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"The World Wrestling Federation really does suck...(Congy's Rant)"

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Sat 23/03/02 at 09:54
Posts: 787
It's true, it does. Seven years ago, I admit I got bored of the WWF and probably would have lost interest in wrestling completely, but for one thing. I watched ECW. ECW re-ignited my interest in wrestling here was, in my humble opinion the greatest collection of wrestlers to never make the big time all together under one roof. ECW's lower card featured really talented cruiserweights who would put their body's on te line in the name of entertainment with real, breathtaking dare-devil mpoves and when I say dare-devil I mean real life and death manweuvers, not The Hardyz safe 'daredevil' style. WCW realised this and signed almost every cruiserweight that ECW ever had.
The rest of the card was filled with wrestlers who culd avctually wrestle and they got to the very top of this company by wrestling in matches. Jerry Lynn, Steve Corino, Shane Douglas, Justin Credible, Tazz people who the WWF wouldn't put to the very top, either because they don't fit the 'ideal' of being 6'2" 245 pounds or because we all know to main event the WWF you have to be a brawler with no more than four moves.
Even those who weren't great wrestlers, the likes of Raven, The Sandman, Terry Funk, Tommy Dreamer and New Jack, brought something different to the table, true hardcore wrestling, thats not being hit over the head woth a tin-foil thin trashcan or sprayed in the face with a fire-extinguisher, but wrestling with barbed wire, singapore canes and the like.
Paul Heyman knew how to run his company properly, npot only did he find the cream of the worlds rejected talent, Rhyno, Sabu, Rob Van Dam he would pit these young up and comers with travelled journeymen like Tracey Smothers, Wildfire Tommy Rich, pre-mankind Mick Foley and of course Terry Funk, because he knew the only way his young wrestlers would improve was by learning off these veterans in the ring. Not by fighting some equally inexperienced try-out in front of a couple of hundred people on Metal.
Fact is the WWF does suck because all the real talent seems to end up in the Intercontinetal divison and by the time the WWF title contenders have finally retired making room for these guys to step into the limelight they are too tired and burnt out to be at their best.
I used to love my weeks worth of wrestling. Seeing WCW's cruiserweights on a Thursday and ECW on a Sunday Night night broke the monotony of the same old regurgitated WWF shows ever week. Now all I have to watch is the WWF and I'm quite frankly getting bored of all wrestling as a result. The WWF needs a contending comapny, not just to keep itself on it's toes, but to keep people like me interested...
Wed 27/03/02 at 09:25
Posts: 0
Mouldy Cheese wrote:
ECW was a bloodsport, like
> foxhunting. People paid to watch people mutilate thier bodies.

Remember Mass
> Transit.

Isn't that where New Jack nearly got killed by that big guy? They were on some scaffolding or something and the big guy lost his balance, falling onto New Jack, sending them both to the floor, crushing all the weight onto New Jack, namely his head. I heard that, is it right? And do you know anywhere where I can see a video or a picture of it? Cheers.
Wed 27/03/02 at 09:11
Posts: 0
MikeAll wrote:
> $h@ne0 wrote:
Most people on here haven't seen an
> ECW match, and sadly,
> are casual fans, who have been watching it for only 3 or 4
> years.

> because I haven't watched wrestling since I was 4 (11 years ago, I am sadly a
> casual fan). I have never had a channel which has ECW so sorry for being a
> casual fan. Maybe the post wasn't meant to be offensive, but it was.

I wasn't saying that, but I was saying that most wrestling fans got into wrestling by watching WWF, as it's advertised the most, and all the rest of it. ECW is hard to get hold of unless you have good links, and it's a sad fact that the casual fans don't get a better look in at ECW, and just dismiss it as hardcore crap. I'm sorry, but I really do hate casual fans who think they know everything. I'm not implying that you are, by any stretch of the imagination. DaGroover is one of the ignorant, snobby casual fans, who thinks he knows everything about it, when in fact he's only been watching it for 3 years, I believe. I've been watching wrestling long before it was a craze (11 years ago, when I was three), and I find it sad that some fans watch it for a while, and then go off it, because there's a better craze. Wrestling will never be a craze for me. It's ignorant, it's like calling Football a craze, it just isn't.

A lot
> of people on the internet are ECW snobs who think they are better than every
> other wrestling fan because they watched ECW since forever. I just find it so
> annoying but then it's ECW's fault for me not watching them, not mine. If they
> were good enough they would have advertised. Maybe it was good but I can't do
> anything about that. Just try to leave off with those comments, OK. (It isn't
> really you that I'm complaining about, Shaneo but it just made me decide to say
> something).

Did you ever think that maybe they couldn't afford to advertise? ECW are in debt over $1,000,000, just $250,000 to Rob Van Damn alone! They can't afford the advertisement, and rely on word of mouth I suppose, or flyer handouts :0)

ECW is good, it's just a shame that it's not more available to casual fans.

Wed 27/03/02 at 07:30
"Guess who..."
Posts: 1,134
Congy, on some points there, it hurts me to say this, but I agree. Around that same time as you, I went off WWF. After about 8 months, like you, I started watching ECW. It was amazing. I’d never seen anything like it. I couldn’t believe that they even used barbed wire for ropes in some matches. It made me think more about the life ahead of me. I wanted to be a wrestler but these sort of matches just made me want to even more! I had pictures in my head, (I still have these). I wanted to be tombstoned by the Undertaker through the top of Hell in a Cell. If my death was to come because of wrestling, then that’s how I wanted to die. I wanted to be powerbombed through about 45 tables piled up to 40ft of the scaffolding. I wanted to have barbed wire as ropes in a match. But I figured, the only way to do it, was to start watching WWF again. I believed the storylines were better, the wrestlers were better, (I hardly thought about Tazz then!) and besides, that was where I wanted, and still do want my career! So I started watching it again. It’s a shame ECW went because I watched that too! But the pluses that the WWF had were a lot better. Ever since then I’ve never given up faith in them or the idea of becoming a wrestler myself. My parents have never believed in me, they’ve always put me down when I talked about becoming a wrestler, but I believe that if you put your mind, and body to it in my case, you can accomplish anything.

I’m Tazz.

PS. WWF Rules!!
Tue 26/03/02 at 22:16
"I am Bumf Ucked"
Posts: 3,669
ECW is responsible for the state of the WWF today.

You think we'd see those terrible WWF Hardcore matches if not for ECW?

ECW was a bloodsport, like foxhunting. People paid to watch people mutilate thier bodies.

Remember Mass Transit.
Sun 24/03/02 at 15:56
"Where's SR?"
Posts: 1,310
$h@ne0 wrote:
Most people on here haven't seen an
> ECW match, and sadly, are casual fans, who have been watching it for only 3 or 4
> years.

So because I haven't watched wrestling since I was 4 (11 years ago, I am sadly a casual fan). I have never had a channel which has ECW so sorry for being a casual fan. Maybe the post wasn't meant to be offensive, but it was.

A lot of people on the internet are ECW snobs who think they are better than every other wrestling fan because they watched ECW since forever. I just find it so annoying but then it's ECW's fault for me not watching them, not mine. If they were good enough they would have advertised. Maybe it was good but I can't do anything about that. Just try to leave off with those comments, OK. (It isn't really you that I'm complaining about, Shaneo but it just made me decide to say something).
Sat 23/03/02 at 22:44
Posts: 23,695
Ant wrote:
> But ECW was just too mad. I watched a few minutes of it and it was about 20
> wrestlers all sprawled around the arena, stomping the hell out of each-other and
> using mad, idiotic weapons.

I like to think of WWF as a sport, and I'm afraid
> a lot of what ECW produced did not go under that category.

True, WWF seem to
> specialise in the entertainment side of things more than the sport side now, but
> at least at events like WrestleMania they can have a lot of good, long proper
> wrestling matches,, not trying to get a big audience by using masses of weapons
> and blood.


ECW was like Ultimate Fighting, but with sharp objects and more than two people in the ring at the same time.

It was good though.... as those were the days that we could all enjoy wrestling.
Sat 23/03/02 at 20:47
"That's right!"
Posts: 10,645
Well either RAW or SmackDown (after the split) will have a big cruiserweight division

So expect a lot of these people to get drafted onto one of the shows next RAW - people like the Hurricane, Jeff Hardy, and new people they're gonna sign, and maybe even Josh from Tough Enough (he was pretty good)
Sat 23/03/02 at 20:43
Posts: 0
I have agreed for a long time that the WWF does indeed suck. I'm writing an ECW DVD review at the moment, and one page of Word is 3 or 4 minutes of an ECW match, but about 15 or 16 of a WWF one. Many of the main eventers just use punches and kicks in WWF, but in ECW they tend to vary their moves and execute 'daring' moves that WWF wouldn't dare try to evade injury. I'd rather see a 7-minute amazing Three Way Dance than a 25-minute + WWF slug fest. Remember, it's quality, not quanitity that matters. Most people on here haven't seen an ECW match, and sadly, are casual fans, who have been watching it for only 3 or 4 years. It's sad that there aren't more people on here who have been watching it for 11 years (or a long time, at least), where we can reminisce the good 'ol days. When WWF entered the attitude era, it went to hell. Women, blood and weapons is all that it is now. Sure, it's what makes ECW unique, but too much of it is just not healthy. Shawn Micheals having a great technical contest with Bret Hart is a) Better for you to watch b) Far more entertaining. If you casual fans don't believe me, order the tape and have a look - the title had a much better meaning then than it does now. Yokozuna's monosterous reign as Champion is far better than any of the 4-month crap that we have to put up with now.

If you took WWF's production value and ECW's wrestling, you'd have the best wrestling federation in the world, 'nuff said.

Rant over.
Sat 23/03/02 at 19:54
"Back in black"
Posts: 5,486
Ant wrote:
> But ECW was just too mad. I watched a few minutes of it and it was about 20
> wrestlers all sprawled around the arena, stomping the hell out of each-other and
> using mad, idiotic weapons.

I like to think of WWF as a sport, and I'm afraid
> a lot of what ECW produced did not go under that category.

Heh, I agree with you! ECW bored me abit. It was crazy yes, but it was over the top and just didn't seem to intrest!
Sat 23/03/02 at 18:54
"One More Chance"
Posts: 6,887
Yes but you have not seen the cruiserweight (sp) matches, on Massacre on 34th street they had a great match, Tajiri and Mikey Whipwreck Vs Super Crazy and Kid Kash, great match, not all weapons, although they were very inventive with chairs and there was a hoonacunrana of the top rope, onto the outside through a table, amazing, best match on the card. The problem with ECW is that leading in 2001 there main events sucked.

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