.
Sat 06/04/02 at 20:23
"One More Chance"
Posts: 6,887
Ages ago, I used to watch it. I was well sad when it went off the air.

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